Drexyl's picture
  • 2k

+ 10 Small grab


Just a small quick pack in case things get dicey after the election. Thanks Yoked!

Ordered from: 
anvil's picture

Get more !!!!

Drexyl's picture

It’s in the grand plan. Masteron and anavar are next. I just made an unrelated purchase so they’ll have to wait.

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anvil's picture

Got ya..I got ya for at least a good 5 years of need be.

Drexyl's picture

Much appreciated my bro

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Putting in another order tonight! Debating what to try next

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Drexyl's picture

Right? I look at the menu like I’m ordering food. Rub my chin and everything

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Checking tracking and waiting for the package to arrive is the closest I have felt to being a child on Christmas again honestly. Nothing like SRCs who care about us!

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IronBug's picture

You ain't lyin bro! Nothing comes in the mail that excites me like gear TD. Not my check, not a birthday card, not my 3 thousand dollars worth of bike parts that showed up last week, gets me as excited as this stuff lmao.

Drexyl's picture

Thanks buddy, I’m out of thumbs up already. Yeah, there’s only a few sources I’m fond of, Yoked is one of them for good reason.

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press1's picture

Building up the Inventory again eh??!! Does Yoked do DBol inject?

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Drexyl's picture

I just looked and didn’t see it. You know how the sources are though, if enough guys ask they usually oblige lol

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Jockstrap's picture

Thats a fun stack! I liked cyp about 600 npp 350.

Drexyl's picture

Can’t go wrong, I’m also sitting on plenty of dbol, protein powder, food. Anything dumb happens, I’ll come out of lockdown fucking buffed lol

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DeeMan's picture

You honestly thinking something gonna happen?

I need to get my protein too. Been out awhile

Drexyl's picture

Being realistic, I’m about 70/30 that nothing will happen, but that’s just the election. People are forgetting we’re stepping on all the Arabs toes, Russia, China, and there’s a 70/30 chance that the USD is going to take a shit. If, and it’s big if, one of these straws breaks the camels back, it’s not going to be like in the movies. It will be very gruesome. Pro tip, 6 drops of unscented bleach for every gallon of water. Let it sit for 2 hours and stir occasionally. It should smell ever so slightly of the bleach. Run it through a britta filter if you have one to improve the taste. If the faucets go off, rain and your local stream or creek are going to be it.

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ChuckThaDuck22's picture

If shit hits the fan I’m literally taking anyone else’s water to replenish me my family or the few on my team.

Access to firearms is just as important when this shit hits the fan is to keep taking by force if needed

I will also hit all the pharmacies

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DeeMan's picture

Ok. I'm sure they'll just let you take it from them without any issues whatsoever. Won't even put up a fight lol. No problem at all. But seriously hope it doesn't come down to that

ChuckThaDuck22's picture

I barter with items that people need, not total anarchy, but persuasion and then keeping the females safe is priority

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Then once we have acquired a good amount of females, we trade the 7’s and below for more quality real estate(8’s & up)… end up with a couple dozen Playboy Bunny level girls surrounding/servicing you?

King Shit.

The Dan Bilzerian of the Apocalypse

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DeeMan's picture

You use the ole barter system. I can see that

ChuckThaDuck22's picture

Gasoline for water

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DeeMan's picture

That ain't right. Not at all

smurfdude1234567's picture

I think something much larger scale would have to happen for us to completely revert to apocalypse survival mode haha.

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DeeMan's picture

Yeah that will be in the future, not quite yet. If we thought covid was bad just wait to see the panic mode when it really goes down. Covid was just a wake up call of what's to come. That's just what I believe.

Drexyl's picture

This is why I keep a small collection of firearms, plenty of ammo, and lots of practice and training. I just got a USP45, always wanted one, finally got around to it. Pistol #6 in my current collection.
“Yo homie, is that my briefcase?” IYKYK

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ChuckThaDuck22's picture

Just like the Fanny pack you’re wearing is outta date… whammm motherfucker

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smallsmoothballsack's picture

This is it. Shit hits the fan you need plenty of ammo.

