dlcarver's picture
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glp-1 sources


hey guys. im looking for glp-1 (glucagon like peptides: liraglutide, dulaglutide, semaglutide) sources. i cant seem to find any, i live in canada and currently dont have a doctor because mine just retired. so im simply waiting for a new doctor, its out of my hands and walk in clinics will not prescribe this as it is something they would want to monitor long term.

0newheelup's picture

Doc retired whatever... Just say ur wanting this for weight loss.. Work on ur diet, ull see way healthier results. Nothing beats diet, workout, and knowledge on how to make urself healthier..

LZend_'s picture

Hilarious how you are saying this on a PED reviews site. I personally use Semaglutide, there's no health hazards in the literature and in actual case studies, calories in vs calories out is still undebatable, this stuff just helps with appetite, cravings and blood glucose management, all things that will improve your health, especially at higher body fats. I'm glad you were able to achieve results to your discipline, and I commend you for that, but everyone can choose to get on this journey in one way or another, and discouraging them is of no help. Everybody who eventually learns to be disciplined endures various and vastly different tribulations, no reason to bash anyone for it. Great pecs btw

Greg's picture

Try looking here... https://www.eroids.com/rules

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