CR1970's picture
  • 35

+ 14 45yrs. Bulk run with Rawpower


Test/Tren run with RP. I knew Rawpower had the goods a long long time ago and loaded up good. Its time to come back again :). Thank you RP for being so good to me brother!

Ordered from: 
GrowMore's picture

Solid work bro ++

Owes a Review × 1
CR1970's picture

Thank you man. I dont look like that now and life gets in the way, but your guys comments motivate me to be the man I once was. Thanks again.

Drock_357's picture

Looking good bro! Nice representation for us older guys!

--RP4U--'s picture

as already mentioned, I merely provided a tool, YOU are the craftsman! :))

zeb0312's picture

as already mentioned, I merely provided a tool, YOU are the craftsman! :))

But also must have good tools to work with. :-)

j1980's picture

Great job CR!! +1

CR1970's picture

Thank you


Looking good brother............. hard graft pays well huh?............................... +3

CR1970's picture

Vike you have made my day. Your presence here further confirms that I've done well. Thank you....


You are very welcome brother......... good self pics makes it all real somehow in internet land.

Respect bro Smile

uknoantd's picture

there you go man, you look better then most people 20 years younger then you!!

CR1970's picture

Thank you my man.

GunterO'dihm's picture

you looks good for 45 yrs, great job pal!

juiceball8082's picture


CR1970's picture

Wow!_thank you so much Theophany. I have turned to you more than once for advice so Its only fair to say that you have had a hand in bringing me where I am today. Its good to see you again brother!

Theophany's picture

You are more than welcome brother CR and it's great seeing you also!
In all fairness brother, it was you who put in all the work! It was solely you who monitored your diet and lived the lifestyle! It was you who sacrificed! And your hard work and dedication has paid off wonderfully! An admirable, healthy and young build you possess! Keep grinding brother and hit me up anytime! :))

Theophany's picture

Oh yes, looking like a majestic strong lion brother CR! Well muscled, solid and strong physique! Amazing shape and symmetry! A stellar representation of us more mature members! Inspiring and motivating! Masterfully accomplished! +2 for an ageless and classic build! Much respect my friend and best wishes always!