irongame427's picture
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+ 7 Hcg from ashop pregnancy test


Well after all the talk of the 1500iu hcg amps from ashop being bunk and the fact I just got 5 of them I decided to see for myself. And to my surprise it's legit. Pregnancy test came back positive. I used an entire 1500iu amp here and 1ml of bac water (not the water included) well there you have it folks, it's good to go.

Ordered from: 
PIN_CUSHION's picture

Congrats! Boy or Girl?

irongame427's picture

It's a boy. Little irongame jr will have an account up as soon as he arrives.

whitechocolate's picture

Awesome! Mine was a 5000iu.. I definitely will try them again

treadinontren's picture

I'm glad things worked out good sir! I'm thinking about writing a protocol for testing hcg...Mine seems to work 100% of the time and doesn't ever give a faint's Crystal clear preg or not!

It blows my mind that people are still peeing on the tests and using 10ui or 5000iu

Ppl also use the dollar store 2/1 least spend $3 on the one u got here from an anonymous big box store

Drywallstar's picture

Bro we all could benefit from that. Please do

treadinontren's picture

I'm working on it now with pics and all

ashop's picture

Peeing on the strip should work also, not sure if for a man works but...I asked a pharmacist ( we were talking about this testing ) and he said when a women make a HCG shot and pee on a test in the THIRD day the test will come out positive as she is pregnant ( fake ). Now result depends IMO about women weight and dosage maybe ...

I plan to make a injection of HCG and pee on a test and have a blood test but now I can do only after holidays :(

I will try to do it faster someway.

treadinontren's picture

It does test positive when peed on...but only during a certain window...bottom line is I could write up an easy pass/fail protocol where no one has to pee on a stick

ashop's picture

yes but now that we see that pre-filled HCG is not giving positive a preg test maybe we should start trying this method also as a backup. Because if is not premixed lets say we can test with preg test. But if is premixed preg test does not work ( at least for me until now maybe I do something wrong)

Pharmacist told me that peeing on strip in third day should give out positive. Maybe this could be a backup method ?

treadinontren's picture

What do you mean by prefilled hcg sir?

ashop's picture

OVITREL by MERK. Is a HCG pen. It gives out negative test and for sure is real HCG

treadinontren's picture

You mean when it's mixed with the water provided in the kit?

treadinontren's picture

Can you or irongame try a test using the provided water?

ashop's picture

This member tested two amps. One with included water and come out negative. Another one with bac water and come out positive. We need few more to be tested to say for sure that tests should be done ONLY with bac water

irongame427's picture

Yaa I can do it. I'm on back home now at my parents for the holiday till the 10th of januarry. So when I get home I'll do it.

I can't see it making any difference tho. It's not about the water it's about the hormone but I'll do it

ashop's picture

Yes it makes. Seems if you mix with the water included it comes out negative. Means the water included will destroy the pregnancy stick ( probably sodium chloride )

Do you need to send you bac water from now or you find this there easily ?

treadinontren's picture

That's weird bc the HCG I get, I won't post the src here but it's the big German Brand of HCG, it comes with the amp of powder (hcg) and the amp of liquid (it's in Deutsche, but it is sterile water with sodium chloride) and it works fine on the preg test...on the same exact test irongame has pictured above...

irongame427's picture

Na I can get bac water really easily I have a ton of it. I'll test another one with the sodium chloride water that's included and then hit up support to send me two replacements. I'm about to make an order anyways so they can just include it in that.

ashop's picture

Premixed syringe is OVITREL. In a HCG pen. I tested and come out negative. I bought it from pharmacy here. So for sure is good but give false result. I believe that is because of other preservatives from pen that inactivates preg strip.

IRONMAN can you test one using the provided water ?

treadinontren's picture

Let me look into that as far as why it may test negative... maybe it's a hcg variant?

ashop's picture

same substance inside

irongame427's picture

Lol noooo. The condom must have broke. Hopefully he gets better genetics then I did and can become a pro bodybuilder.

ashop's picture

Supposition for a legit HCG:
if is mixed with own water included comes out negative. That would explain why pre-mixed HCH comes out negative. That doesnt mean is not good because is premixed.

If is mixed with "BAC water" test out positive.

Maybe his own water contains something that destroy the test. I will do more research next week because is interesting.

Also I will push my laboratory to test the biological products ( HCG and HGH ) because I want to carry HGH also. That will make me able to test HCG kept in improper conditions ( like shipping in the summer ) also there is INDIAN HCG on black market that is cheap and If I would be able to test I would be able to sell if is good.

AncientAlien's picture

Thanks for posting bro +1
I couldn't post a pic as my phone is fucked but mine tested positive as well 2 different test and different batches at 1500 ius