LaTTTimer99's picture
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My experimental bulking diet

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Hi Guys / Girls.

I just discovered this group. You 3 definitely know your stuff. Anyhow, figured I would post my bulking diet. This is a sample day of my diet, plus all nutritional supps. I alternate between Costco New York Strip steak, 93% lean ground beef, 93% lean ground turkey. My trainer has me on almost all red meat. It's difficult for sure, but it has worked exceptionally well for me. I experienced pronounced muscle growth right off the bat.

Here it is:

Meals will be spaced throughout the day equally, in approximate 2-hour increments.

Throughout day, drink 1 & 1/2 gallons total H20. In the gallon jug mix 20 grams BCAA (prefer Gaspari Aminolast).
This is an "on" day. On non-training days, remove one shake.
Not every shake is exactly 2 hours apart; the pre-bedtime shake isn't timed after last meal- it's simply chugged right before bed, which on some days might only be 30 minutes after last dinner. The same goes with the post-training shake - it's critical that both a shake (immediately after working out), and the largest meal of the day be eaten within no later than an hour of leaving the gym.
3 whole Omega-3 Eggs with 10-12 additional whites, scrambled with 1/2 cup spinach, cooked in coconut oil. 1 & ½ cups non-instant oatmeal, with raisins & diced walnuts, honey and milk. 1 cup coffee, 1 large glass water with 3 grams MSM and 2 Emergen-C Multi-Vitamin fizzy packets. 3-5 grams Barlean's High Lignan Flax Seed Oil.
1 whole cooked yam, 12 ounces 93% lean ground beef. Flavor with favorite hot sauce.
12 ounces New York Strip steak, 1 & ½ cups brown rice, 1 & 1/2 cups steamed broccoli. 1 large glass water with 3 grams MSM and 2 Emergen-C Multi-Vitamin fizzy packets.
SHAKE: Milk, 1 banana, 1 scoop Species Isolyze whey protein isolate with 1 cup liquid egg whites (Egg Whites International or Lana’s)*** with 1.5 Tablespoon of almond butter, or 1.5 Tablespoon coconut oil, or macadamia nut oil. And 1 Emergen-C Multi-Vitamin fizzy packet (not the standard, get the Multi).
12 ounces New York Strip steak, 1 & ½ cups brown rice, 1 & 1/2 cups steamed broccoli. 1 large glass water with 3 grams MSM and 2 Emergen-C Multi-Vitamin fizzy packets.
Sloppy Joes: use Ezekiel brand bread (4 slices total) as the bun – total cooked weight should be 14 ounces (because after you cook 3 pounds of the ground beef / bison, you’ll add 2 cans low-sodium Sloppy Joe tomato sauce). Beverage of choice – Crystal Light flavored water with 2 fizzy packets Emergen-C Multi-Vitamin.
SHAKE: Milk, 1 scoop Species Isolyze whey protein isolate with 1 cup liquid egg whites (Egg Whites International or Lana’s)*** with 1.5 Tablespoon of almond butter, or 1.5 Tablespoon coconut oil, or macadamia nut oil. And 1 Emergen-C Multi-Vitamin fizzy packet (not the standard, get the Multi).
¾ container of the large-size “FAGE” brand 0% fat Greek Yogurt (approximately 28 ounces = 60 grams protein) with 1 diced peach and honey.
SHAKE: Milk, 1 banana, 1 scoop Species Isolyze whey protein isolate with 1 cup liquid egg whites (Egg Whites International or Lana’s)*** with 1.5 Tablespoon of almond butter, or 1.5 Tablespoon coconut oil, or macadamia nut oil. And 1 Emergen-C Multi-Vitamin fizzy packet (not the standard, get the Multi).
MEAL #10
SHAKE: Milk, 2 scoops MusclePharm “Combat” powder, or Casein protein. This “meal” should be immediately before bed, or on nightstand with ice to keep cold, wake up at 2-3AM, chug, go back to sleep.
1) Egg Whites International (best egg-whites around IMO, and by far the best price= 2 gallons for $54).
2) Omega 3-6-9 or Macadamia Nut Oil or Coconut Oil or Flax Seed Oil (I change it up every month).
3) Multi Vitamins- (recommended up to 4x per day). My preferred brand is “Emergen-C” by Alacer.
4) Fruit and Veggie Formula - you will get all your antioxidants, provide specific support for your eyes, liver, urinary track and immune system in a serving without the high glycemic calories (recommended 2x per day) - will also keep you from getting sick!!!
5) Gaspari Aminolast- BCAA's to supply necessary aminos and prevent catabolism.
6) Species Isolyze cold-filtered whey hydrolysate.
7) MusclePharm ZMAX (take before bedtime, help with sleep and recovery).
8) Dymatize ISO-100 (switch between Species and Dymatize - Dymatize is almost just as good but cheaper).
9) Probiotic- insures your absorption (keeps intestinal track clean and healthy). Take once before bed (recommended once before bed). Digestive enzymes also.
10) Coral Calcium- will help with acidity due to diet (recommended take serving once in the morning).

sic26's picture

Know hr banned post is good tho. Especially those egg white international

Bigman111's picture

Thanks for posting brother!! Diet is def the hardest part and the stuff you guys post is very helpful, right now the hardest part for me is consistency... Hard to get all the meals in at work, sometimes I can sometimes I can't depending on what I'm doing that day... I have been having digestive issues with the amt of food I've been eating though, probiotic works for you?

