tattoofreak's picture
  • 290

+ 11 Bloods with ugfreaks testo


This bloods were taken after round about 45 days with ugfreaks testo e 250mg e5d. Normally test level should be around 25 with my dosage. Unfortunately seems to be kinda underdosed.

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cougars509's picture

Wow you weren’t lying, there’s a little something in it but sooooooo underdosed, we have to keep fighting these manufacturers and sources not standing by what they sell and needing to test what they are selling frequently

Sam I Am's picture


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twistedsister's picture

So your test is a eclia (Electro-chemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA))
You tested 13.2 ng/ml which would be 1320 ng/dl so it is underdosed.

Note : the dose of 250mg e5d comes out to 350 mg a week as OP stated his bloods normally are around 25 ng/ml which is roughly 2500 ng/dl

+1 tattoo freak gifting my bottles to a friend or binning em

GrowMore's picture

Thanks for uploading and helping the community. Looking forward to seeing more tests done on this source as I'm happy with his tren.

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ugfreak's picture

Hey buddy.

Thank you for your time, making bloods and sharing with the community. We appreciate your time and efforts. However this doesn't show whether or not the product is accurately dosed, while simply proving test being there.

tattoofreak's picture

Please do a little research, bro. It can NOT be accurately dosed! Not with this results. Maybe it's not your fault and additional it was just free gear. But bloods don't lie...

In a promo × 1
stairmaster's picture

20 would be an acceptable result but 13 is rly low...

SenseiMiagi's picture

Thanks for posting. Hate to see the low results, but tis the game we play in. +1