posted Wed, 07/31/2024 - 17:11
+ 23 1 week out update
1 week out from our beach trip, figured I do my last update for anyone who was following my past progress pic. I tacked on a diuretic to help shed some water which has worked perfectly. I’m fucking miserable, I’m literally starving all day, I can’t sleep, horrible lethargy. I don’t know how the pros do this all the time lol. I’m somewhat happy with the progress I’ve made in such a short amount of time, I could have done better but the last few days I’m going to cut the carbs back some more just to drop a few more lbs. Bumped my protein up from 275 to 345 which hasn’t seemed to hurt me too bad bloat wise, I do look fuller in person. 7 more days and I’m going to pig the fuck out lol.
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Killing it
Looking awesome bro. Superb work. Best of luck with the rest of your self torture and bring on the pig out, cheat meals you’ve earned. +1
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Your progress is a testament to your dedication and hard work. As you approach the final stretch, stay strong and keep focused, you’re almost there.
We are proud to support you in your journey. Looking forward to serve you more.
Thank you
Yeah man just recently I told a member how bodybuilders put their bodies through hell. I just couldn't do it though so that's why I never got into body building. Like you I don't see how they do it!!!
When there’s money involved I could understand but a nobody like me doing it just because? Yeah it freaking sucks. But on the flip side accomplishing a goal like this, sticking with a very strict diet and regimen is something to be proud of and I am. I have zero interest in bodybuilding, I do this because I enjoy it and I love looking good for my wife.
Yep it definitely takes discipline but a very different kind lol. And yeah man more power to them for reaching their goals, I salute them for sure. Hey man looking good for your wife and not for other women is a good thing
This is that classic 70s look that I've come to admire. Those 300 pound please!!!! Nah this look is on point. Wish I could go back down to 190 or 200 pounds lol. That's an athletic /classical look you have.
Damn 5'7 190.
Thanks. I’m holding at 202 right now. I stopped the diuretic for a couple days and almost hit 210 so I immediately got back on it LMAO.
Ok so not 190 anymore. Looking like a prime Sly Stallone!!!
I didn't know that Sly Stallone was on his Third marriage. I guess the first one was Rocky and the second one Rocky 2.
@OlympicLats....lolol good one. Rocky 3 was a charm though!!!
Fuck yeah! That's all that needs to be said there. If say get it, but you got it! Good shit!
WTF I must been sleeping on you. Looking diced my guy.
There will be many jealous men on the beach
Lol. I told my wife I hope we run into a mom’s girls trip. We love some 40 year old women.
I think I already said this but I’ll say it again…. that’s how I’m trying to get right there
You got me mean mugging the treadmill right now
Are there not any hot girls wearing booty shorts on the treadmills? It’s summer time man they ain’t wearing NOTHING in my gym yet they get mad when we look. I’m like I don’t know why you’re mad at me, YOU dressed yourself before coming in here. Don’t be advertising then,
Naw man, this is like kept man, stay at home dad hour at this gym I’m at right now. I was zoned out until you said something and now I’m sad
I already know though, I told a bitch at the gym before… I’m not here trying to pull a bitch like you, I’m here trying to pull a bitch better than you
Damn, that’s cold blooded. Lol
How ya been man? You've been gone for awhile huh? Well glad you're back. Looking good brother
Can’t complain how about you? I took some time off when I tore my bicep last year, I didn’t expect to recover from it but I did. It wasn’t a full blown “let go” situation but I definitely couldn’t flex it for several weeks.
I'm good my man. Taking time off is good. After time off I always come back fresh and stronger than a mofo. I think the mind benefits as well. That mind- muscle connection is crucial. I just hope I don't get any serious injury...knock on wood. Been good so far. I would hate to tear a Bicep or peck or anything for that matter.
You’re right it is, but 6 months off is TOO much lol. I told my wife I’m in my prime right now since 40 is creeping up quick, might as well see how big I can get. Pray for no injuries lol
O yeah 6 months is way too long. Yeah man go get it! I'm just glad to see you back. See how big you can get but be careful. Take it easy. You already have a good base to work with, I BS you not.
That's impressive. Your gonna have all eyes on you at the beach lol.
Wow looking incredible big bro.
Thank you brother.
Looking good, how high are your carbs?
Some clown negged me for this comment, I know who the clown is and retaliation will be swift lmao
Lol. Wasn’t me bud
Lmao I know, some guys estrogen levels are too high so he's acting out.
Leg days I get about 325 otherwise 225ish
Still pretty decent honestly, and you don't look flat.
Looking good. The tan will be the icing on the cake. Look into NutriBio Super Carb. It's a clusterdextrin slow carb that won't bloat you or spike your insulin. 1 scoop is 25g of good carbs. White rice will be in and out of you quickly too. You need to think clearly, have fun and be functional while on vacation. Little bits of carbs here and there will do that and won't ruin your physique. Make sure you're getting in electrolytes/salt too little bits throughout the day.
Thanks, I’ll check that stuff out. White rice is a no go for me, I’m hypo and rice makes my sugar tank so I avoid it like the plague. I’m stuck with potatoes as my main carb source
Hey when you say “your hypo” is that like an actual condition or something. Cus I have the same issue, I go hypo when I don’t have enough carbs in me or when I do any activity without loading up on carbs. It’s like I’m the opposite of diabetic
I can only speak for me but yeah mine is severe, my doctor can’t find anything wrong with my pancreas nor is my A1C off. I’m not diabetic nor pre-diabetic, people always ask me if I’m diabetic because I walk around the gym with sweet tarts in a ziploc bag. I laugh because i wouldn’t be eating sugar if i was diabetic. I’ve been hypo for 13 years now and rice is one of the main things I cannot eat. Like clockwork everytime I do my sugar plummets below 70. Luckily my body always gives me a warning plenty of time before hand.
I'm the same, I need heavy carbs all day. Rice does absolutely nothing for me, white bread and potatoes are my main carbs and then white pasta. I was like it even before steroids, then of course on steroids its even worse lol Have you ever got to the stage in a hypo where you literally cannot talk and it all comes out as slurred words? Lmao
I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one, I stick to multigrain breads never white or wheat but even still I limit my bread intake. My body seems to digest potatoes really well so that’s good. Tren is the only one that accelerates my insulin dump, but yeah you’re exactly right they do. The lowest my number has ever been was 33 and I felt fine, other times I’ve been 55 and felt like I was going to pass out.
33!!?? I’m hypo around like 75, the lowest I’ve ever seen mine was 63. But I usually don’t test it when I’m hypo, cus I already know what the hells going on so I just eat and don’t even waste time testing so I don’t really know how low I’ve actually gotten.
Yeah I went in for routine bloodwork one morning at the VA, and about an hour later my nurse called me freaking out asking if I was ok. Of course I said yeah what’s the matter? She told me my sugar was 33 lol. They made me go back up there and redo it and of course I had already eaten breakfast at that point so it was fine.
lol that’s stupid they should know it’s going to be completely different but i guess they still need to check
That’s our government for you lol
Trenbolone and DBol are the worst for me, NPP can be quite bad if you run it high enough surprisingly. They just blitz your blood sugar, never had bad issues on superdrol though like many get.
I eat twice the carbs when I use Superdol and I don’t seem to have a problem although I can never run it longer than 15 days whether it be injectable or oral. My BP goes up and it’s game over lol