Gh0st's picture
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+ 8 GK Sust/Mast Lab Results


My TRT is 240mg/week. Doc prescribed. Keep me around 900ng/dL trough (injections split twice weekly with labs drawn day prior to next injection).

I’ve had very shit numbers in the past with Sust.
Started 750mg Sust per week (1ml) with 400mg mast on 9/8. Labs were drawn 7 weeks completed. 2 days post injection.

I will say two small complications here - I did increase test to 900mg, decrease mast to 300mg, and added SP super tren mix I had laying around at a low dose of ~100mg/week after 5 weeks. 1. Because despite a 600kcal surplus I was having trouble gaining weight (that’s my goal) and 2. I’ve never ran it in an offseason so I wanted to see if I could run it at a low dose without it significantly effecting my lipid ratios.

So with that, my test level may have continued to rise slightly if I waited a little longer. Nonetheless I’m happy with these numbers as I am sitting at approx 3.2x my TRT levels and running 3.5x my TRT dose.

I tossed the tren as even though my total chol is low, I have minimal risk factors (hypertension that is controlled with Telmisartan), I don’t like the ratio being greater than 5:1 for total:HDL nor LDL:HDL greater than 3:1. Trying to stay as health conscious as I can while I gain around 0.8-1lb/week in this offseason.

Will retest lipids in another 6 weeks.
Thanks GK for providing solid products and services.

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Lil-Beirut's picture

Curious how/why your lipids are so low?

Gh0st's picture

They’ve always been that way for the most part. Genetic thing.

I did add RYR extract 1200mg daily and Cotrust Bergamot 1000mg as support to see if it helped during the tren addition so I can’t imagine how poor it would be without

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Big Tone36's picture

Nice I just got some dust myself

Gh0st's picture

Enjoy brother. I’ll finish this run out at 900, reassess with a DEXA, take 6-8 weeks off, and push again around Late January.

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Big Tone36's picture

I've been off awhile my blood is still thick. I need a draining. I'm going to the doctor Tuesday

Gh0st's picture

Stay on top of it brother. Don’t need you stroking out

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press1's picture

Kidneys continuing to look well mate!

How's things going generally, how are your knee and shoulder doing now?

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Gh0st's picture

Kidneys have really never consistently looked better! I gotta give it up to the Telmisartan and Astragalus. The only two changes there. Keeping the BP controlled and not letting the body comp get sloppy at all.

Shoulder has been solid since the PRP but honestly these knees are shot. I’m waiting until the end of this push in December and I’m going to do a few rounds of PRP, and shockwave (ultrasound) therapy. As well as more BPC.

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press1's picture

Once that eGFR is over 100 you know you are Rockin!!! lol

I was reading an interesting article the other day on how Glutamine improves kidney function which I am sure you will understand a lot more than I did!

Hopefully it will work as well on your knees as it did on your shoulder, I imagine its pricey is it?

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Gh0st's picture

I’ll put that on my review list.

It won’t be bad for me thankfully my friend is the provider so I’m sure I can get it half off. I’ll let you know what it ends up being!

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koensayr_s3's picture

Thank you for sharing. I would like to see where your e2 sensitive comes back at if you feel like sharing once the results come back.

On 210mg test per week, my trough (measured 3 days after bi-weekly shots) would hover in the low 1,000s. The range of responses to exogenous testosterone I've seen by stalking forums and talking with friends over the years is quite wide. I've kind of conceptualized it as 5x being average and a 2x sigma/std dev.

Gh0st's picture

E2 sensitive came back 67.4pg/mL
Reference range 8.0-35.0

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DeeMan's picture

67.4pg/mL E2 at 750/wk? I know u mentioned increasing to 900mg/ wk?
Not bad for dose. I'm sure Mast had something to do with lowering e2. So what test dose?

DeeMan's picture
Gh0st's picture

Weird I responded to this and another one down below this morning and it doesn’t look like they uploaded. Fml.

You know it’s interesting mast never did much for lowering my E2 in the past when I got labs done. But this was approx 3 weeks into increasing sust from 750 to 900.

One OTC supplement I added this regimen I haven’t had in the past is Apigenin 50mg every night which also supposedly has some anti aromatization capability.

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DeeMan's picture

I'm going to have to look into that supplement. I'm usually up to date on those.

So 900mg huh, still a decent e2 score for that amount in my opinion. I prefer to be around that e2 amount or a tad bit lower. I'm getting blood results soon with me being off everything. Will check test score.

It's strange how mast affects people differently as far as lowering e2.

koensayr_s3's picture

Awesome. Thank you for the update!

