MrDizzle's picture
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This is the diet I have been on for a while. Any suggestions would be awesome!

Meal one: 6-8 egg whites, 1-2 whole eggs, 1ish cup of oatmeal with 2-4 tbs of natty peanut butter.

Meal two: 10-12 oz chicken breast, half large sweet potato or yam, cup of vegetable (broccoli, green beans, asparagus, etc)

Meal three: 10-12 oz chicken breast, one cup black beans, one cup brown rice with peppers, green chile, onions and tomatoes

Meal four: repeat of meal 2 or 3

Meal five: repeat of meal 2 or 3

Post workout shake ( either whole gains or ON gold stand.)

Meal six: 15-20 oz of tilapia with either vegetable or rice and beans.

Sometimes I'll do ground turkey or white fish instead of chicken.

Weaknesses are ice cream and sushi. And I've been known to snack on spoonfuls of peanut butter throughout the day.

kodiakGRRL's picture

sushi?? lol eat up .. peanut butter? natural or with sugar added? what exactly is your end goal ?

MrDizzle's picture

Ya I'm a sucker for sushi! I can't resist it's power over me lol. And yes natty peanut butter, it's a love affair.

Goal is just to get stronger and bigger. I've never counted the calories or anything in this meal plan so i dunno.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I dont count calories either... just eat. make sure you are getting plenty of protien .. if you are putting on too much fat cut carbs.. if you aren't putting on weight you aren't eating enough .... but the most important thing is to keep your body guessing ..change it up every so often ..this means not only your diet but your training routine as well not just weight but days body parts etc... throw in some fst 7 training switch it up to train one body part per day etc... etc..

Drywallstar's picture

So have you seen results? Looks solid. If you're trying to gain size I believe you're good, fat loss not so much.

MrDizzle's picture

Definitely not fat loss, don't really need to do that right now. Just wanna keep getting stronger and bigger.

Thanks for the input! Do you think I should stick to the same diet on cycle?

MrDizzle's picture

Might as well throw my routine up here as well.

Monday: Legs

Low bar squat: 5x5
Front squat: 3x8
Leg press: 4x10
Leg curl: 3x12
Leg extension: 3x12
Calf raise seated: 3x failure

Wednesday: Chest/ bicep

Bench: currently running Matt Kroc bench program ( was 5x5)
Incline bench: 5x5
Incline dumbbell bench: 3x8
Incline dumbbell fly: 3x10
Cable fly: 4x12
Alternating curl: 3x10
Hammer curl: 3x8
Hanging curl: 3x10
Incline curl: 3x8
Revers curl: 3x10

Thursday: Deadlift/ shoulders

Deadlift: this varies quite a bit, but currently doing 8, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3
Overhead press: 5x5
DB military: 3x8
Front raise: 3x10
Lat raise: 3x10
Face pulls:4x10
Rear delt fly: 3x12
Shrugs: 4x12

Saturday: Back/ Triceps

DB row: 3x8
Lat pull down wide overhand SS with narrow underhand: 3x12
Hammer strength ISO high row: 3x8
Hammer strength ISO low row: 3x8
Cable rows til fail
Pull-ups til fail
Close grip bench: 5x5
Reverse grip bench: 3x8
Cable Push down: 3x8
One arm push down ( alternating reverse, forward, neutral by week) 3x12
Dips til fail x3

No cardio. No direct ab work

May start direct ab work on cycle though..

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