Karubu's picture
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+ 3 November Update


I went to the dietitian the today and got my measurements from the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) scale (not precise but a nice gauge to have).

Height: 173cm
Age: 42
Weight: 72.3kg
Body fat: 18%
Skeletal muscle: 40.9%
Visceral fat: 6

Gear: NO (not yet)

Low carb days (4 times per week)
Protein 200g
Carbs 110g
Fats 85g
Calories 2005

Moderate carb days (2 times per week preferably on leg days)
Protein 200g
Carbs 170g
Fats 55g
Calories 1975

On refeed day per week
Protein 200g
Carbs 450g
Fats 40g
Calories 2960

I'm doing cardio (brisk walking on treadmill) in the morning 4-5 times a week, strength training 4 times a week.

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guitarplayer1's picture

Awesome job Karubu! You're almost there, stick it out one more month and finish off the year strong! In the meantime (besides the hard work your doing) get a full blood panel done and ask for everything! Start planning a approach with your diet that focuses on muscle building. If anything is deficient on your bloodwork then fix it. +2 to you and a shoutout to Dacky

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

How much have you lost so far?

Dacky's picture

He's done very well and lost quite a bit. Even from his first pic and he had lost some by then. I do think at some point and probably quite soon he should take a bit of a diet break and go to maintenance or into a small surplus to see how he responds. Following a cyclical approach of surplus periods and shorter deficit periods. Would be interested in your thoughts on this or just continue to plug away at the fat loss!

Makwa's picture

I really don't know the specifics of what has been done so far but this is a pretty standard approach that I would use to maximize fat loss during an extended cut.


Sounds like there have been refeeds in the mix so insulin sensitivity shouldn't really be an issue nor should a decrease in metabolism. If the diet is still working, by that I mean dropping 1-1.5 lbs/wk (without sacrificing muscle) then just keep on doing what is working. I think the refeeds are probably saving you since you have been on a pretty long diet.

Pretty soon you are going to be getting to the point where it time to start going the other way and building muscle. I think you are pretty close if not there already. Don't flame me for saying this but I think you might be ready for a recomp instead of just trying to lose. 99% of the time recomps are just foolish but I think you fall in that 1% that can make it work. First of all you have a lot of room to put some lean body mass on so it should go on rapidly given the right stimulus and diet and if you start losing to much more you are just going to be skin and bones. You also seem to be at the point in body composition where it is to be more beneficial to start actually putting on more lean body mass to help rev up the metabolism and fat burning machine then continually trying to lose more weight. So I would think that given your current body composition that if you get the right diet going (just slightly above maintenance) with the right combo of training stimulus with progressive overload coupled with some cardio you should be able to put on some good muscle and drop a little bit of fat. Your are going to have to see how this works for you and will need to track fairly accurately to see if it is panning out so I would recommend testing bodyfat with calipers on a weekly basis. I just feel you will have a quicker body transformation trying this out looking at where you are now. Even you just start gaining muscle your bodyfat will inherently become lower so I think it would be a win win situation for you. When the lean body mass starts piling on then you will need to crossover into a more conventional bulk mode because recomp mode is just going to be to slow at some point. That point should become pretty evident though so cross it when it comes.

Dacky's picture

Excellent advise and points there fella. Thanks for helping me think out of the box for Karabu. I've been helping him on his journey and would like to keep going. I'll help him put he macros together for the recomp and a decent progressive overload based training program and take it from there assuming he is keen. Will keep you posted and reach out if needed. Thanks again.

Makwa's picture

This is like an exact carbon copy. I just looked at Karabu's weight and think an all out bulk might be inline instead of recomp See what he is up for, either way should work.


Karubu's picture

Hi Makwa

I read the "skinny-fat" post, and you're right; that sounds like me. I'm up to going to the next stage. I wouldn't flame you; you guys have gone before me and know what you're talking about, so I am here to listen and appreciate all your guys help.

Dacky's picture

Yes I agree. I think he needs to put on some muscle now. Although the BIA scale says his BF is still "high" I think this is misleading due to a number of factors and he's primed now. We will monitor closely and we can move to short periods of deficit if we feel like fat is coming on too fast. Done right I believe he can add a good deal of muscle before we need to worry about that. Will be great to start building a base of strength too. I'm going to put a suggestion together this weekend and see how we go. Thanks again mate.

Makwa's picture

Look into the cyclic bulking approach

Karubu's picture

My journey began almost 2 years ago at 101kg, so almost 30kg. At the beginning of 2016 I was around 88kg. I didn't really figure out what was right for me until this year.

edit: 2016, not 2015