Paulpersonne82's picture
  • 11

+ 7 Clenbuterol Driada (clenbutos) 40 mcg


Clenbuterol Driada 40 mcg (clenbutos )
Following a laboratory test carried out by the source, the clenbuterol is dosed at 70 mcg for this lot. I congratulate the source who has done the necessary on his site to inform consumers.

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JakeKO's picture

Probably the one compound besides Tren that I would never want overdosed.

HanginLow's picture

Honestly you should never need more than 40mcgs of clen if you are a bodybuilder/ coach worth their salt

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simonmagus84's picture

It does not depend on weight of the person, it depends on tolerance. Pharma dosages were originally 20mcgs for the user to gauge levels after 72 hours bumping 20mcgs at a time per 72 to pyramid up no higher than 80mcgs, then pyramid back down to 20mcgs. If you start at a higher dose just because of your "weight” your body may not be able to tolerate sides such as elevated heart rate, blood pressure and dehydration. This is a dangerous compound and should be used with caution, not based on body weight.

HanginLow's picture

Word up Simon

It's the last thing I add:
Diet alterations first (until I feel performance is impacted)
Cardio (until I feel same thing)
Then we add burns, yohimbine first oct

Then then we add clen to really dig the glutes out / or if we are behind

I understand this is off topic and in the context of bodybuilding and not a medical application.

And OP I understand you are just showing off your overdosed clen but that will spark comments as it is considered a dangerous PED, no shade to you

Edit: and I always start and usually keep it at 20mcgs as you said, pre fasted cardio, but I've been using a lot of Albuterol tabs lately instead

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Makwa's picture

At least you know it is overdosed. Source should take that lot off of the market. this is dangerous. People thinking it is 40mcg are going to be overdosing which is not a good thing with clen.