Nattyboomba's picture
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BPC-157 & Nova from MyRoidShop1


Got a bottle of Nova, but I’m more psyched about this generic BPC-157. I’ve got a shoulder and an elbow that need some love, & I’ve got some TB-500 & HGH to stack with this, so I’m pumped to get healing. I’ll post up my results in a couple months.

Ordered from: 
Diesel22's picture

Hey good luck with healing your shoulder and elbow brother

Nattyboomba's picture

Thank you brother. I’m hoping this will be the extraordinary healing potion it’s been for some. We’ll see!

Diesel77's picture

I have heard BP157 is one of those compounds that work very well for some, and not so great for others. I know PLENTY of people who love and swear by it healing stubborn injuries then the not so satisfied users who got no results from it. Very interesting and hope it works and helps your shoulder/elbow out some.

Nattyboomba's picture

Thank you, my man. I’ve seen the same sort of experiences that you have. Some say this is life changing & others say it’s nonsense. I’m excited & hopeful that I’ll be one of the true believers soon!

Nattyboomba's picture

Oh man. You know, it seems to be that some respond well to it and others just don’t. There are stories of miraculous recoveries by some & then disappointing experiences like yours. I’m surprised it didn’t even help the ulcer; that’s kind of its primary function, right? Hopefully I respond better. If I don’t, I don’t think I’ll give it a second shot. Thanks for the guidance, my man