Dcdan101's picture
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+ 2 Is my Deca Durabolin actually testosterone.....


I ran 500mg a week of test Enanthate for my first cycle and obtained a high of 2,050 testosterone level. This cycle I decided to introduce deca durabolin at 300mg a week, and for an experiment not run testosterone high and use a low dose of 250mg. Prolactin is low and absolutely no deca dick after 8 weeks on using caber and aromasin. From others experience just running testosterone of 250mg a week, have you been able to obtain over 3,000 testosterone levels? My first cycle was BP test Enanthate twice the doesage and half the results, was it that undersdosed? And is this normal or am I actually running 250mg of test, and another 300mg of test thinking it’s deca and it’s not. Any input appreciated.

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fbfreak985's picture

Iv heard the dragon test e is a bit over dosed. Plus a few buddys and myself have uses dragon test e and cyp and its always felt like its been pretty strong. In my opinion wqs thought BP was always correctly dosed and dragon to be over dosed. Just my opinion. Always better than under dosed but iv always like BP for being properly dosed. Even its other compounds.

Dcdan101's picture

Thank you buddy. Appreciate the feedback.

jp82088's picture

500mg on my Bayer Testovirons put me just over 3800 lol but then again each amp is 1.2ml so technically its like 600mg.

jp82088's picture

Yeah man it was wild..... I felt like a BULL hahahaha. Lean mass was coming on so effortlessly for me too.

jrod91384's picture

Hey rusty I have some BP test e. If I don't hit 3000 on 500 a week would you think it's underdosed. I just want a solid opinion from someone who would really know

Bearded_muscle's picture

How you pin, when you pin, when you test, and your own body will affect this. Some guys hit 1500 on 200 mgs a week. Some guys hit 750 on the same dose. It’s all relative. Only way to know is to build up test after test after test of research on yourself then compare that to new batches/labs to have an idea of if it’s dosed properly.

Dcdan101's picture

Thank you guys. I want to say it’s not that I’m doubting Dragon Pharma Deca, it’s just that I have been told deca will Not raise testosterone levels on a blood test by a IFBB coach. Also running .5mg of caber 2x a week for prolactin prevention and thought I would still have a little elevated prolactin on my blood test, but that is not even detectable either. Learning process I guess.

Dcdan101's picture

Yes my levels on 500mg of BP test Enanthate ONLY pinned TUESDAY/FRIDAY with bloods Saturday morning after 7 weeks put me at 2050. The same pinning and blood test time using 250mg of Dragon (and 300mg deca) put me at >3000. Hope that makes sense.

Bill G's picture


Give this a read. 19 nors will do some weird stuff.

My last cycle i tested 3460 total test on 350mg test and 300 mg deca

fbfreak985's picture

Yeah i think youre on point with the 125mg putting you at 1000. 125mg theraputic injection once a week puts you at a 1000 which is basically a natural person with genetically high test.