Drywallstar's picture
  • 493

this is what my trainer has me doing

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Three days like this,
10 grams bcaa and 10 grams glutamine
Meal 1: 2 brown omega eggs, 8 whites, 1/4 cup cream of rice with a tbsp coconut oil added.
Meal 2: 50 grams whey isolate and 1 tbsp almond butter.
Meal 3: 8 ounces chicken and a 1/4 cup unsalted cashews.
Meal 4: 8 ounces ground turkey with a salad.
Meal 5: 50 grams whey isolate and a 1/4 cup unsalted almonds. This is pre workout
Meal 6: 25 grams whey isolate with 10 grams glutamine. Post workout
Meal 7: 10 ounces lean steak and steamed broccoli.
Meal 8: 25 gram casein shake.

Then one day like this and repeat.
1 cup white rice with meal 3.
1 medium red potatoe with meal 4.
10 ounces white fish, broccoli and 1 cup brown rice for meal 7.
Vitamins and minerals:
Tumeric circumin
Multi vitamin twice a day
Vitamin c twice a day
Hawthorne berry twice a day
Saw palmetto twice a day
Chromium pic 500mcg
Digestive enzyme
Omega 3 twice a day
Cranberry extract

I was doing eod injects of test prop and tren ace, following this diet plan after two weeks I was struggling in the gym and my energy sucked. I started ed injects and today I was able to hustle at work and had a better workout. I have struggled finding a plan I respond to and now that im on cycle I really want to make the most of of it. I quit trying to explain myself to my trainer because the reply wasnt exactly enlightening. Ughh I want to rise!

gambit's picture

looks like a cutting diet so id suspect your body being restricted in cals. im pers not one that can make much in the way of gains if my body is getting the fuel it needs.

kodiakGRRL's picture

it looks like the rest of the guys have called this on calories.. to be honest I don't normally caluclate calories and or measure food... I eat clean when I am hungry and adjust carbs when my clothes start getting tight .... the thing is that you have to eat ENOUGH to recover and feed the muscles for growth .. if it is fat loss you want then get rid of all carbs except those that are in the vege family and that means potatoes too.. if you are after size then go all out and eat everything ... fat is much easier to take off than it is to add muscle .... the ed injects will keep levels more stable and thus will be helpful but unitl you up those calories you are going to stuggle with putting on any significant size

Drywallstar's picture

Im adding good carbs throughout the day and dextrose before and after training. Feel better already. Thanks grrrl you are a true help to me.

kodiakGRRL's picture

thank u dry ...anytime you need it

gsleepy's picture

well I have 50 grams of whey at around 200 calories
8 oz of chicken at 280 cals
10 oz beef 800 cals
2 brown eggs 140 cals
8 egg whites 137 cals
turkey 338 cals
almonds 207 cals
1/4 cup rice 200 cals
casein shake 120 cals ?
cashews 189 cals
almond butter 100 cals
coconut oil 117 cals
25 grams whey 100 cals

looks more like 3000 (2928) calories to me... But I just googled everything... I still suspect that you are calorie deficient.

Drywallstar's picture

Wow thanks for the research. Appreciate it big guy

gsleepy's picture

got your back! Now go eat something!

gsleepy's picture

Have you calculated the calories?

Drywallstar's picture

I think its in the 3500 range

ClassyChassis's picture

No wonder you aren't getting stronger. Did you ever try what we discussed previously? As far as keeping carbs a little pre-workout and then mainly postworkout? You need insulin to make gains for one thing and you aren't eating nearly enough carbs even to maintain liver and muscle glycogen bro. I don't know what your goals are but I can't understand why you would do a CKD on a Tren and Prop cycle? Unless you are just trying to preserve muscle while cutting. But forget making any sort of gains on this diet.

Drywallstar's picture

Thanks bud. I was just following what the trainer laid out. Gonna change though.