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This is a recent photo. I was about 18% body fat before starting on Test. I've been on T for about 4+ years now. Low dose ( about .7 mL per week.)

4 years ago, I was having Low T symptoms. My friend suggested I have my T levels checked, so I ordered them. They were 408. I started taking Test Enanthate, and felt great! Lost body fat, and gained some lean body mass.

I've tried coming off of Test, but my energy crashes and I get extremely sore and achy. I've attempted to PCT, and it's never helped. So, I've stayed on low dose TRT.

I've cycled Boldenone, Winstrol and Tren Acetate into my cycle, as mini cycles. Each one has produced good results, in different ways.

I really like the way Winstrol makes me look and feel. But, after about 4-5 weeks, I notice I get rather irritable. So, I don't stay on it longer than that. Plus, my liver enzymes go up a bit.

I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder anymore. I just want to be healthy and feel good.

Hope this helps.

Ordered from: 
sportdc's picture

Login to your profile. ON the upper right side of the screen, scroll over "Submit". A drop down menu comes up. Go down and click on "submit picture". The screen that comes up allows you to search your computer for the picture. Find the picture, select it, then click the UPLOAD button.

Good luck.

cd1's picture

Go to a ...REAL doc and get your test levels checked and then let them prescribe you TRT if needed rather than guess for yourself.

It's seem that you like to feed bull shit and Eroids isn't about that so I will kindly give you a minus and also why the fuck would you even think of adding Tren into your cycle giving you look the way you do...

unreal89's picture

Really what the fuq..?

Makwa's picture

408 is not low T. I think you kind of fucked yourself by self-prescribing TRT.

sportdc's picture

You are right. It's not low T. But no, I didn't fuck myself. Turns out, I have Hashimoto's, which I didn't discover until later. BUT, nothing explained WHY I had Hashi's. Healed the associated Adrenal Fatigue, healed the Leaky Gut, corrected the low Vitamin D, cleaned up the liver, but still had the Hashi's, and low T SYMPTOMS. Low T symptoms go away with Testosterone injections.

Recently ran an analysis for heavy metals and essential metals. Came back high with Cadmium, Uranium and Arsenic. Critically low on Zinc. Have started on Chelation therapy. So far, going really well, and Thyroid Antibodies are dropping. C-Reactive Protein levels are dropping, so systemic inflammation is going down. Most likely, T levels will come back to normal in a few months. If interested, I'll let you know. If not, you can tell me to piss off...

sportdc's picture

Dominick77, please re-check my profile. I corrected my original claims, and elaborated further.

For the record, I didn't put the information on there to impress anyone. At the time, I had full intentions of immersing myself in the world of Hormone Therapy, and incorporating it into clinical practice. However, I have since learned that there are many complexities to hormone therapy, and many times, you don't need to resort to hormones in order to correct the disorders.

I only put up a profile because... that's what Daddyroids asked that I do, in order to get better prices. I know now that I should not have put up any info about being a sports doctor, functional medicine or hormonal therapy. Please disregard it. It's not of any importance....clearly.

zeb0312's picture

I only put up a profile because... that's what Daddyroids asked that I do, in order to get better prices.

You know how this sounds and what it sounds like.....

sportdc's picture

Your right. That doesn't sound very good. Does it? What I meant to say is.... I order product from Daddyroids, and have been doing so for several years. They emailed me, and asked that I set up a profile, simply so I could give them an HONEST review. They implied nothing about bribes or anything like that. I'm not getting paid, or getting free product. Just would like to get better prices on the product I continue to use. I've had great success with them, they've always treated me well, and they've never ripped me off.

I was VERY hesitant to upload pics, as I am very private, PLUS, I have absolutely no bragging rights, as some of you so eagerly pointed out "cd1". However, it was a requirement that was stipulated in my communication with them. Therefore, I did so. I really had absolutely NO IDEA so many people would swoop in and attack in the way they did. Crazy.

Anyway, just wanted to set the record straight. No need for hostility. I'm just a guy, putting "some" of my info on some forum. Simply to get better pricing on the products that I use, and I'm not marketing to anyone. So, no need to jump to any conclusions. I'm nobody special here.

All the best to you.

cd1's picture

So a source has asked you to become a member and pass comments

zeb0312's picture

Really....... That's interesting, I will await his response to that one......... See what he has to say

Muffins's picture

Bahaha. Thanks for sharing

zeb0312's picture

Years ago I had mine checked and it was like 270 i think it's been to long and still wouldn't give me trt said I was above the limit. Doc told me low was considered below 250 if I remember right it's been years..... Range was like 250-800 for me, my age back then he told me. Anyway it was bullshit. .

But I do remember I was fairly close to low side

So yea 408 is not low enough for trt...

Muffins's picture

I'd give up a lot things for 408.

zeb0312's picture

I would have to then, mine is a long story.

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