Pounds23's picture
  • 502

+ 3 Idk what title


Pics of my package from brutal primo seems to be lagit oil looks exactly the same as my other rimobolan labels look a tiny different but these are primobolan depot and the others are rimobolan so I would think there's be some difference in label they did register the barcode the ups as lagit along with the t4 now the lilly is up for debut tell u this looks very good if it's a knockoff the powder is very fine it's like a soild little puc the back water date doesn't match but the cartridge date matches the box date hopefully the pics I took will show this I did the best I could guys thanks again brothers I'll be starting to run it today 4ius a day.. hopefully these pics help guys I didn't do the front of the box cause I was getting agravatted cause it wouldn't fit there was also a pic I couldn't get where u tare the tab to open the box there's a serial number this is it.....SH476FSTR01... The 01 might be o pretty sure it's a zero though did my best guys

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twistedsister's picture

+1 for sharing bro now that's how you take pictures... the main thing I notice is the cartridge doesn't have the black stamp on it ?
Looks like as sauron said below some testing is going to be done.

Pale's picture

Good. Another source is also going to be chiming in and has volunteered to send in samples for SIMEC testing. I have a feeling not all of Brutal's gear is counterfeit. Lets all stay vigilant yet also patient while we figure this all out.