FreshSqueezedJuice's picture
  • 21

-1 Dbol only cycle before pic


I wanted to get into steroids the easiest way possible so i am doing an oral only cycle, and yup dbol. I heard a lot of back and forth on it so i figured why not do it for my first cycle and document it like nobody else has.

juice44's picture

Good dbol supplement alternative Here's picture

Don't promote yourself! Read rules!

0b1kn0b's picture


what were your results?

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

check the after pic, its in the pic section

zbiard's picture

anadrolic makes any kind of dbol look like a little girl.

Insomnious's picture

My initiation to AS was dbol, the pinks (1000 of them) from Thailand stacked with deca from Greece years and years ago. I couldn't believe the results. The only ill effects that I'm aware of (I eventually used all of them) is that on Xray my liver has benign cysts. I followed the 6 week cycles recommended in Anabolic Review 1996. I think today I would have taken some milk thistle at the same time and checked my liver values more often.

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

i know i usually drink every weekend.. but since i started this 3 weeks ago i havent touched anything this is my before pic, i think ill post a pic this week of half way and then one at the end.. right now im 162 and i started at 145 so, so far so good

7gothic's picture

A lot of great bodies have been built using d-bol only. Back in the 60's and 70's, guys would just stay on for long periods of time, then come off for a few weeks, and then go right back on. Arnold aand Franco were using more D-bol than anything else.
Today, we know a lot more about steroids and how to cycle properly. Franco could'nt win Mr. Iowa today, but he still was goood for his day. Cutler or Coleman would have blown people's minds.
I wouldn't stay on for any longer than 6 weeks, especially if your running more than 30 mg./day...and DON'T drink while your on...your liver enzyme count will skyrocket.
Looking good so far...

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

i guess some people just have nothing else going for them and want to be good at something, so they make a couple accounts on a website, up their votes and down vote others... however what they dont see is how it makes other people new to this site and even experienced people not want to share knowledge or personal experiences.. its shit like that, that a few people can ruin a site for everybody when in reality only a few people on here act like 12 year old school girls, i am not forcing you to read any of this so if you dont like it go to another forum, have a nice day..

iLOVEROIDS's picture

wtf,why has freshsqueezedjuice been down repped 8 in his own picture forum?
honestly some of you faggots shouldnt even be allowed to down rep.
give you dipshits a little bit of power and you missuse it.

iLOVEROIDS's picture

negative 18.


FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

"lol thats exactly what i have heard, testosterone testosterone testosterone! lol i am fully aware you need testosterone as a base for your cycles, my friend is a juicer and gained a lot off a test and dbol cycle so i figured i'd try steroids out.. Did all my research and seen what is best to use if you need to run an all oral cycle because i wanted to see how my body reacts to the drug before i go spending all this money and jumping right into it. researched dbol only cycle and heard a lot of negative feedback however ive googled the shit out of actually finding someone that has documented the cycle, found nothing. so i figured hell i might as well do it since i know this will be the only time i run a oral only cycle. i will not be taking any creatine during the cycle because i feel that will only add to the water wieght i plan on laddering my cycle down and starting creatine at the end of it so is to ease myself off the best way and maximize the gains i keep. i will post an after pic and also a post cycle pic yo show the gains i keep. the pic was from the very beginning of the cycle and i am half way through as of now, i gained 15 pounds and have basically no sides. i cant seem to figure out why this cycle is so bad.. we will have to wait and see"
Cant see why this is a bad comment, but i gues down vote it if it helps you sleep at night, hahaha

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

i also believe i have a lot more testosterone than other people my age does on there body naturally. i have a temper that sometimes i just cant control, and i get mad at stupid shit, i also build muscle a lot leaner and faster than my other friends do and they have taken creatine protien and other wieght lifting supps. i have never taken a single thing until this year after i looked in the mirror and seen how much muscle i lost. figured i'd start my very first cycle on the contraversal "terrible" dbol only cycle, its not hurting my bank account so oh well. i am not swaying either way on the cycle, i will let the results leave other people to decide

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

thats the problem i havent seen any statistics, just word of mouth which is why i am doing this.. and i am still unaware of the gains i will keep as i am just half way through my cycle. and i am aware that dbol kills your liver, but also does alcohol which i used to consume every week. i am not saying what this cycle will do until i know first hand and even then i do not expect it to have the same effects on everyone the same way. but as of now i am very pleased with it and also no side effects so far, besides a little bloating and maybe a couple pimples on my face ( could also be all the choclate i had last week) but my dick has also seen no side effects and my girl gets hers every other day or so lol.. as to the gains i keep we will have to wait and see

juicedup's picture test means no working dick. Just a thought bro. You gotta replace the testosterone in your system. And just like all the other guys told u....your gains wont stay. Itsgonna be mostly water retention. Dbol is famous for it. Also, consider the fact that you are about to kill your liver and kidneys. Yes, its not the most toxic oral.....that would be anadrol.....but its still pretty damn hard on your system. Just some thoughts for you to ponder. If u wanna do roids and u wanna get something out of it without becoming another statistic then do them right. Do more research than u have obviously done. I would know everything inside and out before I put it in my body.

Best Steroids's picture

I think what you are doing is great, not the cycle but documenting it with pics. Reason being is that there are absolutely loads of people out there that are doing oral only cycles and may only ever do orals, either cos they're scared of needles or wrongly assume orals are safer. Anyone worth their salt knows that in general, orals are the most toxic roids out there but for one reason or another they still choose to do oral only cycles. So this will be very helpful in demonstrating why oral only reaps little reward in the long run. Yes you will gain off a dbol cycle cos it is a steroid and designed to help you build muscle but most of that weight will be down to water retention and you will not keep it. I will now explain to you why this cycle is not very good. Firstly it will suppress your own natural testosterone, the main muscle building ingredient, so although you will be gaining weight and a little muscle off the dbol only, your lack of test will seriously diminish the muscle you could've built had you added the exogenous test. secondly when you come off cycle your body's natural test is still gonna be suppressed and this takes time to return to normal. It's quicker if you use correct PCT but can still take weeks even months. So for all this time that your hpta is down you are training on no testosterone. Not only will you lose what you gained off the dbol only cycle but you could actually lose more than you started with if your own test doesn't kick back in quick enough. My advice to you now is to invest in some Nolva for PCT to get that test back up and running as soon after your cycle as possible.

FreshSqueezedJuice's picture

lol thats exactly what i have heard, testosterone testosterone testosterone! lol i am fully aware you need testosterone as a base for your cycles, my friend is a juicer and gained a lot off a test and dbol cycle so i figured i'd try steroids out.. Did all my research and seen what is best to use if you need to run an all oral cycle because i wanted to see how my body reacts to the drug before i go spending all this money and jumping right into it. researched dbol only cycle and heard a lot of negative feedback however ive googled the shit out of actually finding someone that has documented the cycle, found nothing. so i figured hell i might as well do it since i know this will be the only time i run a oral only cycle. i will not be taking any creatine during the cycle because i feel that will only add to the water wieght i plan on laddering my cycle down and starting creatine at the end of it so is to ease myself off the best way and maximize the gains i keep. i will post an after pic and also a post cycle pic yo show the gains i keep. the pic was from the very beginning of the cycle and i am half way through as of now, i gained 15 pounds and have basically no sides. i cant seem to figure out why this cycle is so bad.. we will have to wait and see

Durlang69's picture

I know you've heard it a million times you should throw some test in with that. However I would like to see the after photo and then another one approx 4 weeks after to show everyone you will lose 90% of your gains. Good to see someone going to SHOW actual results instead of just talking about them. Good luck, train hard, and please use liver therapy. Cheers!