Kaladryn's picture
  • 10

+ 5 Sciroxx Genotropin Bloodwork


Top is baseline, bottom is after 2 weeks on 1.8iu (0.6mg) per day.

Note that I only did 1.8iu IM 3 hours before the GH test, not the standard 10iu.

Also note that I have a prescription for GH and these results are consistent with my prescription.

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JohnConner1776's picture

Are the Somas as good as they were in the past?

Owes a Review × 3
drock18's picture

Novos are legit. I just ordered some more myself. Thanks for posting.

Big Tone36's picture

Nice, thanks for posting. Karl gear and GH always good

Makwa's picture

I wouldn't expect anything less from Sciroxx. You should also try the somas.

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