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I want some input on this bulker I plan on running this fall. Its a little out of the norm with long and short esters with a possible kicker or a front load. The reason for the the long esters is I seem to respond to them better because it definitely not going to get me out of pinning ed.
1-12 weeks Test C 250 on Monday and Thursday
1-12 weeks Mast E 250 on Tuesday and Friday
1-11 weeks NPP 75 ED
The reason for the NPP instead of Deca is to have as much control as possible. Ive only ran NPP once and I was just dipping my toes into the 19nor waters. It was very successful without sides on a recomp. Now I want to bulk and this is the most advanced stack Ive ever ran. If I run into problems with the higher doses of NPP Ill be able to back off fairly quick unlike the long ester of deca.
Now I can front load the Test C to start the NPP right away or do a Prop kicker. I was also considering a dbol kick for 4 weeks. Or do you think it would be wisest to just start the NPP at week 3. I want to get as much out of this cycle as possible and a Test Prop kicker makes the most sense but I do like dbol


NPP to the bin................ use deca for an easy stable run............... on a whole out bulk concentrate on eating not pinning.

BlackDoug's picture

I appreciate the straight forward advice bro but Im just not ready to run a full dose of deca yet. I want to make sure I can handle the compounds without any adverse affects. I respect what you have to offer but I hope you understand where Im coming from. I will be paying very close attention to my diet because its so important. Im trying to get that right. Im currently reading the nutrition section of the book Arnold Schwarzeneggers The New Encyclopedeia of Modern Bodybuilding. Its got a lot of very good information in it. Even if I don't place in this EBC Ill be a a more knowledgable person on nutrition for it. I do however want to have a cycle I feel comfortable with too. Im struggling right now with work and things that have to be done by the end of the summer so I can devote everything I have to obtaining my goals. Im a victom of life at the moment not to mention both of my children are freshmen in college this year which is piling on to the stress and added work hours. Right now I feel like shit and look like shit but all should be right as rain within the next couple of weeks. So there is some light at the end of this tunnel and I plan on being a very strong competitor. So any help \/advice from you and others is very much appreciated...... So thx bro it means a lot to me whether you know it or not!!!

Anonymous's picture

Short n sweet. So simple when we let it be:)
I prefer deca as well but he seems to be spooked on a long ester nandrolone. I guess I can't blame him Deca/nandrolone has some horror stories. But IMO it's the most versatile hormone in the game.

BlackDoug's picture

Spooked is probably a good analysis. I'd rather play it safe. If all goes well then I'll run deca next time. For me I'd rather do it this way and have a solid run and if problems with the nandrolone should arise I can back off without too much of a set back. Besides at this point I already have all the products. I'm mostly working on my diet so I can run it by Catalyst for some tweaking. I do still have some time to tweak my cycle too if it's absolutely necessary.....

Anonymous's picture

Absolutely there's plenty of time

BlackDoug's picture

Thanks for the input guys. Don't worry about me being foolish. If anything I'm cautious but still curious. I do know the ebc will be tough so I'm just trying to get the most out of this run but it's not worth my health. I'm too old to be doing stupid shit. Truth is nutrition is going to be the real key. The training will be the easiest. I'm going to do a full gambit of Riverdancing or some type of clogging..... That should do it right? : ) Seriously though guys thanks for you time!

Anonymous's picture

Bro IMO you're overthinking this a bit too much. I don't get why you feel you need to run a PhynlProp ester daily? Eod is plenty. I've run lots of NPP and never felt the need to go daily. But that's just me. If you were already running a prop ester and were running it daily then yes of course run the NPP daily as well.
Why are you wanting to run your longs on different days? I say simplify this thing and run it
M-W-F-Sun. You run your longs MWF with the NPP and Sunday will be NPP solo. Or you can break your longs down into a 4x weekly schedule. It's up to you. Make it to where you don't have to check your calendar just to see what you're pinning that day. Simplify.
As far as your Sust goes why not save it? Is it fit to expire?
Id get some caber too. The faster ester means it will send the nandrolone sides quicker. At least with me dosing 200mg eod it took 6wks before I had libido problems. Nothing crazy that caber Couldn't fix but it did happen.
Is this for the EBC?

BlackDoug's picture

Lol I think you're right. I'm way over thinking this...... As far as the NPP which I still believe is a great choice since I've only ran it once. I'll just get some test and mast prop. I'll run those at 100mg eod for 3 weeks. I'm just not ready to commit to deca. I want some control there because it will only be my second time running a 19nor. Also yes I do have caber on hand and aromasin for my AI and prolactin control. So far sides doesn't seem to be much of an issue unless I'm running a high dose of test. I do need to workout a decent pinning schedule. I do like the idea of breaking the long esters down to a 4 time a week pin schedule just so I don't find myself thinking "What am I pinning today" Thx for you input bro I'll get it sorted. Don't worry about me doing something stupid lol. I might ask a stupid question now and then or even throw a weird scenario out there to see what others think. For me though if there's any doubt I won't do it. I'm a tread lightly kinda person. Dip my toes in instead of just diving in so we're cool.......

Rustyhooker's picture

Just ran mast e/provi fairly high. It was more than enough to need ai.. Saw palmetto of course.

I frontloaded the mast e first week with eq and second week frontloaded the test. I wanted the mast kicking first.

