JARHEAD2's picture
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2018 Goals

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I know that prolly all of us here are into healthy living & working out so we’ve all set fitness goals for 2018. It’s important that we do & I always like to set goals that are challenging. How many of us have also set goals for our inner man? I watched my wife napping yesterday & thought about how much I want to be a better husband & be more understanding. I looked at pics of my sons & my grandson & thought about how much I want to be a better daddy & grandpa. I thought about myself, who I am on the inside, the dude that I’m constantly battling on the inside day in & day out & thought about how much I really desire to be a better person & stronger person on the inside. The mind is very powerful & it’s also a great battlefield. In order for me to be all the other things that I desire to be, I need to win some battles in my mind. We work hard to change ourselves on the outside & should we expect to change on the inside without putting forth great work to do so.
I firmly believe that for us to accomplish what we have physically that we are strong men, & I also believe we should work as hard to be strong on the inside. I know my family & friends needs me & needs my strength & I have these goals which I know will challenge me, but I believe it will be worth the challenge & efforts.

Xrated's picture

This year I’d like to finally live a stable life and b happy. I walked away from everything two years ago and have been busting my butt to get my life together again. I mean I literally didn’t even have a fork to eat w Lol. I look back now and it’s kinda funny. But, damn has things been tuff and I’m tired. In that time I focused on my girls, work, and the gym. Entered my first Bb competition where I took third, then 6 months later did another one where I placed 2nd. I found a hidden talent I didn’t know I had and will b shooting high for this year. So this year I’m going to focus on my two girls and myself. Nothing else really matters to me at this point anymore. That’s what makes me happy. Being a good father and lifting weights.

JARHEAD2's picture

Just checking to see how the new year is going for you & the girls? I hope all is well my friend!

JARHEAD2's picture

Being a real father is a top priority for sure brother & I wish you the very best my friend!!

helloBrooklyn's picture

Good for you being the best father you can be. That takes a lot of strength. Myself, I’m too weak. I’m too ashamed to pass on my genes. I want my bloodline to die with me. It’s a comforting thought.

Xrated's picture

Well, u know since my marriage of 13 years failed. I’d figure at least I can try to make a difference in the two girls lives I have. There 10 and 4. Man r they daddy attached. I’m doomed when they get older Lol

giardap's picture

Yeah setting those realistic goals for the year, rather than 'giving up' something is where its at. Like your good self, I plan to raise my mindfulness and self-care game this year. It ripples outward from there.

Ok brother-man.... how the heck does a jar head become so self-aware and take the route you are on? Strikes me that you firmly buck the trend???? Sorry for thinking in stereotypes, but you got me wondering!!!!


helloBrooklyn's picture

You’ve known that many United States Marines in person? I certainly haven’t met enough Army Ranger Wings to stereotype them.

giardap's picture

LOL, nope not at all! In fact, I didnt say i was stereotyping anyone or anything! That's what Hollywood is for after all... but i did put my hands up and apologise for allowing the stereotypes to permeate my fragile little mind!!

JARHEAD2's picture

Lol .... most Jarheads can certainly be stereotyped & correctly, but I’ve always been different bro. Since I was a child, I’ve always been different than the norm of society & groups & always figured it was the acceptability of norms that society has set that put us in the hole we’re in as humans. I even knew I wanted to be a Jarhead & I’ve loved every second of it except the norms of or government that has somewhere lost their way. I’ve believe it worth the cost to live good & help people & if we’re no good to ourselves we’re certainly no help to anyone else. It was the help of others in my life when I was so hopeless & at the bottom that really brought me back & made me desire to help others. ;)

giardap's picture

I hear that!!
Respect. And, respect to being different too! I think the more interesting/intelligent people on this site stick out a mile... and are all clearly different. hB below is another 'different' one... full respect.

JARHEAD2's picture

Appreciate that bro & you stick out too my man... respect brother!!

helloBrooklyn's picture

This is going to sound like a joke, but I need to have sex with my fiancée more. My libido gets crazy high at times but it’s like I can’t be bothered with foreplay and all that stuff and I’d honestly rather just do it myself and get it over with so I can move on with my night. Sex is literally like a chore, even though I do love it when I do it. I know that makes no sense. It’s hard to explain. I need to get over it.

giardap's picture

The whole axis of libido and erectile function is soooooo complicated with so many different factors that sre interwoven.

On paper (i.e. outside of your head) you just described a lower than optimal libido. Ive been where you just described (sitting downstairs on the couch while she waited upstairs for me, but i wasnt bothered and happier to watch my shows and then have a quick wank), didnt figure it out for a year... my natty test levels, and therefore estro and prolactin levels, were within the so-called (bullshit) 'normal range' yet i was ANYTHING but optimal for me... i was down about 150-250 points from where i needed to be to fully think (and function, i guess) like a man.

If we throw in other factors like TRT, ancilliaries, multi-compounds, or cross-functional ecosystems like thyroid...... and on and on... or the most EVIL libido killer: SSRI's, not to mention the environmental factors that can rewire the brain, like porn..... weeeeeell....... its fkn hard to be a guy!!!!!!

Hormones are a pain in the arse. As bodybuilders/lifters we tend to think in single compounds/hormones (i think we are all a little guilty of this) only, when diagnosing ourselves... its just way more complicated than that.

helloBrooklyn's picture

I’ve been like this well before I ever touched a steroid. Sometimes I wish my libido would go down because I grow tired of being so sex obsessed. It’s just knowing what I have to do to initiate and thinking about it makes me want to just go somewhere else and watch porn because it’s so much easier and doesn’t require anyone else’s help. I’m not any depression meds. I hated them all.

giardap's picture

Damn, sounds frustrating as hell man. Have you ever watched the TED talk on porn?

helloBrooklyn's picture

No. I’m a great admirer of porn. I’ve always wanted to be a porn star. Still my pipe dream. I have what it takes.

giardap's picture

Putting the pipe into pipe dreams... yeahhhh buddy!

JARHEAD2's picture

Lol... at times I have the same issue. I do realize that a woman is wired differently & they need those things more than we do... almost like they need to make us work for it to prove ourselves lol