posted Thu, 01/23/2025 - 23:46
+ 9 Meta TD
Couldn’t pass the sale & added Bogo. This was my first order with META and I can not be happier. Packaged very well & professional. Paid Jan5th, shipped Jan8th arrived today!
Ordered from:
- Bookmark
- 9
- 0
Nice haul bro! Curious how that hgh treats you. I see you like deca. How long do you usually cycle that for ?
This one held since October. Week 15 now, week of Feb 3rd (or when current DHB vial ends lol) we pull back to a cruise protocol. 300mg test E, 320mg deca, 450mg mast E, 300mg DHB.
That’s solid, appreciate the reply. This is very similar to how I planned running a cycle with deca but without the DHB. Haven’t done enough research to want to try DHB.
I have had lots of luck with deca. I have a few buddies that still fear the deca dick. Lmao. I try to explain there is now fear when doing labs and keeping balance. I added the DHB from recommendation from friend / coach. Was a solid addition to my journal. It took me a while of reading to find info worth while.
In your opinion, what do people get wrong that causes deca dick? Too high of a dose? Not managing e2 or prolactin?
So this is for you and Trigger. So deca dick is known to happen but no one has really found a solid reason why that I know of. A couple things, of course prolactin increases but also deca converts to dihydronandrolone, which is a weaker version of deca. Less androgenic. Similar to testosterone converting into DHT which is more androgenic.
Don’t think I’ve read that before, or I overlooked. Thanks for info! Curious what’s your best source for drug reference and info? I always end up searching aimlessly
Honestly a lot of info I kept in my head. I don't have any special place I look honestly. Various info out there but a lot of it contradicts one another sometimes which isn't good. Hell I'll give u an example, you'll find different info on half lives of Esters. Alot of bro science out there also
Thanks for the input. I have not heard this before. I have heard to monitor bloodwork for E2,prolactin,progesterone increase on deca cycles. Look forward to researching further.
What u heard is right. All mentioned can increase
Deca dick in my research was mainly from deca only cycles. I always run my a bit higher than my cruise dose and add deca to ramp up test level I have issues maintaining “good” high e2 level. I believe the deca is what helps give me some “good estrogen”.
Appreciate the info big guy. I have some npp that I’m running for the last cycle of the year. I’ll keep this in mind for the future.
That ace whooped me after 6 weeks I had enough at 35 a day lol good luck that some real deal shit lmao instantly winded after the like the 2nd day shit hit me hard.
I appreciate the heads up, I fooled around with some cut blends that had trenA & Test Prop. Test prop always gets me winded , which in the blend I was getting the test prop also. That was my learning of the downfall of “pre bottled blends” . I wanted to be able to “cocktail” my own blend. The sale was deal sealer for me ! lol
Strength went back through the roof I love the shit and you can pretty much eat through anything lol just the night sweats and being winded at work I can only put up with it for so long i love the compound I never get any crazy sides or aggression towards people always feel more euphoric on it honestly just fucks with my work too much.
right there with you brother, im blue collar labor. I work with my hands in a face paced shop. I learned quick about the tingling hands from GH and getting winded walking to my toolbox lmao.
You think you get winded from Test Prop bud? Wonder why that could be. I would agree that it can feel like that once it goes past 20 hours from the point of injection - it feels as if the testosterone leaves you quick although I have seen time graphs/studies saying that at 20 hours in you only have 50% of the Test left in your system. So when you think the prop only hits around 10 hours in then after 10 hours half of its burnt out its not great is it LOL Think how bad it is on Test Ace.
Part of my science project! I do well on slow burn stuff. However the tren E isn’t something I really want to mess with. Plan was to use slow esters and just cocktail the tren Ace in after test loads and e2 bumps.
I’m dying to try their tren! Next sale they have I’m jumping all over it.
That Tren A is legit bro......
that has been the word through the grapevine, im excited to have a sampling!
That's more than enough to get a good taste of the devil's asshole.
Lmao. Just a few quick licks! Lmao
Glad you finally getting some of that. I know your gonna like it but LMK what u think.
A good man once put me onto meta a Lil while ago now. So i pass it on. That man is right here in the comments to. Mr. Anvil . Lol
That was so long ago brother, and look I got another bestie out of it! LOL
appreciate you Mikey! got the Tren slated for 6weeks staring last week of may. gotta have that "POP" for the swim & tennis club opening!
Nice brother, the tren was to much for me. I tapped out. The GH comes wrapped like that it's not packaging so no reason to unwrap it for the picture. Have you used their GH? If so I need a report back !
im a sucker for a deal and @Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y swears by it! I couldn't pass on two for 21! lol I have not tried the GH. I have been reading a researching alot, as you & I have spoke about sources and production & reselling. I am going to research the process of sending sample for testing. I have not researched it, only heard guys talk about it. As nice as the packaging was, labeling / Branding ; stated they are manufacture. the icing would be a member posting test report. genuinely I have to thank @anvil & @Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y. for trying this source. I had my fair share of international packs in the past & had zero interest in doing international. this was a great experience.
Yeah I remember when they came to eroids and everyone told me its to cheap you are gonna get ripped off, I took a chance and I have been happy ever since.
Damn. All these TDs. Nice. O damn remove the plastic wrapping from those vials brother . Or just take them out of the picture
appreciate the heads up, not any shipping or packing material, just the blister packs.
just logged back on and saw your comment. Ok cool. Had to zoom in. I see u said It's your first experience with this src so keep us updated