irongame427's picture
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irongame427's picture

Believe me I was not planning on taking that advice and running 25mg ed. These tests were done on 6.25mg ed. 25 would totally crash my e2. I was on 750mgs ew of test e and now I'm on 350 mgs ew of prop so I'm only using 6.25 eod and I feel great. Might bump it up to 6.25 ed if I start to see bloat or other esto related problems but for now I feel good.

Ranga's picture

Dose your exemestane 2x daily. I'd suggest 12.5 2x a day. If you want to go 6.25 2x a day but thats on you. Twice a day is key 8.9 hour half life.

irongame427's picture

Ya I agree. He is correct regarding the short half life. Despite the short half life estrogen levels were still suppressed 24 hrs after the dose and still something like 40% under baseline 48 hours after the dose so ed dosing is fine and eod will also work.

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

Also take your pic down and edit it since your name is on the page

irongame427's picture

Shit I didnt even realize that thanks for looking out man. I spend alot of time cropping it so my name and stuff wouldn't show on the actually paper. I didnt even realize it was on the top there. Gonna fix it now.

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

You aromasin looks to be great. The test we have no way of knowing since you only got >1500 which tells us absolutely nothing about the test. You could get the same result on 250mg test. Make sure you get the actual total next time +1 for trying ;)

irongame427's picture

I don't think I had the option or do I? I just got the female hormone panel. I been searching online and it looks like I had a lot more options then just labcorp in my city. Apparently has a location in my town and they will Actualy show the exact number. But it's only free and total test and it's 80 bucks. The female hormone panel has e2 liver kidneys rbc etc and it's only 50 bucks. Can I request lab corp to give me the real number ?

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

No. You need to do the male one from them to get the real number. Check outs labsmd. Their female has real number so you will save money over doing private male test

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

You should link this to the 2 companies your using instead of to eroids. Then people will see it on their page

irongame427's picture

Ya good idea.

whitechocolate's picture

Definitely doesn't look bunk on aromasin 12.5 ed if needed some even need 25ed anyways I wish you had accurate number for total test.. +1

irongame427's picture

I know man me to. I wanna call the lab and see if they know the exact number or maybe next time they can give me an exact number or something. Even if I have to pay a little extra I will.

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

Did you pay for the female hormone? It's much cheaper but only good for estrogen level or if your at a cruise or post pct levels. Gotta pay the extra for male hormone or use

irongame427's picture

Ya I'm gonna do something different next time. I just really wanted to see where my e2 was. I think I have a good idea now on what doses to use so I can just get the testosterone test next time. But it would have costed a lot to get both. I had no doubt my gear was real, just wanted to make sure everything looked good health wise and the female panel is perfect for that and it's cheap.

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

female panel from labsmd only about 70 bucks and shows total T. Im doing this one tomorrow on the same amount of test as you but from someone else. Male on private is about 170. Only good thing about that one is you get thyroid and igf so its worth it if on hgh. But for test and e2 do female from labsmd

Jc74s's picture

Good work +1

Owes a Review × 1
whitetail33's picture

I would say you dont have bunk aromosin. You could bump it up since like you stated your long ester will still be present but it`s not that high imo

irongame427's picture

Ok thanks man, I was thinking about bumping it up to 12.5 ed till next monday. You think thats a good idea? And one thing I've noticed on this cycle is my libido isn't crazy high like on past test cycles. Ive ran 750 before, but this is my first cycle that I've used an AI. Do you think that aromasin could be lowering my libido. Ive done alot of research on it and high e2 and low e2 could both cause lower libido, but I would imagine on my past cycles I had really high e2 cause i wasn't using an ai but my libido was sky high. So the only new variable is the aromsin.

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

I wouldn't bump it up if your dropping your test dose then it will be perfect. It's damn good now, only slightly above but it's at a very acceptable number now

irongame427's picture

You really don't think I should bump it. I've been on 750mgs for a while now and now Im switching to prop at. 350mgs per week but the long esters are gonna still be in my system for a little while. I was thinking just for a week at 12.5 then dropping back down to 6.25ed.

Big Pimp Daddy's picture

I wouldn't raise the dose. If your dropping your test then your e should end up right perfect in range, maybe even in the lower end. Do your first prop shot 4 days after your last long one. I think doubling the dose may be too much e suppression for you

irongame427's picture

Alright thanks man ill give that a shot.

whitetail33's picture

Aro can definitely play a part in your libido. I know for me it has in the past. You could try bumping up for a week so the long ester can clear. Once that has cleared I would go back to current aro but that's just me