tbang8834's picture
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Man Leggings in the gym - Whats the problem???


Not sure if anyone else has had this problem where they workout.

I am 36 very fit male....6 foot 215lbs
So when i do legs or cardio.... I often just wear T-shirt/tank and leggings. I really don't see the problem with this or care what anyone thinks or feels about this. But my deal is this....the gym management staff has come up to me stating that they would recommend me not wearing such revealing attire.

Really? when chicks are allowed booty shorts and sports bra's?

Anyone else encounter this?

princeofallsaiyans's picture

Personally I don't see myself ever wearing them, but idgaf if anyone else does.

ynot's picture

I'm a sweats and t guy. But if you wear leggings I don't see what's the big deal. Maybe your really packing and the managers jealous

kb13992's picture

Do you man and forget what anyone else says!

BufordBlue's picture

youre in the wrong gym. every guy wears them where I am at.

guitarplayer1's picture

There's nothing like wearing pantyhose while crossfitting in the gym. Love the feeling of my junk being pressed against myself and the seam riding up my sphincter.

They abused me at my last gym for this and called me wicked names. I put up a hissy fit then joined David Bartons gym with Elan and Ranoldo across the street.

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stairmaster's picture

I don't care 'bout what other people wear, but slowly the legging hype start to get beyond control. But if YOU feel comfortable in leggings then use them!

Cpt.Marvel's picture

I think everyone should train in comfortable clothes. Beauty should not interfere with comfort. If you're comfortable in leggings - it's your problem. Others may not affect this))) Personally, I like sweatpants. But in "feet day" I prefer shorts.

MarioSmario's picture

I prefer everyone at the gym to be dressed tight and packaged, that way nothing falls out that shouldn't. All kinds of things can fall out of shorts, like pubic hairs. I dislike sleeveless shirts for the same reason. Tell your gym you're being hygienic and considerate of fellow members.

kibby's picture

Sounds like you want everyone to be bald......maybe I should stop sweating also?? Or better yet just not touch anything at all

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richardsmith898989's picture

i would ask the gym if they had the same policy for women wearing leggings, women in sports bras and women in booty shorts. i would also ask if transgendered women are not allowed to wear leggings either, and how they verify that as well. then ask if they are okay with harassing you based solely on your gender.

....of course, thats just me being an asshole...

Musclepants1's picture

Theres a group of kids in the gym I go to who wear these. Always waiting for them to line up and do THE RIVERDANCE!!

Liftheavy's picture

I find it hilarious that some one approached you with concern, if it's a family gym situation I don't blame them. I where leggings on heavy leg days but with short shorts so the outline of my junk isn't an issue. I'd say it made a woman uncomfortable and she botched. Couldnt help herself from staring and made her feel dirty. Not really you problem but that's people for you. Keep rocking them maybe throw some jogging short over them.

DaveRo's picture

hahaha, this thread turned out to be so much funnier than I thought It'd be.
Jokes apart, leggings or spandex ( if that's what you mean ) shouldn't be on a man while in a public gym. Like a user here said, there are just some things that one cannot unsee lol.
Do you at home or your private gym though!

Makwa's picture

Can only wear them in the gym if you are going to spin class.

Dickkhead's picture

Only in a hardcore gym bro. Can't wear spandex in 99% of the soft core gyms.

The Impastable's picture

Strangelanguage's picture

I'm just imaginings jackass, Jonnie Knoxville at the gym throwing his Bonner in everyone's face lmfao

THE_MECHANIC's picture

it's not the leggings bro, it's your semi-hard moose knuckle that you keep waving in everyone's face when you give an unsolicited bench spot. There are just some things you can't unsee.....

No man should wear leggings in the gym, ever

true grit's picture

I just crawled out from under a rock. What the hell are leggings? From all of the comments, I'm guessing it's some kinda man spandex??

Engineereddisaster's picture

Just imagine the most homo workout pants possible.

The Impastable's picture

kibby's picture

hahaha really made me laugh that mate fucking priceless!!!!!

