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Holiday Stress

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As Christmas & New Year is quickly coming upon us, I know that for many people it is the hardest time of the year. It often brings back memories, causes depression or stress from lack of finances or reminds us of those friends & loved ones that we miss. I pray that all is well in everyone’s life & this Holiday season is spent in peace. Live it like it is the last because it may just be & find the positive in your circumstances!
Peace & Love

333's picture

Yes it is considering my wife had our 3rd kid 5 months ago and still hasn't gone back to work and my savings is about gone and I'm laid off with no unemployment for 3 more weeks .the holidays are hard my son's birthday is in December as well lol I'm using credit cards to buy groceries

JARHEAD2's picture

Brother I’m so sorry for everything that you’re facing! Life is hard sometimes & there’s not a consolation for what we face or why. My sons bday is Christmas Eve & I’ve been right where your at even buying groceries with a credit card!! Whatever you do focus on positive things & keep your head up & keep the faith bro.... your family needs you & your strength my friend!! I’m always here if you need me & you can always shoot me an email!! Y’all are in my thoughts & sincere prayers!!

333's picture

Thank you bro my kids bday isn't Christmas eve it's the 12th but my grandmother's (passed) was Christmas eve and she was the best person in the world your son was a gift from God like my grandma I bet he's a super god hearted person like my grandma that day really hits home for me

JARHEAD2's picture

Your grandma sounds like mine & she has been gone 4 years & I still mourn & miss her!! My son is awesome! He’s lost his way, but I know he’ll come back. He suffers from depression & anxiety at 24 years old & he self medicates with medical grade marijuana & sells it by the ounces. I pray he makes it through without going to prison & with too much harm. He has given me my first grandson who is 4 & a grand daughter on the way :))