ForeverFitBod1's picture
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Disposing of expired* or shitty* Gear?


I've recently decided to make some room in the vault, and i have 5 unopened vials and one vial which is half gone. Are you guys just throwing them in the trash?

We have the health department which checks are trash barrels for glass and things that aren't supposed to be there and also our recycling bins. I'd hate for them to rip open a trash bag and find these, what are my other options?

Please don't say give them to a friend as I would not wish this snake bite type brew on anyone. The pip was absolutely horrendous, which many members at the time were stating the same thing.

After waiting a month for the order, and it being completely unusable. I'm glad I did not use the source again. I took a pretty long break and now I just need to dispose of this junk. I took a pretty hearty loss there. (6 vials primo 100) I just remember the dude being a dick about it saying he used it himself and has no pip. It must be virgin muscle LOL

What's the best way to dispose of it, thanks

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Same as I throw away tons of needles, every month or so - I put them to a empty protein bottle and once its full, I seal it with a tape or food foil, put it to a car trunk and drive it to a random container in the city... Smile

Makwa's picture

Put it in someone else's garbage can Lol

Shitforbrains's picture

Mine preferably lol. Wink wink!

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DavosD's picture

Wait its primo e 200? Broo no wonder it has pip.

simonmagus84's picture

Damn shame it does. It would be the only compound I’d use if it were not for Pip.

DavosD's picture

Lol, I love primo but I shed too much on it. Running bold instead of it these days.

simonmagus84's picture

You’re better than me Lol, I’m running Tren these days. I totally shouldn’t but I can’t stop.

Shitforbrains's picture

I am too. Why stop? Lol fuuuuuuck I know why but it’s just so much fun

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simonmagus84's picture

Remove labels and draw oil and dump it. I’ve been throwing mine in trash for years but sometimes I throw them away in my dumpster at work. Just be careful with security cameras but I usually put them in crushed cereal box or empty protein powder bin.

JakeKO's picture

I use soda cans, LOL

JakeKO's picture

I always draw out the oil, and shoot it in the toilet. Then I wrap the empty bottles in a piece of a black garbage bag, and toss them in a convenience store garbage can.

Btw way, only reason I’ve ever gotten PIP from Primo was from such frequent pinning, and one time when a top source sent me ten crashed bottles and advised me to warm them up to reconstitute. Fuck my life!!! Worst PIP ever. Tried three different bottles at different times, and it was always just as bad. It was a different lab than you have posted though.

Jockstrap's picture

Primo 200 enanthate will have pip if its not blended. Label 200 but you say 100mg?

JakeKO's picture

Nah, Bro! Only Shitty Primo 200 has PIP. Primo 200 is so new that a source can either make it or they can’t. Every other Primo has PIP because you have to pin at least 600mg of Primo per week to see results. It’s not because of the compound. A very well known lab recently released a 200mg primo, and gave away tons of it to get it in the street. I bought a bottle for shits and giggles to see if it would be something I might run in the near future. I took two 1ml pins as a test, and I got no PIP at it good gear? I can’t vouch for it, but I can definitely vouch for the other ten compounds I’ve used by this lab. and doubt they’re producing bunk Primo

Nattyboomba's picture

I got 5 vials of that and I’m fairly prone to PIP, but I get none from this. If it wasn’t from a consistently great lab, I’d be concerned it isn’t Primo, but it is smooth and painless.

DeeMan's picture

That primo from that respected brand had a little pip for me and a few others but wasn't bad though, minor. I didn't blend so that may be the problem. I'm still shocked that many vials were given away. But yes brewing helps.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Good catch. My apologies. And maybe you're right as I have not tried primo 200 from other sources.. but

Ask ninja if he is still around, a bunch of other higher up numbers we're saying the same thing. I just couldn't see myself being a repeat customer I'm glad he is still in action helping out you guys. But for me trying to save a dollar ended up costing me $600

Aside from that I found a few vials from as-ylum which is injectable proviron, it's hella expired but I'm thinking of giving it a whirl or possibly chuck. I didn't want to add pictures that were from a source from a long ass time ago


Correction. This is I'm regards to the 200mg primo. Not 100mg.

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UncleYoked's picture

I used my own primo 250 back in 2021, I brewed it in 2011, no issues. The pip from my primo gives a subtle dull ache, no sharp stings. It could be the carrier, I used EO/MCT on that one. Current batches are 200mg and the pip is about the same brewed with mig/mct.
I personally cant bring myself to throw out primo, maybe send it in for testing? if you got enough, it'll be worth the cost.

UncleYoked's picture

Maybe try cutting it with EO or mig? What primary carrier is used?

Diesel77's picture


Glad someone else zoomed in, I mentioned earlier but think he overlooked it

ECinfidel's picture

I have to wonder if you ended up w/primo ace. Enenthate at the lower mg dose shouldn't really be biting like that.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

That thought did cross my mind honestly. As it reminded me of bold Ace. Never fn again. I've had primoE 100 from other sources which has similar pip to how test prop hits me.