LaTTTimer99's picture

Yes! Absolutely - if you check the bottom of my post, I listed all the supps I take, and yes yes yes probiotics & digestive enzymes are a MUST.

I eat a ton of that Fage brand Greek yogurt - each container has 92 grams of protein and only 36 grams of carbs, with zero fat. It's also loaded with good bacteria.

Other helpful things on top if taking daily probiotics & digestive enzymes (PS keep them in your fridge) are: apple cider vinegar (love this stuff - it's super good for cleansing & detox), and Kombucha - fermented tea.

You mentioned difficulty eating?

A must is to cook in bulk and LOAD your fridge with cooked meals in Tupperwares. I'll stuff as close to 20 individual meals in my fridge, so every time I leave my house and will be gone longer than 2 hours I'll toss a few Tupperware in my gym bag / backpack.

Also, keep a big glass of water when you eat - that makes it alot easier to eat - you chew each bite then force it down with sons water - helps you get your meals down.

FR if you ever want any help bro - peace!

Bigman111's picture

Thanks brother!! I appreciate it!!

hollywoodham's picture

my question is do you wake up and eat more than that shake on the nightstand? i mean if you eat every 2 hours 9 meals a day(not counting the shake), thats 18 hours still. so it would seem you would need to wake up more than once to eat if you sleep 9-10 hours. either way, i applaud you for the discipline to keep your diet in check like that.

LaTTTimer99's picture

Good catch Ham - I'll edit the language. The shakes are flexible and often especially with pre & post workout, are chugged within 30 minutes of eating.

Yes, the last "meal" is chugged in the middle of the night on an alarm. I don't do it every day, and haven't even done it recently.

The "meal" before that is chugged right before bed - sometimes that's only 20-30 minutes after a meal.

Same goes for shakes in general - sometimes I can't eat all my food on one meal so I'll slam a shake immediately after.

It's brutal man - yes, diet is the least fun and most arduous piece of the game.

BeastMode5085's picture

how the hell do you eat that much

LaTTTimer99's picture

Like I said, training and working out is the easy part - eating is the mind-numbing part. BUT, it's also the most important piece of the puzzle. I know no shortage of guys who train super hard; 2-3 hours 4-5 days a week, but they only eat 3 times a day and a few shakes.

Then, there are the guys who really don't train too crazy - and they're in and out of the gym in an hour, but they eat 8-10 meals a day, every day.

I'll let you guess which group looks better.

To answer your question, it's a discipline. You just have to sit and do it - I have to drink lots of water to get each bite of steak down, especially when it's cold.

What eventually happens is: your body responds to the increase in food & frequency by spiking your metabolism, which burns more fat - in turn, your muscles are getting nutrients every 120 minutes, effectively keeping your body anabolic all day long.

If you want to get big and jacked, you've got to master the diet.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I'm just poking around here today and took the time to read your post.. so first off my apologies for not getting in to read this sooner. second, excellent post no if ands or buts about it.. my proverbial hat is off to you ;-)

LaTTTimer99's picture

Wow, right on thank you!

UFO's picture

Great and detailed meal plan...but seriously, how in the hell do you find enough time in the day to cook and prepare this much...unless of course this is your job.

LaTTTimer99's picture

Cook in bulk - cook as much food as you can fit on your BBQ or your stove / oven, then weigh out and Tupperware as many meals as you can fit in your fridge. That's actually not hard - the hard part is forcing yourself to eat every 2 hours - it gets old - very old.

It's a discipline friend. Nothing is more useless than taking steroids if you're not prepared to do the work - and that's exactly what it is: work.

Working out is easy - I think we can all agree that the lifting is the most enjoyable part of this game. The constant eating is shitty - it gets so old. But there's alot of shit we do in life that works and is good for us but isn't fun or easy.

AAS don't build muscle - the meals do, once you've set the stage for growth by breaking the fibers down by busting ass in the gym. AAS increases nitrogen retention and protein anabolism - even if people are not using sauce, the diet is still widely recognized as being upwards of 60-70% of the results. You are optimizing your metabolism into firing on all cylinders by constantly providing nutrients at equally spaced time intervals, which constantly fuels LMB growth and simultaneous fat loss.

