Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36
  • 2.6k

+ 5 Humatrope from CRAZYDOSER


My second time ordering these, I'm using strictly humatrope this cycle, these are the real deal. I've used some good generic GH with great blood test but theres nothing like true pharmaceutical grade products especially when it comes to purity and consistency.
I post a couple pics so you can see what the real kits look like. The serials will be different, the paper instructions will be on a thin type paper similar to Bible paper. Humatrope also has a distinctive smell one you mix it it has a hospital, medical office type scent. One thing with Crazydoser is you'll never need to worry about getting anything but a authentic genuine product. This guy has best selection and fastest t/a.

Ordered from: 
Makwa's picture

Nothing smells like Huma, it is unmistakable.

Big Tone36's picture

Yes I refrigerator immediately. CD also keeps his products in proper temperature condition too before shipping, I asked this.

Mike312's picture

Hey brother did you ever get igf bloods on these Humatrope 72iu ...agreed Crazydoser is top notch

Big Tone36's picture

Yes I am actually about to post. Stand by for a link

Mike312's picture


Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36's picture

I invested in pharmaceutical grade this cycle, I've had some good pay days at work to be able to afford to

Big Tone36's picture

Appreciate you bro

Diesel22's picture

Nice score. Those look like you just picked them up from a pharmacy!!!!

Big Tone36's picture

I'm sure they did come from a pharmacy...... somewhere lol