AhVeryStrongGuy's picture
  • 6

+ 5 One week into the test e D bol cycle


No sides yet. No pip. Diet is good. Cut back on hours at work to put more work in. I'm a army vet so I'm still good. Too early for the test e to have kicked in so I assume water but then again my strength is out of this work. Squats have always been my weakness but I got two reps of 405 today so I'm progressing slowly. Thanks GP labs.

Ordered from: 
AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

Rep 405 for squats for 6 and people swear your on steroids


(Whisper I am)

Little mid week up update...Test E must of have kicked in 244lb and 315 feels like 225lb on bench...for all those bench lover...you know what I mean. Still no sides....I get very annoyed tho.

helloBrooklyn's picture

You're so vein. You probably think this post is about you.

Genetically lucky bastard lol

Makwa's picture

I guess I'd rather see actual body pics showing progress than a pic of a scale.

AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

I've added a small torso shot of me at 229lb (left) 235lb right

Makwa's picture

Much better than a pic of the scale. lol

AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

Also man I see you have a lot of experience. I appreciate any advice you have man. I'm all about being coachable.

Running only 4 weeks of 50 MG ed of D bol

And 500mg of Test e 12 weeks

Makwa's picture

I can help with diet/training advice but not AAS use.

AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

No that's perfect man....I personal feel like if your man enough to use then you should do your own research and self evaluation anyway.

AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

Is there a limit to the amount of pictures you can post within a 24 hour period. I did indeed take a small progress collage I put together from 229lb to about 235lb

Makwa's picture

You can add multiple pics to the post. Just go to edit it and then select another item to add additional pics.

AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

I understand brother I got you. (Noob mistake)

GetPumped.is's picture


helloBrooklyn's picture

That's a fair bit of weight gained in one week. How much dbol you running again?

AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

I'm only running 50mg ED because I'm still a noob to orals

I think I its my training. I'm training with guys who run harsher cycles and have more muscle maturity then me...like 10+ year of pro building so I'm learning a lot. I'll take self portraits after I learn how to finally pull my fucking lats out smh.

Nizzzen's picture

'Only' 50mg what the fuck that's a lot, I'm pretty sure almost zero pros would take more

AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

Well based on MY research I have been recommended by many more experienced cycle vets that 50 is basically the beginning number for a beginner. That's my research. I've read about pros running 75 to 200 mgs of it so I'm pretty sure my dosage is mild compared to most.

Nizzzen's picture

I don't doubt that. Although I'm sure you won't gain much from it, in fact mostly sides. Different thing would be oxys where 50mg or 200mg will get u definitely different gains. I don't happen to know the top elite but do know 2 German pro card holders under 40yrs. And both are really careful about orals and general take a lot less than many big guys in the gym. One of them hasn't touched gh for 4 yrs now and almost kept his mass complete. Just sayin other than Bostin loyd claims, it's not just drugs

helloBrooklyn's picture

Lol are you serious?

Nizzzen's picture

There is no need to take more than 50mg. Much better stronger products out there with less visible sides. Of courses there will be ppl taking 200mg a day. But the pros want to continue for years in this business and 100mg of dbol wont do. that. Just bc some clowns like Boston loyd claim u need to do huge amounts it's just not true. Lee priest is pretty honest (I wouldn't think he's lying) and what he took seems silly compared to that what lots of amateurs do

helloBrooklyn's picture

We're talking about pros here. Men and women who live and breathe bodybuilding. People who depend on contest purses and sponsorship deals to eat. As Branch Warren said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "if you told me I would look better eating dog shit, I'd be eating dog shit." 50 mg is the higher end of gym rat doses. And a lot of pros who are public about their use are interested in harm reduction. I don't want to high jack AVSG's thread. I'll leave it at that.

AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

Regardless nova and aromasin is on deck. My diet is as strict as possible down to the most smallest detail including how late I eat. I'm not holding water but I blame that on genetics because I've never been chubby. Ive always been cut. I'll post a picture of my current physic.

helloBrooklyn's picture

I hope you don't think I meant dbol is the only reason you're gaining the weight. I don't doubt for a second that you're working hard.

helloBrooklyn's picture

"Only?" 50 mgs ed is a decent dose. I see why you gained the weight.

I always dreamed of having lats so big you see them from the front. Like Dorian. What. A. Back.

One day we will, my friend.

Swole's picture

Very nice bro, keep killing it

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AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

Thanks man I appreciate it.

daksmack's picture

9lbs in 1 week, dam, keeping eating that kitchen good job

Owes a Review × 2 In a promo × 1
AhVeryStrongGuy's picture

Man. I'm killing the eating portion. I have remind myself to pin and take my orals because I'm always eating....tonight I'm eating

1 pound of turkey
Two cups of rice
Two cups of beans
One whole red bell pepper
and the 1340 mass gainer shake from GNC (1340 cals)

Trying to kill it man.