Soulja's picture
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+ 13 Packing on that mass!


So I'm changing gears with the season and I'm looking to pack on some lean gains. This summer I got down to the lightest I've been in years. From my starting point in March I was 245. Last week I was 215. That's a successful summer of cutting as far as I'm concerned. I learned a lot but the biggest thing I took away is that I need more mass and I need to bring up some lagging body parts for better symmetry. I'm currently running Primo E at 1g per week. 500mg Test E per week, and I just started Anavar at 40mg per day. So it still looks like a cutting cycle right? Here's the big change. I'm now using hgh at 8-10iu EOD, as well as MGF and Mecasermin IGF-1. My diet and training protocol have changed. I'm doing a 4 day split routine for resistance training along with 2-3 30-45min cardio sessions per week while consuming around 4000 calories. Mostly eggs, chicken, seafood and steak with loads of vegetables. Carbs mainly come from rice and pasta but I do have some cheat meals here and there and I think every single one of them shows! Lol it's awful when you get super cut because you gotta keep the strict discipline or watch it fade a little. Anyway I just wanted you guys to see my progress. I still have a long way to go. Have a good week and keep grinding!

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Soulja's picture

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exoticnfit's picture

Sa Kur-ty...nothing wrong with a post and dump!

Look forward to the next ones!

alekaras's picture

swoleeeee brother your going steady to freak status!! +++

Soulja's picture

Thanks brother! That's the plan lol

stang77's picture

Looking good+1

Soulja's picture

Thanks bro!

exoticnfit's picture

Gainzville coming!

Soulja's picture

Next stop Gainz City! I'm just trying to get swole like you bro! Then Imma change my handle to exoticnswole 2.0 lol jk

Livelife76's picture

Big gains coming your way no doubt keep killin it man great definition +2

Soulja's picture

Thanks bro! I'll take all the gains I can get.

GrowMore's picture

Dense looking mofo! Looking forward to the update at the end of your bulk.

Owes a Review × 1
Soulja's picture

Thank you brother! I'll be posting the final product.

press1's picture

Just out of interest do you include calories from normal drinks into your daily count? I wasn't sure as to whether people generally do or not or if its just from food they class as relevant.

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Soulja's picture

I'm gonna be brutally honest here. I've tried keeping track but in the the middle of summer when I'm pounding back Monster, Red Bull, Bang, Body Armor and Gatorade by the case I try to be mindful of the sugar and calories but in many cases I don't count them all towards my macros because the shit gets depressing. I can drink all my calories for a day on a cut way too easily. I'm no pro, or even amateur bodybuilding competitor....yet anyway, and a brother like me gets thirsty in this heat lol. In all seriousness though, if I reach some of these goals I'm after and feel comfortable competing in a NPC Physique competition, then I would really tighten up and indulge less. I have to really strive to even get close to 4000 calories some days but I have no doubt all the drinks likely put me well over that. It's just not the type of calories I'm trying to consume for fatloss or muscle growth.

press1's picture

I hear you mate! Smile For me I like it when its hotter in that respect as I'm always cramming my drinks with extra dextrose for carbs and calories to try gain weight so it makes it easier for me to get double the amount down someday's as opposed to cold winter days! Lol Although ultimately you normally just end up having more of an appetite in that case don't you. +

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Soulja's picture

Good thing most of us are bulking in the winter! Coffee really helps me in the cold weather. I've found some good ones I can drink black and enjoy. Plus I can eat all those extra calories I didn't drink.

Muffins's picture

I hope most do. I’m still trying to figure out how I can accurately count my chicken marinade. Until I do, no marinade for me.

Soulja's picture

Lol stop the madness! You gotta jump on that McCormick's Grill Mates. I use a variety of them for all kinds of stuff. Bolthouse Farms has some Balsamic that is super legit, 0 cal, 0 fat.

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

+1looking big brother...i love primo it's great stuff

Owes a Review × 1
Soulja's picture

Thanks D! Yes sir, Primo is where it's at. It's easy on the system and polishes up the physique nicely.

tattoofreak's picture

Looking great, bro +2

Soulja's picture

Thanks bro! Always room for improvement.

Sneakerzilla's picture

Lookin great brother and your run sounds great as well. I bet at 1 gram of primo and 500mg of test you feel great.

Owes a Review × 1
Soulja's picture

Thanks brother! I'm getting there. It really is a great cycle. Primo is definitely one of my favorites. I think DHT based compounds in general are feel good steroids that also make favorable changes to your physique.

maddogg's picture

Looking big AF! One of the most expensive cycles I’ve seen, I take it you must have a pretty good Job, or I hope you do anyway. Good luck with the lean gains, I’m confident you’ll obtain them.

Soulja's picture

That's where my sources come in brother! Each one of them provide me with quality products that I trust and can afford. I've scoured the Earth to find the best of the best and that's real reason I can afford to run this cycle. All 3 sources I have up there have recently had or have promos with everything from huge discounts to store credit. I do have a great job but Eroids is what helps me make this happen.

maddogg's picture

That’s awesome man!

Diesel-1's picture

Good job bro +

Soulja's picture

Thanks Diesel! I'm just trying to get like you bro.