Ironforged's picture
  • 86

+ 10 My chemistry project


Got a pack of cyp from muscle depot and finally got around to making my test for my next cycle at 250/ml. The crimp job looks like shit but best I could do with a spoon lol

Ordered from: 
naxhma's picture

2 filled to top, 2 filled lower than apex of bottle.


hahah +1 Smile

Ironforged's picture

Lol they'll even out in the long run, thanks for the +1!

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Big Mak's picture

Impressive bro, Wish you offered a cooking class +1

Ironforged's picture

It's simple brother! Thought it would be harder than it is, and can't beat a bottle of test for $10 and truthfully this might be the best long estered test I've ever ran

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jgpinto101's picture

Nice, same recipe I use.

Ironforged's picture

Thanks brother!

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NuclearMess's picture

Good looking test brother! Pure gold!! +1

Ironforged's picture

Thanks bro!

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SL's picture

Nice job +

Ironforged's picture

Thank you sir!

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LOKI 1's picture

Nice..whats the carrier..looks good +1

Ironforged's picture

Thank you sir! It's grapeseed oil, I like the color it gives it lol

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Weakclumzoof's picture

i also like the colour they look great best of luck with them