getting great gains of my cycle (test and deca cycle 500 mg of each compound.) just wanted to put quick post up for newbies and everybody really. i feel very in tune with my body and seem to feel gear as soon as it hits my blood depending on ester length of course. ANYWAY things i notice how to tell if my gears legit going by 500mg and above
euphoria, aggression, having to stop the car on the way to work for a wank, gym wanks, speed bump wanks, anxiety, mood swings, and a real feeling of confidence, also if u have sugar or salt in ur diet bloating and full stomach struggling to eat meals, but i run a sugar free diet on these compounds as i feel it stops any gyno symptoms i dont run any ai and i am prone to gyno hope this helps. would love to hear what yall think and maybe if u have any tips urself would love to hear
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might as well leave with a bang, see the button at the top left of the screen says eroids to the right of eroids, a we satlette thing, click go in and have alook at the response they have to people getting there money stole, the people who were slabbering to me are the people who are stelaling ur money, click, ur man moose juice siding with his friend who runs the site, sam i am, is the person who stole my money. wake up evrybody, so i understand now completely why there is no pictures of them there gangsters
You really are an idiot. The guy who says people are e mailing him know claims I’m a source. People see through your bs. Take your mid information and crawl back under your rock.
LOL, I guess I better keep an eye on you...
you in on it as well fag, iv went threw bigger men than u lot, use arent even men, just wimps sit on this shit and steal from the vunerable, real men! use will meet a real man some day and maybe learn some respect becuase mouths always get busted
Here we go again . Gonna rough us up through the computer with his boxing gloves. I love the homemade Mc Gregor haircut to...haven’t seen a fade like that since the early 80s. Hang ten bro...
Wow, this is a shit-show!
It’s sad, but entertaining when the OP is “challenged” like this one certainly is.
I do have a question back for the OP: How can you tell if your gear is 2 Legit?
Looking good bro. Great to see you're running conservative dosages with that condition.
We are all on the same side here mate, may not seem like it. It would be great to see you contribute more to this community. Might be worth winding your neck in a little.
Fuck this idiot contribute what wanking advice or a forum on rug burns on your hand
He didn't get to that size and condition by mistake. Admittedly he's got a ridiculous personality but he's new and doesn't know how things go around here, that kind of talk and behaviour is probably the norm in other forums.
He also uploaded a photo which in all fairness mate which many are yet to do. That takes guts.
ya wanna be like me gotta stop listening to people chating shit on here ie the skinny fat gang, i train like an athlete not a fat weezy bodybuilder, i am conditioned flexible and blood is full of oxygen, make nutrients getting to the muscles easier when u have conditioning, i run my body by how i feel, not on a 5 set schedule i train until im done if it takes 2 hours then i do 2 hours, or eating by the timer, i eat when i am hungry, as for the gyno ai thing, if my nipples get sensitive then il bite a quarter of a letrozole as and when needs be, been on my deca test cycle 6 weeks now, no probs with water retention which deca is renowned for, bloating or sensitive nipples,because i eat right, as food dose change the bdy chemistry. as for gear dose them boys running stupid amounts of gear is unnecessary, and as soon as u drop down to a dose like mine u will start to feel great and the gear will start working instead of flooding ur body with stupid amounts and then using tablets to counteract the bad sides. and thats aload of ballicks about ignorance is bliss, ignorance will get u no were in life
I was trying to throw you a life line but you're ship is sinking and you're wanting to take me with you.
As for wanting to look like you we are not miles apart fella so please stop being so arrogant.
aint being arrogant mate, im the only 1 with a picture up for a reason mate, im simply stating get away of this shit and stop listening to people who dont have a clue, then tell me i dont have a clue when all im doing is telling them how i run things, u seem decent bro but waste of time on this shite. im done last msg i get ma gear at if u have any sence ul purchase there aint a rep, same people who r giving u advice are stealing ur money as well they all have sites on here why do u think so controversial when someone mentions a good source, stop rolling with these clowns, fat money stealers in there 50s who use scare crows as avatars, burn more calories typing than they do in the gym. done adios!
thank u matey, i only responded to criticism bro to be honest wasnt looking for all that carry on. what do you do to contribute? also when u get good gear theres no need for over doing it, the negative sides out weigh the positives, im sitting in a lovely place at present feeling great, but if i push it to a gram of each compound i feel like shit, but again people will argue i am just stating my opinion threw experience. and no bud thats bullying but everybody now knows were they stand, not hear to chat shit just tell it how it is. people will c my dose as an amateur dose or whatever, later on in the cycle i will be adding different compounds and higher doses if needs be
She’s hot
oh ahy mate sorry forgot u want un educated people, so use can tell them a load of shite, forgot sorry! cant talk to sensible people either casue the skinny heard dont like it.
