LionMuscleIT's picture
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+ 4 Blind Test of 3 Driada products


Once again I was very satisfied with the Driada products after carrying out the laboratory analysis.
This time I had it analyzed:

1) PROPIOS 100 mg/ml (Testosterone propionate)
2) MENTOLAD 50 mg/ml (Trestolone acetate)
3) TREMILAD 150 mg/ml (Trenbolone Exa, Acetate and Enanthate)

My experience with Driada products is once again very positive and therefore remains my primary source of supply for my competition preparations.
The service as always excellent as well as their assistance in chat and email always ready to solve any problem and respond to all my needs and curiosities.
All 3 products responded excellently to my needs, MENTOLAD I can say that I had to halve the initial dose because my body was feeling it very strongly.
Once again very satisfied!

Ordered from: 
Makwa's picture

Thanks for testing

lundgren's picture

Sorry but i see nothing lol

LionMuscleIT's picture

Can't see the analysis photos?

lundgren's picture

Yes when i posted the message the picture are blurred but now when i click i see the number and the picture are clear, thanks +1