ALamb7x's picture
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SARMS - Better for fat asses or leaner losers?

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I'm no stranger to the gym, but a stranger to diet dedication. 6'0, 289, 33% BF yesterday. Starting first SARM cutting cycle soon. Can fat asses like me benefit from SARMS cutting, or do I need to lose the first 20-30lbs without assistance first? Cycle Option - S4/GW/SR9009/RAD-140: overkill? can I get the same muscle build / fat loss results with 3 sarms? Any advice would be appreciated. Ill post Before pics when I start my cycle.

ALamb7x's picture

If I didn't want it real, I wouldn't put my business out in the street. I assumed losing on my own first was the best option, but its also nice to hear it from objective parties. Fortunately, I have not ordered yet. Good first few days of dieting. Took Before pics Monday night. ugh. Ill take weekly pics and post every sunday with weight and BF%. Thanks to all who have replied. Feel free to continue.

Makwa's picture

Be sure to check out the training/nutrition section. Priceless info in there that will get you going in the right direction.

Richard.Simmons's picture

The only ones you would want to use are Cardarine and LGD. However they aren't magic. You being at 33% BF seems like a personal problem. How about set some small goals and try to reach maybe 5lbs first ? 20-30lbs isn't easy to loose. You got to want to loose weight not just talk about it. Set some goals we will be here to help along the way.

Not trying to be a dick just keeping it real brother.

Makwa's picture

Completely unnecessary and a waste of money to be using Sarms at that high of bodyfat. Get your diet under control first or no matter what you try and take for losing fat it will be a losing battle.

Pale's picture

I agree with Makwa. You know there is no easy way or shortcut to drop that body fat. Get on that on treadmill, do complex style lifting, lift heavy, fast paced and often. But most importantly stop eating shit you know you shouldn't be eating. If you do this you can get that BF down below 20% in no time.

sanmarino's picture

Let's say it on this way: these compounds will definitely support you to reach your goals.
But are they necessary in your case/stage? Honestly said: no. Dieting is made through the kitchen. If this fails, your mission will fail. Anabolic/anti-catabolic substances like the mentionned ones cannot replace cut-oriented meals.

But you alredy started with them. You can abort the cycle and cut naturally from 33% BF to 20% and then use SARM/AAS to reach a higher muscle mass to increase the daily needed calories (with the same kcal deficite).
Or you can continue and finish the cycle and go for your goals - but with unknown risks of these substances. You have chosen substances, which are in Phase 0 or aborted in their research.

Pale's picture

+3 bro

sanmarino's picture

Thank you, sir.