IronMind's picture
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New Qtropin/Insubolic stack!!


Man I tell you what I'm very happy with another 2 day T/A special! RS made a new SKU combo for Qtropin and Insubolic, so bam these landed quickly on cold packs. Very professional packed with instructions for dosage and usage, very important since us Meatheads can't do math sometimes lol...even I saw the chart and had reassurance dosing!

I'm going to run 4ius day hGH split and 200mcg of IGF for 25 I must add I did my research and this is vastly different than DES/LR3...if you had any results on peptides then this is next level shit right here...pure IGF for human use!! Plus the Qore cold case (not pic) from my last order makes this perfect to hit your dosages the right time daily. Fountain of youth here I come baby!! Excited to try these the next few months!

Ordered from: 
Bucknaked's picture

Insubolic is back in stock and there's nothing like it...

IronMind's picture

Take your all your hGH (2-3ius) in the morning fasted. Then use the 100mcg × 2 a day. One dose of 100mcg with a larger carb meal. And the other 100mcg dose you can use pre-workout (only if you're drinking a carb drink like Gatorade/Karbolyn etc....then drink your post workout shake) or I prefer using the dose with my postwork meal.

Hercules_KB's picture

If my math is correct for INSUBOLIC, 200mcg/day that's equal to 1 vial ( 1000mcg per vial) every 5 days ... Right?

Hercules_KB's picture

Oh i thought 5ml x 1000 means each 5ml has 1000mcg which means 200mcg per 1ml ... Cuz usually you see for example in gears, test e 300mg/ml x10, also i had hgh 5mg x 15IU per vial & when I confirmed I've been told the entire vial contain 15IU... That's why I was confused... Thank you!

IronMind's picture

Yes, I'm a fan of Sub-Q for a more systematic effect (whole body). Some ppl tho have been experimenting by shooting IM on bilateral muscle groups for a localized rhIGF-1 effect to increase muscle tissue or stimulate new growth(hypertrophy/hyperplasia). Like 50mcg/50mcg right bicep/left....or pecs.

Bucknaked's picture

Your gonna love it

ECinfidel's picture

You mentioned you're running gear. Have you run this combo sans gear? What's the general consensus on running this between cycles as a bit of a bridge?

IronMind's picture

That's the best time ppl would use IGF between cycles to hold size and help with recovery. I'm a fan of taking a break of any substances. But, yes this Insubolic is great in terms too, cause towards a show some bodybuilder stop growth because the water retention, this IGF could really change things up! Because you load it with food and holds your body more stable IMO recovery wise, and not loosing precious muscle during being in a catabolic state with dieting. I'm still playing around it's only been week on Qtropin and just stated Insubolic for 4 days.

ECinfidel's picture

Yeah that's kind what I was thinking regarding holding onto some gains, etc. Good to know.

exoticnfit's picture

I don't come off.

HRT for life at min.

I've run the gear sans the combo and sans INSUBOLIC so I have a decent idea of how it will work as I get my nutrition on point.

This past weekend I have not trained and likely under 3000cals per day. I'll get back on eating as needed tomorrow.

Lots on the brain and needed a little time out...besides my body got its ass kicked hitting 237lbs so damn fast and at 233lbs as of right now my body is saying "slow and steady old fucker". =)

maddogg's picture

Does the insubolic not degrade over the 25 days the vial will last? I thought igf1 compounds didn’t last quite that long. At least igf1 lr3. Does it have some kind of preservative in it?

exoticnfit's picture

200mcg/day is 25days for 1x vial of Insubolic...even if it was a concern=)

RS suggested 200mcg and I opted to start at 100mcg to see how MY body reacted to a product that is far better than what peptide versions most of us have used or had access to in the past.

With this being a redesigned version of IGF-1 with similarities to Increlex, INSUBOLIC made me pause for caution on just cramming in what the recommended dose may be for most. At some point I feel confident I could do 300mcg/day but it's about whether more is better and how much "more" works best for the individual while minimizing sides.

Its why I called it the EXPERIMENT. My goal is to see how it works synergistically with what I am currently using, what I may add and what happens when I increase INSUBOLIC itself to over 200mcg which seems to be what has been tested solely.

I do not know of anyone who has used more and if so, whether or not the additional amount gave greater results without compromising health/side effects.

So far so GREAT!!!

maddogg's picture

Cool, thanks for the tip! Keep us posted on how it works out for you.

roidsource's picture

Ironmind is right, the formula is different, it won't degrade even if you leave it in the fridge for a few years.
That's a huge advantage if we compare Insubolic to Increlex, which won't stay stable long after reconstituion.

P.S. LR3/DES shouldn't be injected into human body till it's pharmacokinetics is studied and researched and proven it to be effective and safe. There're only assumptions based on how the peptides may work in a human body based on how the cells responded to it in a testing tube.

IronMind's picture

Quote from RS:
Insubolic IGF-1 is not a peptide, Lr3/Des peptides are some dangerous, never researched chemicals that should be left in a lab for guinea pigs, HUMANS, you now have access to LEGIT IGF-1. It's a game changer. Use it....responsibly =) Gotta have to keep posting this, cuz after years of peptide scams bro's lost faith in some meds.

I believe it has the same matrix as the hGH does because that would also degrade fast after being reconstituted only a few days. Just like with peptides...this compound is unique & protected from fragmenting or degrading it seems....great question!

maddogg's picture

Thanks Bro.

exoticnfit's picture

You are going to have some great results with the Insubolic.

My experiment with it, the HGH and my other gear is running far ahead of schedule.

Literally having to slow down on the gear as my mass gains are coming quicker than my body can handle properly.

You can find it on roidsource's website forum.

Have fun and may want to start at 100mcg at first (I did for my first of two weeks) to see how your body reacts. Mixing HGH with Insubolic or taking them separately had two distinct differences for me.

I get into it in my post on RS's forum and on here in the advanced section.

IronMind's picture

Thank you for the words brother! I'm thrilled, even more now I can see how your protocol was. I'll def get on the RS forum and advanced section for more info. I actually was going to start at 100mcg (almost wasn't) so thanks for the heads up! Did you split that at all 50mcg/50mcg? Or all one punch?

exoticnfit's picture

100mcg all at once.

200mcg when I mixed with HGH was 100mcg x2

200mcg all at once now that I separate HGH and INSUBOLIC.

press1's picture

Exotic is currently doing a big experiment with those 2 in the Advanced compounds section ....

I really wanna try that Insubolic but too much for me atm :(

In a promo × 1
IronMind's picture

Thanks for the info! Hopefully I'll be the next BIG experiment when I'm done lol! Yeah usually for that cost, I'm more keen on stocking up on hGH/more gear, but since I'm trying Qtropin first time figured I'd combo it and see what's up? Looks way too interesting... hopefully a promo may be in the works!

exoticnfit's picture
