painstation's picture
  • 10

+ 1 before and after


These pics were taken about 8 weeks apart running big D test E at 600mg per week and tren E at 400 mg per week. Diet was around 1900 to 2000 calories a day no cardio. still got a little ways to go. gotta hop back on another cycle in a few weeks

tigar1's picture

Good work.

painstation's picture

Thanks bro

tony stacks's picture

Nice work brother!

painstation's picture

thanks alot bro. im itching to get back on cycle to cut the rest off. its hard to wait when you got a stock of gear waiting to go

painstation's picture

I really only lost strength on chest day and really it wasn't as much as I thought I would prolly like 10 or 15 lbs

painstation's picture

I hear you on that bro its a constant process with bulking and cutting to get where I want to be. Thanks a lot for the encouragement

indabasement's picture

Wow nice work. And no cardio? I am running same now but different dose. Tren e at 300mg because first time and wanted to keep low. Test e is at 225mg (3/4 cc) because I researched a lot of info that said lower test keeps sides down when running with tren. Looks like you have no water retention though. I may have to adjust dose! My diet is close to what you did too.

painstation's picture

I found out for me if I do test E at 600 and tren E at 400 it really balances out the sides as far as aggression, night sweats and sex drive goes . Everyone is different though it took some playing with the dose to get it where I like it.

indabasement's picture

Gotcha. Thanks for the info bro. When did you start seeing the fat shred kicking in?

painstation's picture

honestly it was kinda a gradual process so I couldnt say exactly but I started off at 239 lbs and in the pic im 192 I was losing 1.5 to 2 lbs a day except for the weekends I would eat off the nutrition plan which included foods with a little more salt content causing me to put a few lbs back on but I found that doing that seemed to keep fat loss consistent and my body guessing

sc2216's picture

Great job bro!

painstation's picture

Thanks brotha