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THE_MECHANIC's picture

lmao, worth a thousand words....

come take it's picture

We had a gym in Afgahnistan on our little fire base and whenever new guys would get there tour I would make sure to be naked and squatting... Wear whatever you want and chest kick someone if they get too close when talking shit

Muffins's picture

This is hilarious. Management even approached you - I'm dying. We need to set you up with a GoGundMe campaign. I'll throw you a few bones to help fund your own in-home squat rack. You can squat ass naked and have no fear.

wanted's picture

Are you the guy that steals and wears womens leggings. Atleast put shorts over the leggings for mankind

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Engineereddisaster's picture

Dearest TBang,
Perhaps it's time for Uncle Ed to sit down and give you a talk.
I know this may be slightly uncomfortable for you to hear but please, for the sake of all decency listen to me. I'm just trying to help.
First things first. Please do not ever tell anyone that you wear leggings ever again. Especially here. It's an online community and when you post something like this it's hard to ever come off as a respectable juicer when you tell us you wear leggings. I for one, am picturing you as Peter Pan on a squat rack.
I would say that there is nothing wrong with that but I'd be lying. Nobody, not even Monster 666's mom wants to see Peter Pan on a squat rack and she has zero standards when it comes to her turn-ons.
So don't ever tell anyone this again. Please.
Second, if gym management is coming up to you and suggesting that you not wear the attire, it is highly likely that many women have complained about how disgusting you look. If it was just a dude complaining then they would just laugh it off. Women making the claims...well, they have to do something about that shit.
So just so you know, even though you may be fit, there are obviously chicks in your gym that think you look disgusting in leggings. That in itself should be enough reason for you to trash the leggings.
I realize life isn't fair and women do get away with wearing revealing attire but that's ok. I like it and I'd be willing to bet that 99% of the bros in here live for that shit.
So I get your argument, but I'm telling you bro, this civil rights war that you are hoping to wage is a losing battle on your end...and I hate to be like this but me and my bros will fight against you every step of the way.
At any rate, lose the leggings. I'm sure they are gross. If you are hell bent on wearing them, maybe look into figure skating or Mexican Professional Wrestling. But pleas bro, leave them home.
It might be good for you to delete this post before others read about your legging situation and are as embarrassed for you as I am.
Hope this helps.
All my love, no homo

tbang8834's picture

Uncle Ed....very well put!....i love it

  1. I will tell anyone that i wear them....bc well they are hella comfortable.....and really don't care who know it, and i love this online communities opinions good or bad....its all good. Would rather be honest..."Bra"

  2. I don't look like or bad in them at all....chicks complaining....idk maybe....its all good either way.....i wear shorts over them all the time now.

You are dead on .....on the life isn't fair........I asked many many chicks why they are uncomfortable with men wearing leggings.....they ALL...ALLLL came down to saying its bc they can't help but look at their junk and it makes them feel awkward....I am like HELLO!!! how do you think GUYS ALL are when fine ass females in tight leggings show their stuff everywhere.........Ima let it rest.....No war here lol....

Thanks Ed.....maybe ill take up WWE

Gymjunkie01's picture

its ok brother I wear leggings everyday almost see through

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Engineereddisaster's picture

TBang...I rest my case.

Gymjunkie01's picture

Just because my camel toe looks like a folded up mattress in my leggings mean nothing so hush Ed

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Catalyst's picture

I'm eating as I read that. I've lost my appetite for some strange reason.

Gymjunkie01's picture


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BigThing's picture


tbang8834's picture

HA ha haha ......prob right....i love it

tbang8834's picture

Really did't think it was a big deal.

  • Tackle box is really not on display....but if you really want to stare....again you can see what you want on a woman as well if you look hard enough

  • I do wear shorts over them 90% of the time.....when i squat or do legs....i like a more sleeker look. Really don't care what it looks like

  • Yup leggings for me....its 2016 also....visit nike or under armour website...you will be amazed!.....there are all sorts of new inventions now lol

Where do you guys live....have you not seen dudes wearing tights?....There is quite a few every gym i have been to

Catalyst's picture

If you're wearing shorts over the top I don't really see the problem :/

Catalyst's picture

People don't want to see men's tackle on display in tight leggings. Either change your attire or you need to move to a "special interest gym".

Goose24's picture

I would look for a gym with the 3rd bathroom option, They shouldn't care.

On a serious note: why not wear gym shorts over the leggings?

Muffins's picture

Is this a new record -101? Props for sticking with account.

BigThing's picture

At least we know he's not a karma whore

BigThing's picture


I guess if you workout somewhere in the middle east

enhanced-man's picture

Do you own basketball shorts?