mobman702's picture
  • 388

Not Looking good for Alpha Pharma


This is becoming all to frequent..

shaun1's picture

30million£ is a boat load of cash. Why would one put themself out there publicly on social media like he has. Its just crazy.

Owes a Review × 2
Gettingbig's picture

His mistake was leaving india. If he wouldn't have traveled to the usa or uk he wouldn't have been arrested.
Sucks alpha should keep going no problem he was the owner but there a company ceo and so forth in India

Gigel's picture

I wonder why he did that by himself

Becausesquat's picture

Shame alpha was quality

Getbig024's picture

Ordered alpha pharma a couple years back... first package was seized... 2nd one made it but it had EVERYTHING written on the outside of the package... quantity, product ordered, etc... I was mind blown

333's picture

Wow that's crazy

enhancedlife's picture

Damn! I still consider AP to be the best ugl out. Problem is they’re so hard to get in quantity to the states

mobman702's picture
mobman702's picture

Getting crazy homie.. Have no words for all this

mobman702's picture

Link will not load correctly but I read the Alpha-Pharma founder was busted April 1st
on another forum.. Hope this doesnt continue to be a consistant pattern..

mobman702's picture

U R probably correct. Lets sit back and wait to see... Hmmmmmmmmmmm