FreshSqueezedJuice's picture
  • 21

Dbol Only Final


Well its been three and a half weeks after my dbol cycle and i bounce from 162 to 165 in wieght so i figure i might as well post it up since i havent really lost any wieght after a month off of dbol... Currently i am taking protien powders an creatine, thats all! started at 145 gained 21 pounds to a top wieght of 166 and kept 99% of my gains. Would i recomend this cycle? Yes and no, i have heard a lot of talk about losing a lot after taking the cycle so just the fact that i kept my gains doesnt mean every person will. If you are new to steroids and are looking to ease into it then by all means whats the worst that could happen, you gaining knowledge on how your body reacts. Also i am 100% sure that an experienced user would probably not have the same results as your body builds a tolerance to anything you continuously introduce it with. Any how, here are my final results!

ineedtotrain's picture

hey i have been in the forum discussing dbol only cycle. would you recomend that i run a dbol cycle for a first time cycle

bayboi's picture

looking good man

Dstack's picture

Isn't dbol derived from test, so how does it supress test levels more than testerone injections would? I read if u take winny or deca by them selves it would supress your levels because there not andrgenic enough? just curious

hardcore gymrat's picture

Dbol is tough on your liver, I wouldn't risk running high dose or long cycles just increases chances of side effects. If your looking for some serious bulk run Test along with the Dbol to kick start your cycle... 5 to 6 wks, you will see some good strong mass with this cycle.

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

1000! you dont have to worry about gaining wieght because you liver will fall out of your asshole lol.. but seriously dbol shouldnt be ran for more than 8 weeks max.. i ran mine for 5 weeks and laddered them the most i was taking at once was 40 mg a day, no more than that

Animalchin's picture

Well I think you look good 4 weeks 6 weeks pct whatever, job well done.

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

and also it hasnt yet been a full month yet as i metioned 3 and half weeks... but surely if im going to lose 95% of my gains I would have dropped more than a pound in three weeks

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

thats because i was already in my cycle when i started posting my pics, i was taking the pills already when UKSS told me to check this website out.... so no, the day i took my pre cycle pic was not the day i posted it, my mid cycle was not posted the same exact day i took that either sorry i have things to do in my life.... and there is no mention of pct because there was none, i meany dbol only as that was the only thing im taking lmao.. creatine would be the closest thing to a pct supplement

kwabby6's picture

damn bro.were you taking creatine before your cycle? cause you may want to stop running the creatine to see how much you really gained. you have to realize that creatine can make you hold up anywhere from 5-10 lbs of water and will def make you look fuller in pics. idk if you were running it on cycle or not but do not mistaken water weight for gains. you'll only be pissed in the end lol. just looking out for you so you can help guage what were real gains and what was water

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

No i never take creatine, but i did start taking it at the END of this cycle so is to ease off the dbol the best way possible. I know creatine retains water thats why i started it after the dbol. However creatine is no where near as powerful as dbol and yet i still managed to keep all but one pound, maybe ill lose some after the creatine but i doubt it.

kwabby6's picture

Sounds good. but yeah just keep hitting both the calories nd the iron hard and you'll be good to go. i'm assuming you probably didn't shut your self down as hard as most people do on the compound. Its that black genetics we got ;)haha stay huge bro

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

will do boss, i just gotta keep my appetite as high as it was on the dbol and ill be alright

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

ZzzZZzzzZZzzz... I thought I explained it well enough so you could understand, sorry.. I did not take these pictures the day they were put up! what else is left to say, i could have waited a little and put before midway and after pics up in the same day but your head would probably explode lol.. I spaced them out a little bit so i could get feedback on them before i posted my next one, the last one however was taken 2 days before i posted it so that ONE was posted the same time.. And yup, just creatine sorry im not doing what you imagined but you can check my order if you want 2dbol and one winstrol (only one dbol was for me) no clomid or nolv! Im not asking you if you believe me or not, I know nobody on here personally and have no reason to make phony stuff up to impress people i will probably never meet. Just giving you the stats, take it for what you want or disagree with visual proof and move on to the next pic/forum.. Sorry my gains or success wasnt gratifying to you! Have a good day.

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

Yeah? i started taking creatine the last week of the cycle, dont know if that helped or not, but i did run a shit load so i wasnt able to hold a lot of water... but my next cycle test e dbol starting and anavar at the end

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

and i would also hold off on the creatine til the end of the cycle because creatine is a water retainer also so this would give you more water wieght to lose after you go off of it... thats why i took it at the last week of my cycle because it will hold some of the wieght on me that would have probably left.

kwabby6's picture

aside from the cycle....looking good bro. make sure you do a PCT if you havent already even if it is a light one to MAKE SURE you solidify those gains. also keep the calories up at least 500 above maintnance and you should be gtg. How much mg were you using daily? cause i've looked up a few dbol only cycles from a couple old school guys and they were saying its best to run between 20-25mg a day for 8 weeks to pack the muscle on slowly and retain less water.

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

i laddered mine because i heard a couple people say they didnt have much problems keeping most of their gains that way as to using a set mg then stopping completley... week 1, 20 mg week 2, 30 mg week 3, 40 mg week 4, 30 mg, week 5 20 mg... Also i play football so i run a shit load and most of the water wieght would get sweated out i would say i gained 10 to 15 pounds off dbol and the rest off my diet

kwabby6's picture

Sounds good bro keep at it hard and you'll see yourself grow. Try to use test as a base next time!! lol my brother wants to do a dbol only cycle and so im trying find the best way to go about it smh

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

well if he is just getting into it all what the worst that could happen... what i did was just drink wieght gainer, whey protien, and a meal replacement bar with every meal i ate (not just the bar an actual meal than the bar). And he doesnt mind it run as much as possible and you wont have a lot of water wieght to lose. Also there are natural testosterone boosters in wieght lifting stores if he thinks he needs the most test out of him without shooting up.

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

i guess I am gaining natural body wieght because, i notice that i look a little leaner once it started going out of my system yet i look a tiny bit smaller.

7gothic's picture

Any time you can gain weight and still stay shredded, then you've got a much better chance at keeping a lot of that muscle gained on this cycle.
Lookin' good there.