bigbob's picture
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How to build thigh mass?


I know the obvious of getting stronger on high bar squats, but Im a very back/glute dominate squatter. Anybody have any advice for getting the quads, hams, or adductors to grow? Those seem to give me the most trouble....must be the low androgen receptors ;)

PGA's picture

If you want your legs to look big from the front, you really gotta hammer the quads and the inner thigh muscles. Many people start squatting narrow all the time and build great outer quads, but then their inner thighs end up lacking severely. For a balanced program I recommend training legs twice:

Quad/inner thigh day:
Wide stance barbell squats x4
Narrow stances hack sqats x4
Shoulder width stance leg press x4
Lugues or bulguratin split squats x3
Adductor machine x3

Ham/glute day:

Romanian deadlift x4
Hip thrusts x4
Lying hamstring curl machine x4
Single leg hamstring curl machine x3

professer X's picture

Front squats, high volume high rep leg press and hack squats.. say 3 sets of 15 and 2 sets of 20 to 30 reps but grind em out! No light weight use decent weights and get it in.. also ride a bike 30 min a day......quads will swell up for sure...

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Christophany's picture

I used to be an advocate of higher reps with lighter weights, and I still believe that is a good way to train for people who have existing knee injuries. However, if one is truly using heavy weights, how can they rep 30 out on squats? There are people who are exceptions to the rule--Tom Platz comes to mind. Personally, if I am going heavy on legs, I can get no more than 8-15 reps in.

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Greg's picture

How to build thigh mass?

My wife eats cake.

johnmarshall12's picture


alekaras's picture


bigbob's picture

lol I guess I should've said lean mass

pickle's picture

already mentioned but front squats nail my quads!

giardap's picture

If truly glute cominant, you should practice engagement/activation of the quads before working sets. You familiar how to? Joe Bennett, Ben Pakulski and the likes have some masterful vids on how to do so. I recommend ben Pakulski's method.

Manshit's picture

Ben has some awesome info.His CEP is a modern take on POF training and is very good stuff!

bigbob's picture

Thanks ill check it out, Im a big fan of Ben.

giardap's picture

Brilliant, yeah he is a smart man. While at it, check out his vids (they will be short) on assessing your actual range of motion too. Most people want to do ATG squats or listen to others saying you need to, but never know their actual range of motion (important for safety and sustainability over time). Once you know it, squat within it and if you need or want to, increase the ROM with mobility stuff then reassess later.

All the best man,

Manshit's picture

The hammer strength platform hack squat is the best developer for all aspects of quads.Size,separation and safety all in one.Ass to the platform and watch them grow!

giardap's picture


Apparently Dorian never did squats, simply due to comfort/personal biomechanics. Hack Squats were his thing all the way.

Truth is, it all works.

Christophany's picture

This video of Dorian training with Chris Cormier at Temple Gym says it all -- it's also hilarious! 1:50 is where it starts getting interesting.

Dorian was ahead of his time, that's for sure. He had amazing leg development for a guy who never performed squats!

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Manshit's picture

Dorian believed barbell squats would widen your waist. It’s kind of funny though because I always felt that Dorian had a pretty wide waist. That being said, his quad sweep and quad separation was beautiful!

alekaras's picture

he had a wide waist but it got covered by his mutant lats haha !!

giardap's picture

Yeah well he lost the run of himself at the very end, didnt he?!, but that was when everything changed, switchover from one era to another.
He is a fascinating fella to listen to!

Manshit's picture

Dorian is a fascinating person.His training methods were brutal.He ended up being injured perpetually.The same thing happened to Coleman at the end of his run.Some say the same thing happened to both of them.They left Weider,and their replacement became the new Mr O.That just may be the conspiracy lover in me!
I am not a person blessed with aesthetics,so I have always appreciated the huge guys.Dorian,Nasser,Ronnie Coleman etc...

Manshit's picture

That’s a good answer.A lot of guys are using banding now and swear by the restriction of blood for hyper growth.

Manshit's picture

Arthur Jones was a true believer in dropsets.Single sets to failure.Built Casey Viator and Mike Mentzer using mostly dropsets to failure,and Nautilis equipment for finishing work.One better have his cardio on point because you will lose you stomach!As in the trash can!

Manshit's picture

Arthur Jones was a genius.The natualis cam was invented to beat the strength curve.It worked pretty well.Today guys are using chains and bands to accomplish the same things.
The story of Casey Viator is almost unbelievable except it was documented from start to finish with the detail of a scientific paper.
As far as running out of gas before reaching failure,it’s ok it means you’re human.wind sprints and wind gates will help.

GrowMore's picture

You answered your own question bro.

Deep squats.. the ones your body doesn’t want you to do.. have you screaming by rep 5.. using 1/3 of the usual squat weight .. as deep as that guy at the gym with tree trunks for legs goes down.. those squats bro, they will make your legs explode. Lots of them.

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bigbob's picture

Thanks for the advice! hopefully my wheels will grow more.