q8i's picture
  • 12

+ 2 current body..


My current upper body shot. Hopefully you will watch me change!

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Makwa's picture

What low T symptoms are you experiencing? You also need to discuss those symptoms with your doc. Some people function just fine on lower t levels while others don't. If your sole desire is to be on trt because you think will be able to build more muscle, that isn't going to cut it with the doc.

Pale's picture

Your case is one of them ones that is a tougher call than many we see but we all agree that you should talk to an endo first before doing anything. Good luck young man

fit5000's picture

Did you guys read his bloodwork, these #'s are not normal. Not just lower than average but low enough for there to be a medical issue.

Makwa's picture

How many cals are you eating now? What is your macro split - protein/carbs/fat? Are you above or below your TDEE? How many meals/day are you eating? Are you taking any supplements? What type of workout routine are you doing?

q8i's picture

I have been working out at the gym for 6 years almost non stop except if I had to travel or feel too stressed doing other things. Max I have been away from gym is 1 month only and only once or twice. I don't use any drugs and no other health issues.

I changed my diet and workout routine every 3-4 months.
I workout 5 to 6 days a week allowing my body to recover during off days supplementing it with anti-catabolic supplements.
I do:
1 day chest/biceps 4 to 5 exercises each.
1 day Legs 12 exercise thighs and calves.
1 day shoulders/Triceps 4 to 5 exercises each.
1 day Back/Lats 4 to 5 exercises each.
1 day abs and obliques.
1 day 2 hours cardio divided during the day 1 hour each.
1 day off for sure!
(formation changes every few months)

my diet is 40/40/20 out of 100.
around 250g protein/ 250g Carbs/ 70-100g healthy fats.
around 3k calories.
I also did a restricted diet and cut off fat to 10-20g a day for a month to see if changes can happen and it only made me skin, fats, and bones no muscles. (this was a suggestion of a trainer)
I have increased my calories to around 4K calories but I was gaining only fat.
All calories are from divided 5-6 meals during the day.

Getpumped99's picture


Dickkhead's picture

You're around 20% BF bro. What we affectionately call "skinny fat." I would not try to "cut" down the BF in the condition you're in without any muscle base. Too much of a risk you will loose what little lean tissue you have with low testosterone. If you're weighing like 150 lbs. at 20% BF - you're carrying a lean mass of 120 lbs.

Can you find an endocrinologist in your country that specializes in TRT? If you can't I would have to be a fool to think you are not going to try to self administer. No one here is going to recommend that. At the same time no one here want's you to damage your health either.

But, the gyno issue you speak of is a separate medical problem that you should be able to get treatment for. What's the deal with that? I can't see it in the picture though.

Justanotherguy's picture

Whoa whoa whoa everybody calm down.

From what I understand this young man hasn't used any AAS ( correct me if I'm wrong). He ran a blood test and found he has borderline low t, and was considering self diagnosed trt. I think that's the bulk of it.

Hustle28's picture

Pretty much ..... But we are trying to have him make some changes in diet & training which wouldn't hurt

Justanotherguy's picture

Agreed, trt is for life, and he's only 24. Personally I think he could make use of a better diet and training routine.

Maybe he had a bad reaction to some medication in the past, killing his testostorone levels, I've seen it before.
Gear head offered great advice in the forum, TRT is forever ( also gear head became sterile because of it).

jimmycrackcorn's picture

i got a little homeboy his age thats on trt...its not unheard of. i bet we would be suprised how many young boys have low T...the reason they are small as fuck has to be a test issue right?

cthangorilla's picture

Fluoride is put into the tapwater and decreases tes level to keep us docile. First place they flouridized the tap water was in concentration camps and there wasn't a lot of fighting back. That and the tainted food, cellphones in our pockets causing radiation in the nearby body parts such as the testes, and many other less mentioned factors...

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Hustle28's picture

I can be a variety of things like stress,diet,overall life habits. I've heard of young lazy people having low t because of inactivity

jimmycrackcorn's picture

damn...word up

Justanotherguy's picture

Here's the forum from earlier with a better explanation of the problem.


q8i's picture

and a guy asked me to post a picture of my body to offer me help and I did!
I didn't upload it guys so you could have some fun to laugh with.

Hustle28's picture

No one is laughing we are all adults here and we are trying to help don't get defensive

q8i's picture

You just are uneducated and don't know how a slight boost of Test for a period of time can change ones physique. I have Test value of a man over 45 years old and thats how hard I have been dealing with my body. I wasn't born with enough Test in my body to get me there where everyone has started! I am just another case that happens to SOME guys and ain't like you! I don't have to be where you guys started so you get to know where I am standing now and tell me to do what you did! I am a fu*king different case! GET IT!?

