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lgd-4033 run

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Current weight is 287lbs. I'm on trt year round due to younger less knowledgeable years. I typically only run 2 compounds at time if I add a compound to my test. Test obviously always the base/1st compound. I keep it simple nowadays. I just added 400mgs a week of eq 2 weeks ago. Been reading about lgd and said why not it is not methylated and only causes mild shutdown...reportedly. Which again is of no consequence due to my trt. I'm not expecting anything dramatic from the lgd. I am expecting it to be a nice compliment though. My lifting routine is not structured nowadays either. I lift heavy if I feel like it and light if I feel like it. I'll do multiple sets utilizing 2 lifts some days...5 lifts/exercises others. Some days strictly heavy compound all depends. An example of my daily diet is 4 whole eggs 4 egg whites, oatmeal with 2 spoons of peanut butter in it, an apple and milk for breakfast...snack is a can of tuna right out of the can with sprite and a protein shake...lunch 2 chicken breast brussel sprouts/spinach and grits...snack is another can of tuna with soda...dinner is after I lift and I eat EVERYTHING! A couple pounds of steak baked potato pasta for example...snack before bed is a protein shake with peanut butter blended. It changes but that's roughly it. Ok so now with the lgd. I will run it 10mgs a day till they are gone so 40 days. That will determine if I will continue and possibly up the dose. My first pill was yesterday 10/8/15. Wasn't expecting anything. Halfway through the day I realized I was calm and relaxed...which being at work is rare. I always get a rise in my blood pressure so to,speak at work. Nothing. Smooth positive sailing. Another thing I realized that evening is my bum shoulder that I had aggravated the previous Sunday had lateral range of motion with only slight pain. Which it had not had from Sunday up until Wednesday the day before my first pill. I could not lift my left arm more than a foot from my side laterally. Could be coincidence but nevertheless nice. Today Friday was my second pill. Had a grueling squat session yesterday thanks to my shoulder anomoly and was fresh when I woke up. Popped right outta bed and was jammin. By Fridays let me tell you I'm burned out. Not today though. So as I write this I can say if that's placebo effect then right on. I highly doubt it though as I dont anticipate these types of things anymore with youthful excitement. AAS dont excite me anymore and neither does a claim regarding sarms. I will relay everything good bad or nonexistent regarding lgd 4033. Regarding the test and eq...those had nothing to do with my experiences thus far...eq takes around 8-9 weeks before I really notice it and test isn't the miracle healer it was years ago for me to say the least. So that's about it for now

bolt781's picture

I feel I need to state that these results were based on my own individual experience. In no way am I claiming what I experienced you will as well. You may have a pronounced effect or you may not. This is info I relayed to the best of my ability. I dont recommend any substance to anyone...ever! Use at your own discretion...

bolt781's picture

I'm going to go ahead and wrap this rascal up! I lost 2" off of my waist, had accelerated healing, a sense of fresh level headedness all the while gaining weight. There was also a slight quality enhancement to the muscles. There were absolute no ill effects encountered from LGD. This was used with a healthy amount of food and bonecrushing lifting. I'm going to run this in the future with test and var as I feel for myself this is a tightening up compound. Not that Im one to worry about abs popping and such. But if it can be done without cutting back on calories I feel a low dose test var lgd run could possibly make it happen. All in all I like the compound. Nothing miraculous besides my shoulder anomaly in terms of outright bold physique changes but a definite noticeable effect.

humpnpump's picture

Thanks for taking the time to log your experience Bolt, it's very helpful and your ability to touch on details really makes it interesting.

bolt781's picture

No worries brother! Knuckles!

bolt781's picture

3 weeks in on the lgd. From a size 38 to a 36 comfortably while gaining weight. 297lbs as of today. There is a definite hardening effect as well. I think its promoting the initial effects of the eq nicely. A coworker said "wtf man you gettin skinnier and bigger at the same time!" Hahaha that's a good thing! The eq will peak in another 2 weeks and Im thinking these two compounds will be suited perfectly for each other. I've never cared about being"cut" or defined so the fact its happening is a bonus. I just lift and let my body do what its going to do. Side note...I've ran eq plenty of times and being that Im of a higher bf, hardening was never really apparent. I love eq for the steady strength increase and the perpetual pump it gives me once its kickin. Basically because I can lift longer and harder! So no, its not just the eq providing this hardening. Lgd is giving me real results. That being said, I'm not saying it will do the same for you. I'm merely stating MY experience...update to come

humpnpump's picture

Very interesting research ^ Bolt.

