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High Red Blood count looking for some possible reasons.

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Hi all , i have a naturally low test and have had for years , puts me in the range for trt but the endo has some concerns about my red blood cell count and wont consider putting me on until that is sorted. Her first possible reason was sleep apnea but have just had my sleep study done and although i do have it my oxygen range is not low enough to cause the really high red count that i have . I was just wondering if anyone else has had this sort of problem ? I havnt run a cycle yet so its not from that , but i am wanting to either go on trt or run a cycle as i love powerlifting.

Aussie123's picture


Aussie123's picture

A high red blood cell count (polycythaemia) can result from a condition that limits your oxygen supply (anaemias, high alt training, heart problems and like you said sleep apnoea) or a condition that directly increases red blood cell production (issues with organs like the kidneys, bone marrow, and using certain agents, like steroids, epo). I wouldn't worry about it since you are being seen by an endo. Just see her again since she know you want to go on trt, or if you attempt it yourself just tell her (and say you prefer it done through a doc) so you can rule out other causes like the diseases above and problems with your kidneys and liver. Be open with her, say that you just want to feel normal again. Just know that when you go on cycle it will go up again, even test-e at 250mg/5days put mine up!

Cards81's picture

Thanks for the reply Aussie123 , taken me far to long to log back in to check. Hope your doing well.