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+ 2 Brachiallis pain from deadlifts...


Both of my (I think brachiallis) are on fire after doing higher rep's that outer upper muscle you really connect with during hammer curls.

I use an overhand grip for higher rep deadlifts, and mixed for heavier deads, then straps with an overhand grip again for 1-2 rep max's.

Has anyone ever encountered that before???
Maybe that anadrol done got me too fucking sexy for my own little baby arms..

MrTwitch's picture

I have something similar to this with deadlifts and I found it to be mainly because I have damaged my left hand previously and my grip is rubbish. After a few reps my grip starts to diminish so I start to compensate by jerking the weight more. After a set or 2 I get a real burning sensation there and a struggle to stretch my arm out without it hurting. Wrist straps have definitely helped and I try not to do as many reps now and focus more on a slower and more control rep.

Johnny Bravo's picture

You’re talking about the muscle between the bicep and tricep that adds separation between the two right? A good way to activate it is very slow hammer curls. I’d assume pain from deadlifting would mean you’re accidentally slightly bending your arms too much or you’re trying to almost row the weight with more tension in the arms than the back. I’ve had it before but below the elbow because my elbows were flaring once I got past the knees.

Halsey's picture

I'm thinking something similar, either it's a psychological thing or its his form could be tweaked abit after he's rested these muscles. 500lbs is a fair amount of weight and it will find your weaknesses.

Halsey's picture

That is weird for deadlifts. I've smoked my pecs, traps, all kinds of shit in my up shoulders from deadlifts. Like molin said everybody is different, maybe your biceps were still tight from a previous workout. I alt grip 99% of time myself.

Halsey's picture

Choking my bitch? Lol

Halsey's picture

No need to apologize, I laughed hard!

That's my sense of humor too! I like being a complete fucking goofball myself.