Drexyl's picture

It’ll be as good as currency as well

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DeeMan's picture

I already figured you did. You didn't even have to tell us that. We know you stay ready so u don't have to get ready. You the man Drexyl

Drexyl's picture

Look at the movie thread lol, that doesn’t include full magazines that are ready to go

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Rosschestzip's picture

What if your water has lead and other metals in it. My sink water isn’t safe for drinking. I mean they said it’s technically safe but then they tell us we should be getting lead tests and stuff because of how high it tests in our water, so we just don’t drink it but let’s say we don’t have bottled water, nothing will pull the metals out of the water right?

Owes a Review × 1
Drexyl's picture

Your be surprised my bro. They won’t get everything, and do nothing for bacteria, that’s what the bleach is for, but they’re effective at removing chlorine, zinc, mercury, cadmium, and a couple others. Nothing for lead, but if shit is hitting the fan you’ll be dead long before the lead gets ya. I’m no doomsday prepper, but I feel everyone should have everything they need for a month, even a natural disaster can knock things down for that long. And please, please please please, practice your 2nd amendment rights.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Unfortunately I think I’ve lost my 2nd amendment right BUT if you pay attention to rap and prison culture, you may have seen recently 2 federal gun cases have been dismissed because they argued that not allowing felons to have guns was unconstitutional and they WON so that law may be changing soon. They won because the crimes they were conficted of were non violent and were not even considered illegal when they wrote the 2nd amendment so therefor it should disqualify them from protecting themselves. And they won, so possibly in the near future non-violent felons may be able to own firearms again.

Also the reason I said I THINK I lost it, is because I plead guilty and then later the case was reopened and dismissed. In my home state of Massachusetts, the local police need to approve the gun liscnse and that would never happen for me. Now In the new state I live, I might be able to get one but I’m not sure

Owes a Review × 1
ChuckThaDuck22's picture

Push comes
To shove
Lookout for yourself first, fema and Red Cross aids the higher taxed high income cities like mine and disregards the swamps of Louisiana, it should be more fair,

La riots were the Wild West, the way it went down was correct, completely lawless you have to survive at some
Point all social morality leaves and you survive like prison

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Drexyl's picture

Reality. A lot of people aren’t ready for that.

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DeeMan's picture

Well what you said could possibly come to being reality but I surely hope that's not the case but eventually something will happen, Drex you and I know it's inevitable and we both know no one man or woman can stop what's to come. We both grew up hearing about World War 3 and for a damn good
reason lol. But this is the world we're living in. Gotta adapt.

IronBug's picture

Don't scare me! I thought the toilet paper shortage was bad. This would be 100 times worse. I can use just about anything to wipe. But there is no substitute for this stuff! I have enough to last me around 2.5 years. But yall are making me think that I should increase my stockpile!

DeeMan's picture

Back in the day, once upon a time folks used leaves to wipe. Now isn't that something? How spoiled we are nowadays. Well man whatever happens happens. You know how that is

Drexyl's picture

We’ve become complacent, rely too much on technology and convenience.

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DeeMan's picture

100% my man. No doubt. These are facts u state.

ChuckThaDuck22's picture

I don’t think you two above me have been to reliant, I think that when shit it’s the fan you’ll both be able to thrive.

I do have enough gear to stockpile for low dose
Maintenance for well over three years,

Pops is on call with an arsenal of about 6 handguns and 15 rifles.

I will be alright and thrive if the shit hits the fan, no kids to tend too

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SeeOhShow's picture

I think I’m covered for the next 5 elections lol…still buying though. I’m a shopaholic…

IronBug's picture

I have 2.5 years worth, and that seems like a lot to me. You have 20 years worth!? Are you willing to adopt me!? lmao

Triggerman83's picture

packs bring happiness!! lol

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DeeMan's picture

You would think Ole Saint Nick came down their chimney when they were well asleep lol. That's how it goes though!

Drexyl's picture

Man you’re not kidding. Especially when it gets close, definitely some excitement involved. The love and thunder will be given the old college try this weekend

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Drexyl's picture

And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. I’m good for a while myself. Could use some masteron though…

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SeeOhShow's picture

Winter is coming so I’m getting ready for my yearly splurge of HGH. Thinking of buying 2,000 IU this time. Enough to run 5IU a day all year.

Drexyl's picture

I like that idea, 5IU wasn’t kind to me though. It’s really my fault though. Started on 2IU, it was noticeable, 3IU even more so, then I jumped up to 5IU, too fast. I felt great but my vitals got wonky.

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