BigLV's picture
  • 21

2 kits landed


2 kits. Landed.
5 iu a day all one pin in the am.

Ordered from: 
PPGfreak's picture

I thought those kits were 120iu/12iu per bottle? Dosage of 5iu per day would be annoying

BigLV's picture

Ya you are right. I usually just assume they are 10 since it’s generic. I split the bottle over 2 days. So I’m essence, yes it would be 6 iu per day.

PPGfreak's picture

What are your goals from it? If it’s fat lose just run 4iu and it’ll last a lot longer

BigLV's picture

I’m off from a cycle right now. And will be taking a break for a good 3 more months. Maintenance is my goal right now. Once I jump back on prop/winney I’m going to Pfizer pen.

ECinfidel's picture

Nice one. How was the t/a?

BigLV's picture

T/A about 3 weeks from time funds sent.

RangerVet's picture

Awesome man! Enjoy it