Well I burned the paper bag that was soaked in the oil. This is after smashing up the vials inside of it with the hammer. That shit had a pretty green flame which was cool to watch. The burning guaicol sp?, Smelled like some smokey ass bourbon whiskey haha

The glass shards I soaked in rubbing alcohol, dried off and put them in a pickle jar.

The vial stoppers I flattened with a hammer and put them in a empty detergent bottle. Thx @Diesel77

Call me paranoid but I just don't like loose ends in general

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Diesel77's picture

Never knew that specific source even carried primo ace, but you could be right as primo ace is horrendous. Hard to find legit primo ace these days, almost hard to trust it too.

ECinfidel's picture

I dont know that they ever carried it. But the raws could be off. I've never used ace. But I've heard the punch is a knock out.

DeeMan's picture

+1 Ace is a beast as far as pip. Primo E 200 can definitely have pip. In my opinion being that it is closely related to dhb, there is definitely a pip factor they both share. Also you're on point about raws being off. We cannot ignore that.

Diesel77's picture

Yea ace is pretty rough. I've mentioned this before below, but OP might've mistyped cause it's
Primo200 as the label states, which almost usually has a bit of sting if not blended

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Just caught this and yep you guys are right I'm not sure why I was thinking it was the 100 it's been so long but, in fact I have not tried 200mg primo from other sources so, and yes I did try blending it. It was still pretty horrid

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DeeMan's picture

Folks tend to think blending is always the answer but sometimes blending still doesn't help with pip, especially if raws are bad. But yea even primo e 200 can give some pip.

BrainsNGainz's picture

"We have the health department which checks are trash barrels for glass and things that aren't supposed to be there and also our recycling bins. I'd hate for them to rip open a trash bag and find these, what are my other options?"

I'd just put the vials inside the same container as your used needles, preferably a large plastic container which can be sealed/screwed shut and isn't see-through. Then, get a sharpie and write on the container "SHARPS - DO NOT RECYCLE", might need to tape a piece of paper with the words on if the container is dark. If you realllllly don't want anyone opening the thing up then you could even duct-tape it around the seal, then toss in the trash. Sucks to have to trash things like that but no good options here, I wouldn't take underground lab gear to a medication disposal location for fear of cameras and such.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Yep I've got a sharps container, I do dispose of pins properly now. I just worry if anyone found the vials intact in with substance they would try to the fingerprints or something haha little local town nosy people you know. I just can't risk it I'm a decent sized grower.

In the western part of my state they are opening a topless dispensary. Just need to make the sauce legal and we can have gear + buds & babes R us jkjk

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Drexyl's picture

I’m going to sound like a dick here, and I know I’m in the wrong, but if you live near a deep moving stream of water, talk a walk and chuck them if normal disposal is risky. Yes I care about the environment, but let’s be realistic, very very bad stuff goes in our water. A dozen vials of oil with some hormones in it will not crumble your local ecosystem. And the way LE is these days (I’m not opening that topic here) don’t in any way take a chance of getting yourself hemmed up.

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

Definitely credit for the honesty hehe definitely better than digging a hole as no metal detector will find it. I have done that once in the past with a box of .45 ammo. Boy do those suckers sink fast. But thanks man as the thought did cross my mind as I had 11 vials to dispose of. Now I only have five which are a decade old.

So if you end up having the fight of your life trying to reel in a giant jacked up large mouth. Well. Your the reason why =)

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DeeMan's picture

Nah no need to toss in water. Other options available

Shitforbrains's picture

You must have experience with tossing “trash” in water sources lol wink wink ehh ehhh!! Lmfao sorry, I make myself laugh don’t mind me sometimes I’m shitforbrains

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Drexyl's picture

Without being more of an asshole than I was for posting this, I’ll just say if there’s a bridge over it you’re generally good to go. Give everything a good wipe, toss it, and don’t look back at it. Oh yeah, for gods sake, toss the rag you wiped everything off with. Good advice there on the rag, don’t ever be that guy. That guy happens too often.

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Shitforbrains's picture

I love when bros on her make me bust up laughing that everyone around me stops and stares at me. Your not doing a good job at hiding your gangster drex lol

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Shitforbrains's picture

Damn bro! I’m sorry to hear this. Primo has a nasty bite to some people. My body actually takes it alright but who knows if what I got was actually Primo right lol. I’m using his stuff now and it doesn’t give me any PIP, but the tren for some reason took as long as the EQ to actually give me any noticeable gains which really had me doubt in the authenticity of the gear. But it did kick in and it is strong. I also don’t see very many people faking Tren cause of how cheap it is to make but it could have been severely under dosed as the previous 5 times I have ran Tren, within the first week, two max I’m seeing significant changes in strength and body composition. I have a recent order in with him so I’m hoping I’m not one of the guys that has to wait over a month for his order. After seeing this I’m sure he will make me wait a year now smh. It sounds like your beyond him making it right with you but I really hope he attempts to. As for old bad gear, I usually just let it sit in my vault. Something about throwing away fake steroids that hurts my soul a little. I guess I keep it around to remind me of the people I never want to fuck with ever again. It’s a sad game when all we want to do is get buff and grow some muscles and look better, perform better etc etc and we invest so much money and trust into these sources but constantly have to play the guessing game “am I getting what this label says it is?” Homeboy has never done me wrong however I’m seeing way to many people calling him out on shit. If it’s trash then trash it bro.

