Deathstroke's picture
  • 0

+ 8 ARL pack lands


200 tabs Anavar (blue)
200 tabs Winstrol (yellow)
2x Sustanon
Tren Ace. and Mast Prop.
service was great 5 days for order/payment process and 7 days shipping!

Ordered from: 
Tvo's picture

How is the anavar?

cthangorilla's picture

Why 4 weeks only? How would you compare it to other oxandro labs you've used? Stacking sus and var? I'm debating that now since I'm on sus but was going to wait to run with the test e lol. Sorry about all the questions, just love me some var and want to know how arl labs hold up, didnt try their oral var last time I went through them

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philly72387's picture

Nice order. I'm waiting on my var sust and tren now.

GrowMore's picture

Make sure you review the anavar mate, so many people are wanting to pull the trigger on those pills +1

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