posted Thu, 08/19/2021 - 17:00
+ 2 Para pharm test E250 for ugfreak
Quick T/A from UGfreak...gtg Para pharma test e 250
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Quick T/A from UGfreak...gtg Para pharma test e 250
I switched from test E 300 to your Para Test 250. I haven't done bloods yet, but I have noticed a difference in the last 3 weeks. In term of mental wellness, drive in the gym, and sex drive. Events ought my doses per week should have been the same per MG. Definitely good products
I’m having crazy ass PIP with same
Lot PP test e 250! Anyone else?
I did 2ccs, don't even notice it at all
Damn, crazy, I guess I’ll try a different vial to see if same reaction. My quad looked deformed and twice the size of my other quad. Hurt so fucking bad to walk. That was only 1.5cc. And i had already been pinning quads with zero pip from diff lab. Never had issues with parapharma before though.
How'd it work out for you?
I started pinning the 400 and still some pip but not as bad as the 250 , probably since less oil to get same dose. I think I react to the BA.
Got no answer, I did 2ccs last night and don't notice any pip at all. Maybe try your glutes with one cc see hownl that works out
Para is gtg
Nothing but quality right there.
Need to try some para pharma myself:)