ddp2727's picture
  • 32

+ 3 Nytexlabs promo order


3 test E 500
3 deca
3 tren
1 test E 250

Mainly just wanted to try out the T500 as I cruise with 200mg a week. Those .2cc biweekly injection just sound nice lol. Then the deals were just too good to pass up on the other items, and the test 250 was a freebie without a reason given, I'm not complaining there. This guy has the fastest T/A I've ever experienced btw. Semi frightening how fast it got here.

Ordered from: 
POWERHOUSE34's picture

nice brother, enjoy +1

Dangerdave88's picture

Nice order bro +1

NicholasNytex's picture

I was actually waiting outside your house in the bushes. Thank god I guessed right on your order or I would have to go back and get different stuff.

ddp2727's picture

Was that you dressed as Tony the Tiger?

Livelife76's picture

He hand delivers ever pack lol Nice order brotha +1