RawGonza22's picture
  • 172

+ 8 Before Pic 06-2019


This is a before pic 7 days in on a Test/NPP Cycle. Plan on a 12 week run on a strict Cold Rice/Rat Meat diet. Weighed 202 last Friday, was 197 2 weeks ago, approximately 12-15% BF maybe less. Thanks for all those whom competed in the recent EBC BB comp, been wanting to run this for a while.

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RawGonza22's picture

I'll tell you Tron this few month short run was a damn God given reminder as to how important chicken and rice and some Cod and tilapia on the side, important. Lost 10 lbs on this short 8 week blast but looked like I gained 20 and still trucking. Thanks to all ur guyss motivation and drive as well as optimism got to keep that cortisol level in check

dextetherdog's picture

Keep it up

Mr.Raise's picture

Looking good Mr RG

RawGonza22's picture

I know that Ur stuff is just gonna help me big time with my Cold Rice, Rat Meat diet. I've been persistent in the gym, while not overdoing it but I've been really learning about diet and putting down the water I take big time.

RawGonza22's picture


wanted's picture

Kick some azz this cycle man. Go all in !!!
Diet, gym, you owe it to yourself.. if your ready —OWN IT
Past is the past and the future is BRIGHT..
Put the food in —PUT the dabm work in !!!!
Goodluck man. I know you can do it

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RawGonza22's picture

Man, you did good as well man. Smashing it. Just playing a bit. Keeping things small and reasonably responsible. Thanks Mr. Wanted

RawGonza22's picture

Lolol. Hey man. I'm patting myself on the back. I raise my own rats. I'm having to force myself to eat. Got in a 2 part breakfast, 2 part lunch, a post workout raw egg shake with 2 raw avocados and a handful of pistachio nuts, and I've been looking at about 8-10 oz of tilapia in some cold pasta....I'm like fuck this man. Lol

RawGonza22's picture

Just a quick short cycle. Will pct. Looking forward to that next EBC. Keep doing it man. You put on good size and lost all that weight. It's obvious man. I know what goes into it. I'm finally eating so much better

RawGonza22's picture

It's all diet these last months. I just started doing abs, they have a big separation cause they are flat. Theres days I just cant eat. I've got a 5 hour round trip train ride 3 days a week, with 12 hour shifts; for example, the other day I ate a large bowl of oatmeal with a can of mixed fruit cocktail, and a carb, egg shake, early AM, burned probably 4000 calories throughout the day, and then worked out late and drank 8 raw egg whites and then slept. Whats that, 300 calories, if that?? That's the only reason why I can see my abs. They are an illusion, literally. I eat alot some days like today I ate alot and ate good. What for run a cycle without food, the right food, and enough food. Good product only works best if its fed alot of food. Gotta work it or it dont work

wanted's picture

Have you ever tried adding a scoop of chocolate protein powder into your oats along with a tbspoon of peanutbutter or almond butter. Not sure the macros in your fruit cocktail but i like to chop up half an apple in my oats..

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RawGonza22's picture

Fruit cocktail is garbage. Canned. I get an apple or two oranges or banana blended every morning with a combo of two for sure with egg whites either with the shake or cooked...depends; Including either oatmeal or grits. I just dont know what protein to use. Yes I would like to know a good protein. Shits expensive. I'd rather put down an extra 5 lbs of chicken per week. It's hard to eat man. I'm barely getting 3000 cal on a good day. I dont give a shit what anybody says man, it's hard to put down 4000 cals of quality foods. 8 Fn meals??

wanted's picture

I did 7 meals for the ebc up until peak week
Workout days 2 shakes. 5 meals
Non workout days 1 shake + 6 meals
Everyone has there favorite protein powder
I only buy optimum nutrition 57.00 for 74 one scoop servings
And I only buy it when it’s on sale buy one get one 1/2 off
Seems like you got it all figured out I’ll sit back and watch good luck

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RawGonza22's picture

I believe it. You burned fat and got jacked at the same time. I just now got to eating my oatmeal; it's just after 12 noon. I eat big ass bowls of oatmeal or grits. At least 4 or 5 dry cups
Ya I'll keep posting

RawGonza22's picture


RawGonza22's picture

The abdomen scar is the result of Opioid abuse from last summer, 07-2018, to those whom are struggling with addiction; I understand the Horror and pain

stairmaster's picture

I had the same issue, I got oxycodon after my surgery and it destroyed my cardia and stomach. Needed 9 months to recover! All the best and good shape mate!

RawGonza22's picture

Understood. Thank you

RawGonza22's picture

A moderate dose of Methadone finally put the final nail in the coffin; I was using the "Doctors Approved" drug (Hitlers dope) to get off of harder stuff. I just got hooked on a heavy opiate which started from leaving the hospital in 2016 from a collapsed upper thoracic, just couldn't get back to life. Not to long after, I wolfed a steak dinner way too fast without chewing it well, back in 2017 sometime which started the blockage; then I started getting massive, relentless, and painful hiccups (they came on hard at least 2 times a week at least, machine gun hiccups, couldn't breath at times, very rough and tough) and I had to force myself sick by making myself dryheave and vomit to get the hiccups to stop, and in late June or early July of 2018, I just could not shit and have Bowel movements anymore, nor could I pass gas.
I built up what was said to be the size of a football amount of stool, 15 lbs, and nearly busted the intestine. I had started bleeding through my pores, blood thinned out badly, lost 2 liters of blood, I had urinated pure blood hours before I took an ambulance in, extremely sick, had just started a new job, just a few shifts...after 2 surgeries, and 5 weeks on intrevanious nutrients while forcing myself to vomit, fuckin hiccups were painful and rentless, then threw up a shit load of blood and saliva, looked like coffee grounds, then within 1 day or 2 I was back to normal. Insane.
These hospitals release you cold Turkey jacked up in ruthless and painful withdrawal from morphine and dihydromorphone, but I'm dealing with it in and out but doing fine today. It's been a deadly serious problem. I recovered with just 3 small vertical hernias that are shown in this pic