Gh0st's picture

Will definitely share, no problem brother.

It’s extremely wide. There’s really no way to gauge it. That’s why labs are so important. And appropriate lab timing.

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IronBug's picture

240mg/week of Test keeps you up around 900ng/dl? That is wild man. 100mg/wk had me at 1100. 200mg/wk had me at 1900ng/dl trough.
Thank you for posting this bro. And have you had any issues or side effects from telmisartan? I know that it's the most talked about ARB these days. Haven't needed it yet (knock on wood haha).

Gh0st's picture

Yeah bro. I posted some labs a while back of my peak numbers. Everyone is different. For the first 4 years of my TRT I was good on 160mg/week. All of a sudden (it seemed) my SHBG dropped and I wasn’t responding the same. Metabolizing faster.

Zero issues with Telmisartan. Keeps my systolic under 130.

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Triggerman83's picture

@IronBug 200mg puts me in the low 800's . 814 has been max at 200mg. @Gh0st I just started wit the telmisartan 40mg & nebivolol 5mg. blood pressure and heart rate are great now, but I am always cold now & much harder to get heart rate up while training.

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DeeMan's picture

So telmisartan gets the job done huh? Never used but might have to look into it

Triggerman83's picture

100%. I can say the liquid “research version” aren’t sold for the taste AT ALL! lol. @DeeMan since starting the DHB my heart rate had jumped as well. Averaging 100bpm on my feet at work, the Nebivolol lowered it to normal, but can’t get heart rate up to “my normal” rate now while training . Hard to hold it the 120’s even & im a bit cold (guessing bc im running hotter) . I am going to hold cycle till first week of December and get labs.

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Gh0st's picture

This is normal CV response with any Beta Blocker. Decreases cardiovascular output. That’s why unless you fully understand the mechanism and physiology involved I would never recommend anyone to just start taking BP meds without physician guidance.

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Triggerman83's picture

I appreciate you greatly @Gh0st, I dug deeper last night, I definitely had no clue about the beta-blocker. I did mildy understand the effect after reading in response to stress and adrenaline. I didn't want to continue to pick your brain last night, as I hate to be a bother. I'll send you a friend request & PM if thats cool?

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Gh0st's picture


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DeeMan's picture

First time I heard that about DHB but it doesn't surprise me. It's been said to enlarge the heart a little more than most hormones, awhile back Sparta and I talked about that. I was gonna look into DHB again but that stopped me in my tracks lol, but I gotta remember there's not too much known info on dhb. Tried it one time before but the pip was too bad. Hope it all works out for ya my man

Triggerman83's picture

I hate to advocate things that are unknown. My coach in the UK had given me his first hand experience, I can say this is a noticeable change in my training and strength. I started at a very low 50mg worked up to 150mg week now of DHB. Current load is 360test, 270deca, 120mast, 150dhb. I plan to take DHB ro 200 before labs in December

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DeeMan's picture

Yeah man it's definitely an unknown compound compared to other known compounds. Thing is I've been knowing about it since it was sold on grey market. Even back then it was an irritant for some folks. Very little was known about it then also. I'll
check with you on your labs.

Gh0st's picture

Weird that you mentioned Nebivolol. I just had a patient ask me about that the other day. In general I’m not a huge fan of beta blockers. Of course, they serve their purpose in certain populations.

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Triggerman83's picture

So I chime in as I have always learned alot by simply gathering information. Genuinely I had read “beta blocker” I did not go in to more research, I typically never have BP issues when running trt levels. towards end of some cycles BP jumps, this is my first time medicating and moving forward to finish cycle. Another buddy gave the info on meds for the BP while on cycle. You got me going on a hunt now lmao, “serve their purposes with certain populations”. Lmao that’s sounds racist in the smartest way I have ever heard! lol

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Gh0st's picture

Man, if I had any idea how to insert a picture I’d show you what I actually mean. Just google JNC 8 Hypertension Guidelines. Class of drug changes depending not just on race (which it actually does based on evidence) but whether or not there is CKD, diabetes, CVD, etc.

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Triggerman83's picture

I love the rabbit holes I get down man. I am reading more about it now. I am intrigued by everything I have learned in the last 2 years. appreciate you & the bread crumb trail!

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koensayr_s3's picture

I recognize you weren't asking me directly, but sometimes responses from the peanut gallery are appreciated, so here's mine:

Telmisartan @ 80mg every day was completely unnoticeable to me. The only way I knew it wasn't bunk is I saw my systolic drop by about 12 points in the weeks after adding it to my regimen.