bolt781's picture

Maybe use by someone with your lower bf% might experience even more noticeable results Pump...who knows brother

humpnpump's picture

I'm going to try this out during my next cycle and pulse drol 2 weeks and LGD 2'weeks off and on for 8 weeks.

bolt781's picture

I understand pulsing the drol but why the lgd? Just curious why you wouldn't run the lgd all the way through...are you on trt or will you be running test as well or just sticking with the 2 orals? Interests for sure either way on your experience with it brother

humpnpump's picture

No I'll contest prep for 20 weeks and was originally going to use YK 11 between the drol to increase hunger again. But your right i should just run the LGD straight on through. Thanks I wasn't thinking

Rustyhooker's picture

All sounds positive.

bolt781's picture

It has been brother. I am surprised. To lose a couple inches off the waist while upping calorie intake in preparation for the eq, is something I've never experienced. No cardio either mind you. I'm happy with it being I wasn't expecting a thing from it...thanks for stopping by!

bolt781's picture

So here we are 8 days into the lgd. Upon puting on my pants for work it was absolutely apparent I have leaned around the waist. One full belt hole smaller comfortably. Mind you I am in no way cutting or trying to lose weight. Here it is Friday once again and I am not beat down and sore like usual. I have to say although I haven't experienced any muscle mass gains as of yet there is a perpetual pump feeling and according to my lady I seem to look a tad bit more defined. I can't see that though. I see some cool things becoming of this when the eq starts hittin. Only 3rd week in on that so have at least a few more weeks. That's it for now...

humpnpump's picture

Bolt are you a salesman, because you are selling me on this SARM. You can't beat well being and total recomp and eating regular diet and getting filled out and inches off the waists, that shit only happens on tren right ;)
Keep killing it bro, I'm very impressed bubbly!

bolt781's picture

I'd have to say pertaining to my whole shoulder situation. The initial start to this sarm blew my healing capabilities using tren off the map due to the short time it took effect. The fresh feeling also trumps the feeling while on tren. But that being said, tren is out of this sarms league, which you know, I'm just making it understood by anyone who stumbles in here. Using tren comes with a price, lgd has had no ill effect. The shutdown spoken about is something I wouldn't note as I am trt ridden for life. And honestly shouldn't be an issue as I feel any type of oral must be utilized with a test base. Now I will sell you on it! As someone with considerably less bf such as yourself, you might see an exponential effect. Who knows, we are all different. I will say this, this sarm has my attention and I am ordering more. Being I'm at the weight I'm at I am going to bump this up to 20mgs a day starting on day 41

humpnpump's picture

Good stuff! I'm wondering how it competes for the receptors since Sarms work in a different avenue. I know you've been around awhile and know the reactions so I'm all ears at this point.

bolt781's picture

I'll continue to relay my experiences brother. I'm all ears as well. Sarms are a new avenue for me.

bolt781's picture

Nothing more to report as of now. Everything stated up to this point is still evident. So as not to become redundant I will post when I feel there is a dramatic enough change in physique and or workouts. From what I have experienced so far if this were it...I would be satisfied and use would be warranted for myself. Just off the shoulder anomoly and the physical freshness. I could see it being useful for runs where joints ache and mental fatigue set in. Still too early though in my eyes so we shall see. Until a later date...

bolt781's picture

Feeling a tad bit of pump all day today. Maybe coincidence but the lady and I were out and about and I was noticing the "look away when you notice"...looks. Which made the wifey a little more clingy lol. Feeling great too no soreness really even in the shoulder unless I move it in a way to try and feel the pain...which is slight.

bolt781's picture

3rd day. The fresh mentally and physically feeling has carried into the 3rd day. Haven't noticed anything out of the norm lifting or by means of muscle fullness. Wouldnt expect such an experience this soon. I am liking the way I feel on it though.

humpnpump's picture

Thanks for the input Bolt, I'll be watching.

FillTheSyringe's picture

Im listening. Have a fat amount of this...

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