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Lower back pain

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This summer, i finally went to a doctor to get my persistent back pain looked at. I've had lower back pain for the last 5 yrs.

Turns out, I have a couple of disks that move in the L4 and L5 parts of my spine which cause me pain. I had MRIs done & the doctor suggested surgery. He wanted to install a "spacer"...some kind of plastic that will act like a buffer to keep the disks from shifting or getting compressed.

I'm leery of having that procedure done.

Has anyone here had something like this done to them?
If so, what were your results like?

bulletmatt's picture

I have back fusion from t3 to t7 I broke my back in 09 i was out of the gym for maybe 6months then it was apart of my rehab. I'd recommend getting it done my back is fine like big said you will find some exercises that will aggravate it but u learn what u can put yourself through or not to do. I have my days where I'm pretty sore but I just try not to let it stop me from doing anything

mrmaxmaxwell's picture

I have l4l5 herniations, was told to have surgery but I avoided it and live an EXTREAMLY active lifestyle with those herniations. Every now and then I get a flair up but I have learned to work around them. I would recommend getting an inversion table and doing McKenzie stretches to help push the disks back into place. All the best!

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