Catalyst's picture

"I wasn't born with enough test in my body"

No mate, more likely there's a link between being overweight / poor eating earlier in your life decreasing your test levels. It's not a birth defect.

I can see you're getting frustrated, but I'd urge you to cease with the getting defensive lines like "you're just uneducated". That's not helpful and it isn't going to get you what you came here for.

I don't know where I stand on this. Part of me sees why you are considering the path you are, but I think there's other stuff to consider here. You raised your test levels to an acceptable level with natural boosters, why not keep doing that? You CAN build muscle on those levels. Why are two endocrinologists saying no to TRT? Have you asked them directly? Don't be afraid to question medical professionals, even disagree with them. Show them the ranges you've researched and ask them why not? What also concerns me is why your prolactin is high. Have you run some drugs you're not telling us about? Any medication you take / have taken long term?

In summation I see where you're coming from and I also see the guys point about no base. TRT is a life changer, bigger than just growing muscles. I'd urge you to consider all aspects.

q8i's picture

I have done another testosterone blood test 3 days ago and new results came today shows that I am down again from 11.4 to 7.8 and it seems like my test is fluctuating between 6 and 11 max while reference range is 6 being lowest and 27 highest. So I don't think that test boosters are truly working in a desired way.
I have asked for the TRT directly and they said no required. I haven't been on any juice or medication before but I remember growing up with loneliness and no self esteem during puberty. I have always thought I am sad and hopeless. Maybe that was a sign of a hormone irregulation and I didn't bother to look at it and fix it in the right time...

Catalyst's picture

May well be the case.

Have you tried being real direct? I want to know why not etc? Don't be afraid to push medics, they don't like it but sometimes you have to.

I don't know what others think but I think you need to really push the medical route. I'm in the UK so things are different here in there's the process works. My feeling is you should probably be put onto TRT, but by an endo, but definitely not self prescribed. And if they say no, I'd want to know why not.

Interested to see what others think......

fit5000's picture

I really think the endo route is the best way to go. If the first one doesn't seethe issue go to another and another. My question is if they are comfortable with his testosterone level why are they not addressing the elevated estrogen and prolactin. I converted his #s last night so I could better understand how bad they really are. His prolactin is 24 ng/ml and estrogen was 68 pg/ml. No wonder he's got gyno.

Hustle28's picture


Hustle28's picture

Smh ...... Bro don't be lazy do work change ur diet increase and change ur workout ur not ready for aas !! This isn't going to transform u at all anabolics are for people that have maximized their limits ur not there yet. Sorry for being harsh but I'm tired of seeing lazy people with natty potential using gear.

5'11 at 155 not a base at all

q8i's picture

In my case its different.. I have been hitting the gym for 6 years doing exactly what they are doing and all have changed their bodies naturally and have moved on. I am still that thin fatty guy I was 6 years ago. How come if well all hit the gym together and eat same stuff have same lifestyles. ITS GENETIC I guess. I have to do something and check my blood tests. They are shit! I can't to find help anywhere! and I am not giving up now!

doing what I was doing for 6 YEARS again won't change anything!

Hustle28's picture

Did u know eating like crap increases ur e2 levels??

I used to weigh 300lbs it took me 3 yrs to drop the habits an get my body in check. Then I hit a wall after training with ex-spec war operators and that's when I decided to pursue gear. Ur body doesn't look like it's been through 6yrs of training don't lie to urself. How about u take some advice from some of us and get ur food right and train ur ass off not this lazy crap

guitarplayer1's picture

Yep..another one. They just keep coming, guys who look like they never lifted a weight and eat ramen noodles all day.

Let's take steroids and I'll get jacked they think. All without ever thinking to themselves that they actually have to eat and train.

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Hustle28's picture

It's funny how they always say they hav tried everything lol

I'm sure if he cleaned his diet and increased clean calories with non lazy workouts he will gain some weight. The only way I would say yes to this is if he has cancer, aids, or some other disease that requires aas

guitarplayer1's picture

Don't think they are fully aware of what it takes to even build a base.

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q8i's picture

you already help yourself and others "or some other disease that requires aas"

I know something is wrong and I think its my fu*ked up genes... and I am not letting that beat me!

Hustle28's picture

Also u need money and time u blaming it on genetics is a weak excuse man it's obvious that ur not eating right or training to ur max.

I bet of u listen to gearhead,rusty, and especially makwa u will see gains no excuses cut the crap if ur serious

q8i's picture

You just lift weight and juice and have better genes to start with and now you people brag.. like you know everything going on with everyone..

guitarplayer1's picture

Open up a forum thread. Jot down your diet and training. When and how.

Let us have a look and I guarantee you physique will change if you follow the advice.

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