Hey man I ain’t disrespecting you, but you come off as a nut spouting off nonsense & acting fool cause someone shares a different opinion or because someone may have given a bad response. You just come in here putting everyone down & flapping a narcissistic attitude & that will get you absolutely nowhere man. I say you ignore all the crap & start over & try to make a few good friends instead of running everyone down. You might be bad in your neighborhood, but you ain’t bad in every neighborhood little brother. You look good man... keep putting the work in & grinding that grind
No hes banned im sure but first we get to have our fun and neg the dumb bitch made mofo
so am i in?
Sometimes don’t comment, just come to
Get laughs...... thanks fellas.
You know what you need ? A good ass fuckin
No homo
Where the fuck is that neg button for all that shit your talking i aint no bitch ill tell
would love to see it bud how do u think im so conditioned, see them boxing gloves in the backround, says u wont do shit, u another one of these guys with the chubby fingers, yas r all hard men. 3 gram limp dick avengers, these guys r saying 1 thing then emailing me asking for advice, weres the neg button, fuk me mate away outside into the fresh air, fucking 10 years old actin the biggin, u listen when the big boys talk or u always gone to be a we boy ya hear.
Don’t you have some wanking to do ? Your a moran... What are you gonna do box him over the internet?!? How are people emailing you? Are you the source?
what ever sam mate, maybe i am a moron, but ur the 1 with avatar as scare crow on bodybuilding website, think its like a subconscious thing, that subconsciously u know ur repulsive to women. dont get ya at all, il let yas get back to ur we meeting, were people post stuff and u guys tell them how there wrong, ask ur girl would she rather have a firm apple or a rotten tomato, sorry i mean ur mum.
You didn’t answer the question. How are people emailing you? Are you the source?
trust me if i was selling i would stick ti the gym to sell mine and not bother with this site at all full of amateurs, and women with menopause ie yourself woman, straw balls!
Your the guy with the Email not me....
RustyhookerI just negged the foo. Nothing else here. Dudes a troll
Lol he’s so dumb it’s funny...
is this u? this is the site that u didnt want me to say robbed me, is this u mate?
That’s why you leave a review. I’ve never used them.
brain slow full of coca cola mate, ditch the fat, or ur just another gym slug with asthma
why u want to order
bwahahahaha i cant breathe
You just described my autobiography speakjng of which wank time
Bro a pic of yourself should not be under “gear” pics... that’s clearly a section for gear. You need to move this to “self” pics which is clearly a section for pics of yourself. You can go up to the blue edit button & move it
what a pack of fuck boys, like a herd of skinny cattle, 1 cow runs and the herd follows until yas all run of the edge of a cliff, and if u cant believe that sugar contributes to gyno (i didnt say creates ),why does girls put fat on in certain place of there body because of estrogen, breast, ass, hips and when fellas have excess estrogen and they eat shit food yes this is what cuases gyno fat deposit and that is all gyno is fat deposit... but use know way more than me anyway, this is what use do and why the big boys dont post becuase the skinny cattle chase them with there disbelieve, moderators and karma experts, more like people with no social skills who use this to get off. skinny fat bodies, with no pictures. dont know what the old photo thing is about??? tell ya what all use boys run along when the next big guy post a ya can chase him to with your jealousy. ahy u guys running grams of gear, no pictures, big mouths, do 1, gym junkie mate u look like shit as well chubby arms full of fat and water when that comes of when u finish taking steroids ul be left with nothing bro, prob run year round to get that physique, just remember i was the 1 posting to help a brother out, stay together in ur we heard of useless knowlegde, any body with any sence will follow the loan wolf any day, il be over at my source with good gear, ul be over at ur source running 3 grams of pure shite.
do 1!
