theCanadian's picture
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My SARMS stack. Ideas?

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This will be my second time running Ostarine. My first cycle was 4 weeks @ 30mg/day, quick cycle just to get my feet wet and test how my body reacted to the compound. This time around I am thinking of running the following:

Osta: 15 mg/day 6 weeks
GW 501516: 10 mg/day split, 6 weeks.

I'm mostly looking for an increase in cardio, not really trying to add on any mass. I'm sticking with the 6 weeks as a few users have seen a crash in E2 at the 6 week mark, and creaky joints would be counter productive. Any thoughts or ideas? I'm open to suggestions and comments. Thinking a light PCT might be necessary after the cycle (Clomid/Nolva/AI), just to make sure everything bounces back - better to be safe than sorry (I've seen a few people in other forums report supression from the Osta). Would love to hear ideas on PCT as well.

humpnpump's picture

Sounds like a winner. You can increase cardio with GW and prevent catabolism of the muscle with the ostarine.
The ostarine crashing E2 might not be the ostarine, me and another guy used a certain research company and pretty much narrowed it down that he was putting some kind of AI like letro in the liquid SARM. So just FYI and don't look for your e2 to crash and maybe go 8 weeks. Simple idea about needing a pct, just do some blood work a few days after stopping the ostarine and you'll know if you need a pct regime or not. Good luck

theCanadian's picture

Thanks for the tip bro!

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