Your doses on test/mast look nice. Keep your ai on hand as/if needed. We're all different in conversions to estro. I've got no experience in npp.

I used vitamin c to drop any bloat.

Roid Noid's picture

So a few things here, yes starting NPP prior to week 3 will likely result in sides, week 2 with a frontload.

if you take into consideration the NPP by a weekly dose, which is not correct, its to high but as a short ester that leaves the body quickly I think you might get away with this dose.

you dont need to worry much about pinning everyday with this cycle, the NPP is dosed so it can be pinned with a slin pin. basically draw with your drawing pin, pull the plunger out the back on a slin, fill it. put the slin plunger at the hole and flip it upside down, let the air bubble float to top/needle and then push plunger back in. DO NOT TOUCH RUBBER STOPPER WITH ANYTHING. pinning is a dream like this.

Doss's picture

used to one of the accessory shops here carried slin pins without the barrels. never bought them, but almost did once. i assume they are made to use on the standard 3cc barrels.

Roid Noid's picture

that would be sweet! I love slins.

Doss's picture

Shot ya a PM with the accessory shop that has them. They got 27, 29, and 30g pins without the barrel.

Funny thing, I'm in the line at the pharmacy today. I look over and BAM. Right on the shelf: BD 29g, 1/2" insulin needles by the box. They're def out there.

BlackDoug's picture

The NPP dose was derived specifically from this stickie in the bulking part of the thread.
The last dose I ran was exactly half of that. So as far as it being too much I'll have just see how it goes and adjust accordingly. My hope is that everything goes as planned but if I have to back off I'm ok with that. It is what it is and I'd rather use less to get optimum results. This will just be a starting point.
Now this might be a stupid question but I have a single vial of test sust. I was thinking about just chucking it in the trash but I thought maybe I could use it to kick off this cycle. What do you think? Is it something I could use at the beginning of this cycle to start the npp ASAP or is it just a waste of time to even consider it? I know it has short and long esters but I'm not sure if I should try to incorporate it in my cycle. Just a thought!
I have to admit I do not know what you are getting at with the slin pin method of injecting the NPP it's just not registering on how you're explaining it.

Rustyhooker's picture

Frontload the sust.. It'll kick in faster but I'd still take Roids idea with npp.

I ran my sust frontload the first week and biweekly after. It's worked so far for me but in future would like to try the eod pin method.

Roidcalc the long Esters to see the peaks needed to switch into cyp or enanthate.

BlackDoug's picture

This is the answer I was looking for. I'm not saying I think you're consigning anything but you've definitely pointed me in the right direction to find the answers I need. I'll check out that rood calculator ASAP. The most important thing is to do this somewhat seamlessly and try to not have severe fluctuating levels of testosterone and be able to use the NPP as soon as I can to get as much out of this cycle as possible. I've got more homework to do! Thx bro.....

Roid Noid's picture

you are not likely going to achieve any kind of steady blood levels with sust frontload. depending on how much iso, prop, or whatever short ester is in your sust you will need to pin ED-EOD and the end result will be that, in order to get test levels high enough in the beginning you will see even higher levels 2 and 3 weeks later.

what is the MG/MIL and each amount of esters in your bottle of sust? we will talk about this so you have a better understanding.

BlackDoug's picture

I hear ya on the sust. I was just asking because I have this single bottle of sust and was just thinking maybe I could work it in. I have no problem shelving it and possible running a sust only run at a later date. I tend to stay on the cautious side of things but I do like to hear what others think. I get these ideas and simply wonder what others think. It's early in the morning and I'd have to a eek in the bedroom and dig that vial out to be able to tell you what's in it but I can post it later today. It doesn't matter how big you are.... If you wake the beast (wife) for something like that you'll get your damn head bit off LOL.

Anonymous's picture

Thank you^ Sust front load and stable don't belong in the same sentence. Unless you're saying exactly what you did:)

Rustyhooker's picture

Via pm he's asking this for ebc. He's trying to get test levels up quicker so he's not just starting npp into week 4. Figured he could use roidcalc to use the sust to have him up possibly for week 3.

Anonymous's picture

Haha I kinda figured. What's his overall goal? Full all out bulker?

Rustyhooker's picture

Yessir. Up top he stated bulker and he knew ebc was going to be tough. Both you and noid know npp. Keeping it simple should be plenty effective.

Roid Noid's picture

problem is that the short ester is gonna be the least amount in the sust, meaning to get 100mg/prop daily he will have to pin like 200mg/ test-c and probably 200mg/decanate also. you see what im saying? if his sust is


to get enough short ester to handle 75mg NPP/day he will be pinning 1400mg/test-c and 1400mg/decanate for the week.

Rustyhooker's picture

Snaps. That would be rugged to just save one week of potential npp use. More hassle than it's worth.

Roid Noid's picture

yes because the short ester leaves the body so quickly and needs to be constantly replenished while the long ester is just building. mean while he is to try and figure when to start administering the the test-e/c that he has.

Rustyhooker's picture

Completely understand. No buildup and he'll be right into nor issues. Always back to the basics of patience. Thanks for all that info!

Roid Noid's picture

dont touch the rubber stopper like this ding dong did.

BlackDoug's picture

Got it thx

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