Drock_357's picture
  • 193

+ 2 Pre cycle bloodwork


Planning a test e anadrol provi cycle soon, so this is the pre bloods numbers...
I am concerned about the glucose # tho, even tho it's only 1 point out of range....not sure if fasting or caffeine has any effect on this or not, ...I was fasting 12 hrs and did have some coffee 45 mins or so before the test...
Stopped pre workout ( contains creatine) 1 wk prior
I do have a higher protein diet also....roughly 1.25- 1.5g per lb of body weight
Almost 49yrs old...
There will b a couple pre cycle pics in the self pic section also..( not very tech savvy or I would include a link to them ) ...
Any input on these #'s would b helpful, as I will also be researching this before any aas is used

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Drock_357's picture

Appreciate you all taking the time to leave a comment ....

Drock_357's picture

A good diet, low stress, happy wife, and some good ol fashion hard work does wonders!

Makwa's picture

I wouldn't be worried about anything. Nothing real alarming.

EagerToLearn's picture

caffeine def has some impact on blood glucose levels, it is glycogenolytic