Damn near everyone on here has had multiple pictures up. I’m not sure what you don’t understand about that?!? Your catching shit because 1 your a fanboy 2. Your advice is wrong. 3. Your a picture whore. Nobody needs a big warning about who to order from. That’s why we have reviews... You don’t even have this source as a friend... I think you may be trying to scam people.
you were the one who warned me not to tell people who was scamming is it u who is scamming? use are all backwards on this r u helping people or what r yas doing just slabbering??? i put pics up at least im real person, and ur knowledge is of my friend if u cant understand how sugar will cause u gyno if u have high estrogen. estrogen is a woman hormone, sugar is a insulin spiker together they work to create fat stores and if u r full of estrogen then u gonna store that fat like a ladie, who cares anyway. im 220 and conditioned maybe 10% body fat if u want to look like me listen to me if u want to look like a soft rotten tomato like these dicks listen to them, and sam mate ur a right piece of work useless big mouth, if u critiqued urself as much as ur doing to me u would maybe have a decent physique some day. what use is all this shite that use put up here cause i cant see nothing useful in the full place, it attracts certain type of people, skinny fat fuck boys, i take 500 mg test 500 mg deca and i have a constant hard dick, use r on all types of grams and cant feel ur libido, i know whos source i would follow. still waiting on a picture tell ya what pick a part of ur body and well both put the same part up since u cant becuase of the police and all that ballicks. FAG! wheezy fat sugar eaters no conditioning, no breath in the gym, high blood pressure motha fuckers, wanna be a winner ditch these losers cause they dont know shit
Your a shill.
what every scare crow man, u use a scare crow as ur avatar, scare crows scare birds, if u want to scare birds just show them ur we fat stumpy unconditioned body, imagining u running about a field weezing with ur we fat high blood pressure face. douche! put up a picture now so everybody can see ur pudge festered body, ur bright white skin from never getting out of the house sitting with ur we bottle of pre workout coke a cola and hoola hoops
Stop banging on like your some kind of fucking hero and looks all that’s turning out that your nothing but a silly cunt so try to stop running your bastard mouth and learn some fucking respect you piece of shit.
You made yourself look a cunt from day one ....not us !
Staying away from sugar doesn’t parent or even help with preventing gyno
TLDR of this thread: New guy with no contribution to this site posts up some old photo looking to hurt or promote a source then calls well established people here small because they don’t share images of themselves on a website that discusses the use and sale of illegal substances. Gets butt hurt when that doesn’t fly and calls everyone small and bitchy.
Ps. he thinks sugar causes gyno... you’re welcome.
fuck sake boys relax ur wee selves i can tell ur estrogen is high with all the bitchy comments, my whole purpose was so when people look threw my profile they stay away from the company (that i am not aloud to talk about???) against the rules, that stole ma fucking money and im pissed of about it, yes i will certainly take away any credit i can from him and get my decent we source up the list, and sam mate u might be bigger, but i dont see any pictures apart from ur stupid scare crow so thats what i imagine u look like, and ur probably as strong as Dorothy, and no heart like the tin man,
pictures boys or il assume ur a skinny we rat with big mouths, like i say helping out after getting money stole. i can assure u ur ignorance is why u still look like shit
And I can assure you that your ignorance in thinking sugar is the cause of gyno is going to lead you to wearing a bra.
Here's some advice, cause we're here to help. Take your girl or any woman you know and tell her you want to treat her to something nice for herself. You want to take her clothes shopping. Let her pick out a couple outfits and say to her now all you need is a couple good bras to go with them. Then let her pick the ones she thinks is best. Ask things like why are they the best. Is it the material, are they comfortable, how to adjust them. All the things you're going to need to know but can't ask your bros. So when that day comes say in a year or so, you'll know exactly what you're dealing with. Then you go into the store with your "confidence" from being on cycle and you buy that bra like nobody's business! Now don't get all butt hurt, go take some adex or aromasin (your choice) bring your estrogen down and you'll see why this is funny