JustCycle's picture
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+ 5 3 years ago & now



1st & 3rd pic is me now & 2nd pic is roughly 3 years ago. (NOTE: This isn’t a transformation photo at all, my eating/training wasn’t dialled in for that time so just a small update more than anything)

So 3 yrs ago I did some research, started a cycle but IMO made mistake of running Test E + D Bol (realistically should have been 1 compound only) then my source for getting bloods done packed in & so I consequently stopped about 3 weeks in as a result.

I’m now looking at running a 12 week Test E only cycle + PCT.


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johnmarshall12's picture

Need better quality pics for us to really see the difference, but keep up the good work! +

JustCycle's picture

Ok mate I’ll add another pic in 3 months, either whether I choose to run anything or not. Then will have a better comparison as I’m trying to train & eat more


Sam I Am's picture

Cant go wrong with a good test cycle.
Dont be scared to eat...

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JustCycle's picture

I would eat well during & after cycle! I like food so no issues there, wouldn’t have to force myself to eat like you hear some people do

Thanks mate

Makwa's picture

Not really seeing much change, could just be the pics though.

JustCycle's picture

You are right, wasn’t meant to be a transformation post what so ever, I know I’ve not trained & eaten right for past 3 years. If that was my ‘transformation’ I would be slightly embarrassed as it’s not a huge deal in the slightest!

Back then I was given the go ahead by some people on here but IMO I am in a little bit better shape now & older also, so was just seeing what people think etc


JustCycle's picture

Definitely mate, will aim to get some full length & closer to the mirror too


robb's picture

You could do with a little extra focus on your chest. It looks to be a bit underdeveloped. Not saying this as negative criticism. Other than that your doing ok, another 5kg would transform you ++

JustCycle's picture

Advise taken on board, I feel I have bad genetics chest wise as I do try hit it hard but will keep trying! So you think eat some more?

Thanks mate!

robb's picture

Yeah but sensibly unless you plan on bulking any time soon. Make it a goal to achieve 5kgs of lean mass by the end of the year. If you can stay in the same condition with the extra 5kgs it'll look like 8 if you're nice and lean.

JustCycle's picture

Ok mate, I’m fairly low carb at the moment so could try introducing extra little bit each day & see how it goes! 5kg lean mass would be very cool. You think hold out on a cycle at the moment or try it?


robb's picture

Hold out for as long as possible. Reaching one's natural potential will set you off on the right foot

JustCycle's picture

Had an extra 50 carbs today from some oats, don’t want to go overboard & stack on BF as feel I have a slow metabolism. Will see how it goes!

How would you know the exact point when you’re at best natural potential, would you say when training & eating is bang on but not noticing much more gain wise?

Thanks again

robb's picture

more or less yes. If you're happy to train without gear I'd advise anyone to remain natural. It's easy to not miss som you have never tried.

If and when you do, it needs to be a life choice that you make yourself. If I knew you personally it would be a different story.

dextetherdog's picture

Very hard to judge from this pictures as quality is poor, looks not much of a difference to me

JustCycle's picture

I was going to edit the OP as I didn’t mean it to be a comparison photo, I slacked off for some time so you are right! More just a small update really


fusebox's picture

I think we need a better pic bro. Somewhere with a little less pink. You look pretty damn lean but the mirror is so skinny you have to turn sideways. +2 at any rate welcome

JustCycle's picture

I’ve added a 3rd photo, although again, it’s maybe not the best pic but all I have now. I don’t have a full length mirror at the house at the moment, but will get a new pic at the Gym & upload asap

Thanks mate!

Sam I Am's picture

×2 not sure what's up with all the terrible pictures lately.

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