*COOK IN BULK (you cook 2 days worth of meals in bulk at once, and Tupperware as many meals as you can and stick in your fridge. That way your meals are ready to go, and all you're really "cooking" every day is breakfast = oats & eggs). Easy shit man. Then you grab your 6 Tupperwared meals to bring with you to work. You learn to eat every 120-140 minutes, and do so on a timer. You weigh your cooked meat.


Usually people once they hit the 7-10 day mark notice the metabolism start firing - they begin to see definite changes in LBM - fat loss, strength & energy gains, and the "full" feeling goes away because the metabolism responds to the increased meals by spiking. Which is exactly what you want.

The worst thing anyone on gear can do is starve themselves. It's fucking stupid. Eating 3-4 meals a day and a few shakes is a huge waste of your steroids - it's pointless and wasteful. It's like going to a bar and pouring every other drink on the floor. You want to get drunk, you need to drink. You want to get big & ripped, you need to eat. Not huge meals, but more meals.

It's all right there bud - I was like you for years, but as soon as I finally did it, this is the best I've ever looked and I don't even work out as hard as I used to.

Try to find one pro bodybuilder who eats less than 8 meals a day - you won't.

Good luck

UFO's picture

Just got around to seein this...awesome reply brother I appreciate you taking the time. 100% right on the diet part and it was and STILL is the biggest battle for me. It just comes down to me being a lazy fuck lately since I PCTd a cple months ago and have been dragging. I miss the energy more than anything. All about that will power and like you said, looking at it as work or a job that MUST be done or all that hard work is pissed away in weeks...thanks bro

ClassyChassis's picture

Tupperware is your friend. NY strips in the cryovac and a propane bbq are also. (-:

Forcing themselves to eat is the biggest fail for most people. It's far from enjoyable. Good for you buddy.

snuka2012's picture

I looked at it and its a lot of prep, but there's stuff in there worth stealing and modifying to your needs.

snuka2012's picture

Love your posts when I catch them. This is an informative and detailed meal plan and the supplement info is nice. I gotta try that ZMAX. The plan looks heavy in red meats...yummy. How are your lipids doing just out of curiosity?

LaTTTimer99's picture

I don't know - haven't had them checked lately.

You'll like the ZMAX - it's probably something I should reserve until post, but I like the sleep-inducing effect...

Peace buddy

snuka2012's picture

Been using these ZMAXs for a week and they're great for dozing off. Nice find T3.

snuka2012's picture

I might have some other questions and might have to PM you if that'd be ok

LaTTTimer99's picture

Come on now amigo! You know you don't have to ask - hit me up anytime with any questions man.

PS, the secret to successfully managing any diet / this diet, is to cook in bulk 2-3 days a week. I have at least 40 Tupperware lunch-size containers in my cupboards at all times:

Sunday I will BBQ 6-7 pounds of NY steaks and 3 pounds of either ground turkey, beef, or bison. I either scramble it with diced veggies, or pan fry patties. I'll also bake 10-12 skin-on yams, and a huge pot of quinoa or brown rice.

THEN, when everything is cooked, I weigh out and pack ~ 20 Tupperware meals so they're in the fridge at all times and ready to go. All I'm cooking every day is breakfast.

It's a discipline, not unlike any other necessary habit we must form. Managing time and resources and getting organized.

I'll close with this: the #1 thing most of the guys who aren't hitting their gym goals are doing wrong is the diet. Hands down.


Will you start eating 8 meals per day?

potty's picture

Is there a huge boost in going from 6 meals a day to 8 meals a day?

Or is the difference that you are eating whole and better food than the guys pounding shakes plus a few (maybe) shitty meals?

Also, FR sent, I am just getting started on my first cycle and would appreciate some help sorting out my diet.

LaTTTimer99's picture

Opinions differ. I'm not on this diet anymore - but to answer your question:

*ALWAYS keep the meals "clean" as in no junk, no crap, very little sugar (zero high-fructose corn syrup), little to no processed foods, watch your sodium intake. Allow yourself a cheat day every week. Some guys don't even do this, but I do. I need it to get it out of my system and re-boot. Plus I eat a ton of desserts on my cheat day, which loads up glycogen stores and always gives me huge pumps the next day.

That said, I'd always say shoot for 8 over 6. Many things need to be known though: are you cutting or bulking? Do you respond well to low carb diets? What are your goals?

If you're serious about building muscle, def go for whole good meals over shakes. I do drink quite a few shakes, but they're real egg white shakes, which is substantially different than protein powder shakes.

potty's picture

Just checked out the egg whites you mentioned and they are pasteurized, so you can drink them raw.

Which sounds awful, but shit, if I just pound it, they can't be that bad, can they?

Are you comparing the egg white shakes to whey or casein or any other types of protein?

Trenabolic's picture

Very nice bro + karma

LaTTTimer99's picture

Right on, many thanks!

More by LaTTTimer99