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

No doubt, appreciate the insight brotha. I've had primo from a couple of the sources and it did not have bike or leave softball lump for weeks. It was obviously improperly brewed and some folks were even complaining the test e at the time had some severe pip so I think it's just an amateur thing.

2 it sounds more like you received tren E. Possibly mislabeling of vials, I saw that recently about their Masteron dosage. And when it's the customer picking up on the suppliers mistake, and not them reaching out to tell the customer there was a mishap. That's where it gets dangerous and you could be getting much more of a dose then you think you're getting.

Keeping around old gear as a reminder not to f*** with that source again? Lol. I like your style haha

4 I don't know what's worse. Waiting a month for s***** gear with barely any responses, then to find out it's unusable and you get a attitude. Having to reorder elsewhere, or finally taking six vials worth 6 hundo. And smashing them up with a hammer inside a paper bag. Which I just did I just don't know what to do with it now

What I've learned is read the reviews and go pages in pages back same with the source discussion page even if you go back a year. You begin to learn the true character of the source and if you even want to lend your trust to them.. glad you're starting to see some gains and hope your gear comes swiftly bro

Sorry for the red writing I'm not sure why that happened, guessing the hash tag symbol

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Shitforbrains's picture

I appreciate your insight as well bro. I’m learning a lot these last two weeks I’ve decided to reemerge on eroids. Thanks to Press. One of my top bros on here. But your post is invaluable bro. People need to see this. People need to be made aware of things wether bad or good. It can’t just be all good even though we all wish it would be lol. FR sent bro

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DeeMan's picture

1000% agree. Everyone seems to be almost scared to report the bad. Can't have good without bad. And glad to have you around. Seems your (eroids handle) name doesn't fit you lol.

Shitforbrains's picture

I appreciate the kind words Dee. Lol I actually used that handle cause when I came back on in 19 it seemed like everyone was acting like big shot scientists who knew everything about gear so I just didn’t want to portray myself as that in anyway. AAS are an everyday learning experience and should be treated as such and with respect. It’s really cool too for guys like you Dee, to be on here, active in promoting awareness and safety and not bashing people for lack of experience. I just want to love man. I spent to much time in a world of hate. I want people to get buff for the best price with the safest gear. If we have that everyone is happy lol. Appreciate you bro.

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DeeMan's picture

Thanks man much appreciated. It's like this though...folks lie about safety or even gear dosages in order to be accepted or even to elevate themselves, we all know it happens lol, it's the internet. Thing is though I kinda feel sorry for those guys simply because they are basically living a lie. But I guess they have their reasons for it right? I dunno man. Last thing is I had a close friend many years ago who was reckless with gear which caused health conditions in which he eventually passed away from. Now of course autopsy didn't reveal steroids but I know better. Gear definitely contributed, very unfortunate. Still bothers me to this day.

Also we all are the same, no experts around here. I know some talk that way though lol

Shitforbrains's picture

I’m sorry for your loss bro. I hate when people, especially our loved ones go to soon. This is why I don’t do petty bullshit. Life’s to short to be a hater. I’m not gonna do it. I want to see bros come on here and get jacked with quality gear and not get boned with unrealistic prices. Education is key man. We know this.

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DeeMan's picture

My man I let them mofos hate. Hell they gotta have a job too cause the economy is bad haha. But hey that's just how some folks are. They can't help themselves! I just try to deal with good authentic folks. Makes life way easier..yessir!

press1's picture

'I just want to love man ....' - I'll love you bro LMFAO!!! ROFL

Spread the Man L.O.V.E Lol

All Homo

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Shitforbrains's picture

This is why your my fuckin boy Press. People on here better not get it twisted, Press is my bro, no one like it then piss off cunts!! Lol wait, I’m supposed to be all love. Shit sorry!

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Drexyl's picture

Homo Sundays can be a new thing. We all post pics of ourselves in short denim shorts and feathered boas around our necks.

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Shitforbrains's picture

Yesssss!!!!! This and Drex, can we do the rusty outfit too please???! I want to be extra smooth for all you sick fucks.

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Drexyl's picture

As gay as it may be, I’m honest with everyone here and my physique is improving. I’m now tanning, whitening my teeth, and removing body hair. And before any jokes start from you jerks, I’ve been clipping my butthole hair since I turned 32. It makes wiping easier. The farts sound different, but wiping’s easier. I’m going with that.

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